
Instructions and Commands

George needs classical instruction to structure the scripts: tests, loops, computation, conditional events, etc… For a better readability, all the instructions will be written in green in this manual.

For example :
If, Else, End, For, Do, Until, While, … for conditionals tests
Cos, Sin, Tan, Rnd, … for computations

You can also call in your scripts TVPaint Animation commands, which call specific tools of the software.

They can be differentiated from the classical George instruction because they all begin with the tv_ prefix. (They will be written in blue color)
For instance :
* The command tv_LayerCreate allows you to create a new layer.
* The command tv_SaveBrushAnim saves the current brush on the hard drive.
* It is possible to change the colors of the bin tab thanks to the tv_SetPalette command
* Etc… (You will find in appendix the complete instruction and command listings of the George Language.)

All TVPaint Animation commands need their own arguments and return some values as answer.
For example, the tv_LayerCreate command needs a name for the layer that you want to create.
This command returns some information regarding your layer: opacity, number of pictures, place of the timeline,… So you can reuse or modify them.

It would be too long to enumerate here the arguments and the return values of each George command. All those parameters are fully explained in the developper kit (SDK) of TVPaint Animation. The SDK is available on demand through our contact form

Make sure to differentiate George instructions (which often start with a sharp : #) and George commands for TVP Animation (which always start with the tv_ prefix).
The commands act on the software itself and on your current display whereas George instructions are used to write the structure of the program (conditionals, computations, loops, ...)

Since approximatively 10 years, all the softwares using the TVPaint technology offers a scripting language.
Here are some informations regarding the compatibility between those scripting language : If you upgraded to TVP Animation, your old scripts should still work.
However, some recent commands (for instance: tv_AddBookmarks) are not available in older products using the TVPaint Technology. (Aura, Mirage,…)

List of all commands

Here is the exhaustive list of all commands in george.

About the syntax:
* parameter between quotes (like "lower") represents a string and should be used as is.
* parameter starting with 'i' (like iSize) represents an input variable (or a real value like int, double, ...)
* parameter(s) between brackets (like [iSize]) represents an optional parameter and may be omitted
* a dash between 2 values (like 1-100) represents a range and the value must be between the limits
* pipe (|) between parameters represents a selection and only one must be used
* parameter followed by three dots (like ...) may represent multiple repeated values or an array of values or a complex parameter (it depends of the command)

