Side button erase bug

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Side button erase bug

Post by Satrip »

I often use the side button on stylus (the "right-mouse-click" button) wich let erase the last strokes, but there's a bug with some tools:
when clicking on the side button, it erase when I hover over the tablet (I don't touch the tablet with the nib)

This happens with:
Airbrush-Ink-rotring-oil: when I set a size profil curve which doesn't strart from O.

Watercolor-deform-text: even with RAZ settings

No problem with pencil, special and custom brush.

EDIT: When using the keyboard shortcut "Space" (wich is default shortcut for tool:right mouse click) it works nice!
So I've assigned "Space" to a wacom pad button, but then it doesn't work (I've tried other shortcuts like alt and ctrl+alt on wacom pad they do work).