
Movement and orientation within the Timeline

We will now learn how to orientate and navigate in the Timeline, between images and instances, thanks to the interface, the shorcuts or your mouse or stylus.

First of all, on the Title bar of the Timeline, you can read several indications.

From left to right :

* The name of the clip you are working on.
* The time code of the first and last image of the clip.
* The total clip duration.
* The number of the current layer
* The name of the current layer.
* The time code of the first and last image of the current layer.
* The total duration of the layer.
* The time code of the current image.

The range in number of frames (or in seconds, if you are in Time Code display mode) located at the top of the Timeline offers a global identification system, enabling location of each Layer in relation to the others within the current Project.
The ranges under the frames of a Layer (in number of frames or Time Code) only refer to these Layers.

The white square with two red bars enables you to identify the current image viewed in the window of the current Project.

When you are in an Animation Layer, you can move between the images of this animation using the [←] and [→] arrows on the keyboard.

You may also use the mouse to move inside the Timeline, by clicking on the space-time location of your choice.
By clicking on the frame numbers on top of the Timeline (or at the bottom), your cursor will transform into an horizontal double arrow.
With a left click, you can change the current image.
If you hold left click, you will move in the Timeline to scroll your animation, from left to right, or from right to left.

When you move in the Timeline this way, you will notice that a grey-green bar is moving at the bottom of the project's window. Located under the remote buttons between the workspace and the timeline, between the Mark In and Mark Out options, this navigation bar is synchronous with the Timeline.

Even if this "timeline" is not graduated, the current frame number will still appear at the current position.

You can also click-and-drag directly in this zone to scroll in your animation :

If you use the left mouse button, you change the image. If you use the right mouse button, you return automatically to the original image when releasing the button.