tv_camerainfo [iWidth iHeight [0|1|2|"none"|"lower"|"upper" [iFrameRate [iPixelAspectRatio]]]] tv_cameraenumpoints iIndex tv_camerapath ["mode" 0|1|2] ["profile" '"'iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["motionblur" 0.0-1.0] ["lockall" 0|1] ["lockx" 0|1] ["locky" 0|1] ["lockangle" 0|1] ["lockscale" 0|1] tv_camerainterpolation 0.0-1.0 tv_camerainsertpoint iIndex iX iY iAngle iScale tv_cameraremovepoint iIndex tv_camerasetpoint iIndex iX iY iAngle iScale tv_clipboardsize tv_brushfromclipboard tv_imagefromclipboard tv_brushtoclipboard tv_imagetoclipboard tv_setcolor iPosition [0|1] tv_setpalette iPosition iR iG iB tv_getpalette iPosition iCount tv_getapen tv_getapen "rgb" tv_getapen "hsl" tv_getbpen tv_getbpen "rgb" tv_getbpen "hsl" tv_setapen iR iG iB [iA] tv_setapen "rgb" iR iG iB tv_setapen "hsl" iH iS iL tv_setbpen iR iG iB [iA] tv_setbpen "rgb" iR iG iB tv_setbpen "hsl" iH iS iL tv_densityx iX iY tv_densityy iX iY tv_densitylinex iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 tv_densityliney iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 tv_rangegrab iPosition tv_rangeset Position iR iG iB iA tv_rangenoise Noise tv_rangeclear tv_getdisplay iX iY tv_display "stencil" ["on"|"off"] tv_display "stencilcolor" [iR iG iB iA] tv_display "pixelinterpolation" iZoomThreshold tv_display "zoom" [iZoom] tv_display "layerattenuation" [0|1|"on"|"off"|"toggle"] ["value" 0-100] tv_display [0|1|"all"|"current"] tv_ghostline 0|1 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 tv_lockcacheflush tv_unlockcacheflush tv_recorder "start"|"mode" ["layer"|"display"] tv_recorder "pause"|"resume"|"unpause"|"continue"|"stop"|"save" tv_healingsource ["current"|"before"|"after"|"display"|"paper"|"spare" [iOffsetX iOffsetY]] tv_airbrush ["toolmode"] "backup" tv_airbrush ["toolmode"] [iSize] ["reset"] ["mode" iDrawingMode] ["saveprofile" iPath] ["profile" '"'iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["loadprofile" iPath] ["size" iSize] ["power" 1-100] ["opacity" 1-100] ["aspect" 1-100] ["angle" iAngle] ["step" iStep] ["dry" 0|1] ["gradient" 0|1] ["csize" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cpower" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cangle" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["caspect" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] tv_airpower ["toolmode"] iPower tv_penbrush ["toolmode"] "backup" tv_penbrush ["toolmode"] [iSize] ["reset"] ["mode" iDrawingMode] ["size" iSize] ["power" 1-100] ["opacity" 1-100] ["dry" 0|1] ["aaliasing" 0|1] ["gradient" 0|1] ["csize" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cpower" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] tv_propelling ["toolmode"] "backup" tv_propelling ["toolmode"] ["reset"] ["mode" iDrawingMode] ["power" 1-100] ["opacity" 1-100] ["dry" 0|1] ["aaliasing" 0|1] ["gradient" 0|1] ["cpower" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] tv_pointpower iPower tv_oilbrush ["toolmode"] "backup" tv_oilbrush ["toolmode"] [iSize] ["reset"] ["grain" 0.0-3.0] ["mode" iDrawingMode] ["saveprofile" iPath] ["profile" '"'iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["loadprofile" iPath] ["size" iSize] ["power" 1-100] ["opacity" 1-100] ["light" 0.0-500.0] ["aspect" 1-100] ["angle" iAngle] ["step" iStep] ["dry" 0|1] ["csize" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cpower" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cangle" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["caspect" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] tv_pencil ["toolmode"] "backup" tv_pencil ["toolmode"] [iSize] ["reset"] ["mode" iDrawingMode] ["saveprofile" iPath] ["profile" '"'iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["loadprofile" iPath] ["size" iSize] ["power" 1-100] ["opacity" 1-100] ["aspect" 1-100] ["angle" iAngle] ["step" iStep] ["dry" 0|1] ["gradient" 0|1] ["grain" 0|1] ["csize" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cpower" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cangle" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["caspect" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] tv_wetbrush ["toolmode"] "backup" tv_wetbrush ["toolmode"] [iSize] ["reset"] ["mode" iDrawingMode] ["saveprofile" iPath] ["profile" '"'iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["loadprofile" iPath] ["size" iSize] ["power" 1-100] ["opacity" 1-100] ["aspect" 1-100] ["angle" iAngle] ["step" iStep] ["dry" 0|1] ["gradient" 0|1] ["csize" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cpower" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cangle" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["caspect" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] tv_eraserbrush ["toolmode"] "backup" tv_eraserbrush ["toolmode"] [iSize] ["reset"] ["mode" iDrawingMode] ["saveprofile" iPath] ["profile" '"'iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["loadprofile" iPath] ["size" iSize] ["power" 1-100] ["opacity" 1-100] ["aspect" 1-100] ["angle" iAngle] ["step" iStep] ["dry" 0|1] ["csize" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cpower" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cangle" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["caspect" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] tv_speedfilleraser ["toolmode"] "backup" tv_speedfilleraser ["toolmode"] [iSize] ["reset"] ["mode" iDrawingMode] ["size" iSize] tv_speedfillbrush ["toolmode"] "backup" tv_speedfillbrush ["toolmode"] [iSize] ["reset"] ["mode" iDrawingMode] ["size" iSize] ["exclude" 0|1] tv_specialbrush ["toolmode"] "backup" tv_specialbrush ["toolmode"] [iSize] ["reset"] ["mode" iDrawingMode] ["saveprofile" iPath] ["profile" '"'iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["loadprofile" iPath] ["size" iSize] ["power" 1-100] ["opacity" 1-100] ["aspect" 1-100] ["angle" iAngle] ["step" iStep] ["dry" 0|1] ["csize" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cpower" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cangle" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["caspect" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] tv_texttool2 ["toolmode"] "backup" tv_texttool2 ["toolmode"] ["reset"] ["mode" iDrawingMode] ["size" iSize] ["vertical" 0|1] ["power" [1-100|"off"]] ["opacity" [1-100|"off"]] ["outline" [iOutline|"off"]] ["smooth" [iSmooth|"off"]] ["border" [iBorder|"off"]] ["letter" [0|1]] ["border_col" [iR iG iB]] ["glow_col" [iR iG iB]] ["glow" [iGlow|"off"]] ["scale" [iScale|"off"]] ["space" [iSpace|"off"]] ["angle" [iAngle|"off"]] ["italic" [iItalic|"off"]] ["track" [iTrack|"off"]] ["step" [iStep|"off"]] ["font" [iFontName]] ["style" [iStyleName]] ["script" [iSscriptName]] ["text" [iTtext]] ["anim" ["once"|"loop"|"ping-pong"|"random"]] ["csize" ['"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"']] ["cscale" ['"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"']] ["cspace" ['"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"']] ["ctrack" ['"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"']] ["coutline" ['"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"']] ["csmooth" ['"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"']] ["citalic" ['"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"']] ["copacity" ['"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"']] ["crotate" ['"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"']] tv_vfgetfont