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George Scripts - right arrow and left arrow wrap-around

Posted: 13 May 2008, 00:53
by Svengali
Attached is a zip file with two short .grg scripts that enhance the left and right arrow keys so that they auto-wrap when viewing frames on the current layer.

Also, another key assignment which uses the NextFrame.grg script to permit wrap-around, multi-frame stamping of custom-brushes.

Included in the zip is a helpfile explaining how to assign the keys (simple).


Re: George Scripts - wrap-around scripts UPDATE

Posted: 16 Jun 2008, 22:59
by Svengali
Inspired by Manuel's script for positioning the playhead in a layer...

Update: In addition to wrapping around in either direction, the NextFrame and PreviousFrame scripts now check if the current frame (playhead position) is outside the layer frame limits. It automatically moves to either the first OR the last actual frame of the layer, depending on if the frame number is outside, to the left (before) or, outside to the right (after). Once in range the playhead wraps around as before.


(thanks Manuel)