iPosition tv_vfgetstyle iFontPosition iStylePosition tv_vfgetscript iFontPosition iScriptPosition tv_textbrush iText tv_vfsetfont iName tv_vfstringsize iText tv_vfrotate [iAngle] tv_vfsize [iSize] tv_vfspace [iSpace] tv_vfitalic [iItalic] tv_vfscale [iXScale] tv_vftracking [iTracking] tv_vfoutline [iOutline] tv_vfborder [iBorder] tv_vfsmooth [iSmooth] tv_vfglow [iGlow] tv_vfglowcolor [iR iG iB] tv_vfbordercolor [iR iG iB] tv_brushrestore ["toolmode"] "backup" tv_brushrestore ["toolmode"] ["reset"] ["mode" iDrawingMode] ["optimizesource"] ["preload"] ["wetprofile" "iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn"] ["position" iImage] ["width" iWidth] ["height" iHeight] ["step" iStep] ["opacity" 1.0-100.0] ["size" 1.0-2000.0] ["smear" 1.0-100.0] ["shift" 1.0-100.0] ["jitter" iJitter] ["angle" iAngle] ["stamp" 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7] ["origine" iX iY] ["handle" iX iY] ["rotate" iRotate] ["flip_x" 0|1] ["flip_y" 0|1] ["optimize" 0|1] ["opaque" 0|1] ["screenwrap" 0|1] ["projection" 0|1] ["border_color" iR iG iB] ["border" iBorder] ["dry" 0|1] ["subpixel" 0|1|2|3] ["copacity" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["csize" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cjitter" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cshift" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["csmear" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cangle" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["anim" iAnimation] ["animinvert" 0|1] tv_brushinfo tv_brushpower ["toolmode"] iOpacity tv_brushstretch ["toolmode"] iWidth iHeight tv_brushrotate ["toolmode"] iX iY tv_brushoutline ["toolmode"] tv_flipx ["toolmode"] tv_flipy ["toolmode"] tv_handle iX iY tv_systextbrush iText tv_dot ["toolmode"] iX iY 0|1 tv_zdot iX iY 0|1 iPressure [0|1] tv_line iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 0|1 [0|1] tv_zline iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 0|1 iPressure1 iPressure2 [0|1] tv_zspline iX1 iY1 iX iY iX2 iY2 0|1 iPressure1 iPressure iPressure2 [0|1] tv_fastline iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 iR iG iB iA tv_circle iCenterX iCenterY iRadius [0|1] tv_ellipse iCenterX iCenterY iRadiusA iRadiusB [0|1 [iAngle]] tv_rect iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 [0|1] tv_areainit ["toolmode"] [...] tv_areamove iX iY tv_areadraw [iVX1 iVY1 [0 iVX2 iVY2]] tv_areagradientvector iVX1 iVY1 iVX2 iVY2 tv_circlefill ["toolmode"] iCenterX iCenterY iRadius [iVX2 iVY2 [0|1]] tv_ellipsefill ["toolmode"] iCenterX iCenterY iRadiusA iRadiusB [[iVX2 iVY2 [0|1]] iAngle] tv_fill ["toolmode"] iX1 iY1 [iVX2 iVY2 [0|1]] tv_rectfill ["toolmode"] iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 [iVX2 iVY2 [0|1]] tv_getactiveshape tv_setactiveshape iShape [...] tv_reapply tv_drawsmoothing [0|1 [0|1 [iValue [0|1 ["average"|"pulledstring"|"averagepoints" [0|1]]]]]] tv_selectshapetool tv_custommode iR1 iG1 iB1 iA1 iK1 iR2 iG2 iB2 iA2 iK2 iR3 iG3 iB3 iA3 iK3 iR4 iG4 iB4 iA4 iK4 [0|1] tv_getdrawmode tv_setdrawmode iDrawingModeIndex|iDrawingMode tv_getactivetool ["force"] tv_brushcut ["toolmode"] iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 0|1 -1|0|1 -1|0|1 0|1 tv_brushpoly ["toolmode"] 0|1 -1|0|1 -1|0|1 0|1 tv_no_cutbrushtool ["reset"] ["smooth" 0-100] ["aaliasing" 0|1] ["keep" 0|1] ["subpixel" 0|1|2|3] ["optimize" 0|1] ["display" 0|1] tv_no_croptool [iX [iY [iW [iH 0|1]]]] tv_no_selecttool "backup" tv_no_selecttool ["mode" "add"|"sub"|"replace"] ["smooth" iSmooth] ["aaliasing" 0|1] ["gap" 0-25] ["contiguous" 0|1] ["expand" -50-50] ["range" 0-255] ["floodmode" 0|1|2|3|4] ["display" 0|1] tv_no_filltool "backup" tv_no_filltool ["reset"] ["mode" iDrawingMode] ["vector" iX0 iY0 iX1 iY1] ["aaliasing" 0|1] ["includelines" 0|1] ["map_fill" 0|1|"on"|"off"] ["map_xbrush" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"wrap"|"stretch"|"tile"] ["map_ybrush" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"wrap"|"stretch"|"tile"] ["map_gradient" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"linear"|"circle"|"center"|"radial"|"square"] ["map_xopacity" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"max"|"part"|"center"|"vect"] ["map_yopacity" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"max"|"part"|"center"|"vect"] ["opacity" 1.0-100.0] ["contiguous" 0|1] ["gap" 0-25] ["expand" -50-50] ["range" 1-255] ["src" 0|1|2|3] ["autopickcolor" 0|1] ["fillinside" 0|1] ["fill" 0|1|2|3|4] ["smooth" iSmooth] ["floodboundary" 0|1] ["boundaryexpand" iBoundaryExpand] ["boundaryrange" 1-255] ["boundarycolor" "rgb[a]" iR iG iB [iA] ["boundarycoloractivated" 0|1]] ... tv_selectionmask ["action" "clear"|"invert"|"copy2layer"|"cut2layer"|"copy2brush"|"cut2brush"] ... tv_connexionsettings ["fade" iFade] ["orientation" iOrientation] ["direction" iDirection] tv_rangeon ["toolmode"] tv_rangeoff ["toolmode"] tv_rangec ["toolmode"] tv_rangev ["toolmode"] tv_wrapx ["toolmode"] [0|1] tv_wrapy ["toolmode"] [0|1] tv_smoothedge iSmooth tv_densityon ["toolmode"] tv_densityoff ["toolmode"] tv_densitymodex "clear"|"none"|"on"|"max"|"part"|"center"|"vect" tv_densitymodey "clear"|"none"|"on"|"max"|"part"|"center"|"vect" tv_fileinfo iPath tv_loadkeymap ipath tv_savekeymap ipath tv_getpath ["home"|"temp"|"plugin"|"george"|"config"] tv_gethostpath tv_gettemppath tv_copytoconfig iSrc iDst tv_readtextfile iIndex iFolder tv_readtextfile iIndexLine iFile tv_writetextfile "askuser" [iText] tv_writetextfile ["strict"] "exists" iPath tv_writetextfile ["strict"] "mkdir" iFolder tv_writetextfile ["strict"] "remove" iPath tv_writetextfile ["strict"] ["encoding" "native"|"utf8"] "create" iFile iLine tv_writetextfile ["strict"] ["encoding" "native"|"utf8"] "append" iFile iLine tv_savemode tv_savemode "psd"|"deep"|"tiff"|"rtv"|"qt"|"dps"|"sun"|"cin"|"dpx"|"vpb" tv_savemode "jpeg" [1-100] tv_savemode "avi" ["rgb"|"rgba"|"mjpg"|"yuv" [iCompression]] tv_savemode "tga" [0|1] tv_savemode "png"|"bmp"|"gif"|"pcx"|"flc"|"ilbm" ["b24"|"b32"|"global"|"local"|"fix"|"user"] ["dither"|"nodither"|"mat"] [iNumColor] tv_alphaloadmode ["premultiply"|"nopremultiply"|"noalpha"|"alphaonly"|"guess"] tv_alphasavemode ["premultiply"|"nopremultiply"|"noalpha"|"alphaonly"|"alphabinary"|"guess"] tv_loadbrush iPath tv_savebrush iPath tv_loadbrushanim iPath [iStart iCount] ["preload"] ["timestretch"] tv_savebrushanim iPath tv_loadpalette iPath tv_savepalette iPath tv_loadproject iPath ["silent" 0|1|"on"|"off"] tv_saveproject iPath tv_projectsavesequence iPath ["camera"] [iStart iStop] tv_loadsequence iPath [iStart iCount] ["lower"|"upper"] ["stretch"] ["timestretch"] ["preload"] tv_savesequence iPath [iMarkIn iMarkOut] tv_loadimage iPath ["stretch"] tv_saveimage iPath tv_loadspare iPath tv_savedisplay iPath tv_saveclip iPath tv_clipsavestructure iPath "PSD" "mode" "all" tv_clipsavestructure iPath "PSD" "image" iImage tv_clipsavestructure iPath "PSD" ["markin" iMarkIn] ["markout" iMarkOut] tv_clipsavestructure iPath "CSV" ["allimages" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"] ["exposurelabel" iLabel] tv_clipsavestructure iPath "Flix" "image" iImage ["parametersimport" iParameterImport] ["parametersfile" iParameterFile] ["send" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"] ["originalfile" iTVPPFile] tv_clipsavestructure iPath "Flix" ["markin" iMarkIn] ["markout" iMarkOut] ["parametersimport" iParameterImport] ["parametersfile" iParameterFile] ["send" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"] ["originalfile" iTVPPFile] tv_clipsavestructure iPath "JSON" ["fileformat" iFileFormat] ["background" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"] ["patternfolder" iPatternFolder] ["patternfile" iPatternFile] ["onlyvisiblelayers" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"] ["allimages" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"] ["ignoreduplicateimages" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"] ["excludenames" iExcludeNames] tv_clipsavestructure iPath "sprite" ["layout" "rectangle"|"horizontal"|"vertical"|"diagonal"|"antidiagonal"] ["space" iSpace] tv_flipsadd "basic"|"forwardbackward"|"manually" tv_flipsmodify iId ["name" iName] ["loop" 0|1] ["outofpegs" 0|1] ["limittype" "none"|"clip"|"layer"|"bookmarks"|"imagemarks"|"markinout"|"custom"] ["limitleft" iCustomLimitLeft] ["limitright" iCustomLimitRight] ["limitmarks" "all"|iColorIndex] ["keystype" "all"|"instances"|"bookmarks"|"imagemarks"] ["keymarks" "all"|( iColorIndex1 iColorIndex2 ... iColorIndexn )] ["fps" iFPS] ["step" iStep] ["comebacktoorigin" 0|1] ["direction" "horizontal"|"vertical"] tv_flipsremove tv_flipsenum iPosition tv_stackopen tv_stackclose tv_stackaddtobin iFile tv_stackaddtobin iFolder tv_stackload iFile tv_stackloadbin iBinName tv_stacksavebin iBinName tv_stacksave iFile tv_stackapply ["currentlayer"|"currentgroup"|"alllayers"] ["currentframe"|"allframes"] tv_stackclear tv_stackexecute iFile tv_stackexecutebin iBinName tv_stackpreview 0|1 tv_bump iAngle iPower iSmooth tv_convolve33 iM11 iM12 iM13 iM21 iM22 iM23 iM31 iM32 iM33 tv_convolve55 iM11 iM12 iM13 iM14 iM15 iM21 iM22 iM23 iM24 iM25 iM31 iM32 iM33 iM34 iM35 iM41 iM42 iM43 iM44 iM45 iM51 iM52 iM53 iM54 iM55 tv_fixmotion tv_mosaic iWidth iHeight 0|1 tv_noise iShift iIntensity tv_panning iX iY 0|1 0|2 tv_pantoset iX iY tv_shadow iAngle iDistance iPower iSmooth iR iG iB tv_perswrap iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 iX3 iY3 iX4 iY4 0|1 tv_smooth iSmooth tv_smoothdensity iSmooth tv_tornado iCenterX iCenterY iRadius iAngle tv_wave iCenterX iCenterY iRadius iNumber iAmplitude iAngle tv_gblur iBlurX iBlurY tv_speed 1|2|3|4 iPower 0-100 tv_blend tv_crazyblur 1|2|3|4|5|6|7 iRadius tv_colorfactory iInit iInitLoop iLoop tv_pixelmatrix iR1 iG1 iB1 iA1 iK1 iR2 iG2 iB2 iA2 iK2 iR3 iG3 iB3 iA3 iK3 iR4 iG4 iB4 iA4 iK4 [0|1] tv_strokesize tv_strokepoint iImage tv_guidelineadd "image" ["path" iPath] ["x" iX] ["y" iY] ["rotation" iAngle] ["scale" iScale] ["flip" "x"|"y"|"xy"] ["alphamode" "premultiply"|"nopremultiply"] tv_guidelineadd "line" ["x" iX] ["y" iY] ["angle" iAngle] tv_guidelineadd "segment" ["x1" iX1] ["y1" iY1] ["x2" iX2] ["y2" iY2] tv_guidelineadd "circle" ["x" iX] ["y" iY] ["radius" iRadius] tv_guidelineadd "ellipse" ["x" iX] ["y" iY] ["radiusa" iRadiuAs] ["radiusb" iRadiusB] tv_guidelineadd "grid" ["x" iX] ["y" iY] ["w" iWidth] ["h" iHeight] tv_guidelineadd "marks" ["countx" iCountX] ["county" iCountY] tv_guidelineadd "fieldchart" tv_guidelineadd "animatorfield" tv_guidelineadd "safearea" ["out" iOut] ["in" iIn] tv_guidelineadd "vanishpoint1" ["x" iX] ["y" iY] ["grid" 0|1|"on"|"off"] tv_guidelineadd "vanishpoint2" ["x1" iX1] ["y1" iY1] ["x2" iX2] ["y2" iY2] tv_guidelineadd "vanishpoint3" ["x1" iX1] ["y1" iY1] ["x2" iX2] ["y2" iY2] ["x3" iX3] ["y3" iY3] tv_guidelinemodify iPosition ["path" iPath] ["x" iX] ["y" iY] ["rotation" iAngle] ["scale" iScale] ["flip" "x"|"y"|"xy"] tv_guidelinemodify iPosition ["x" iX] ["y" iY] ["angle" iAngle] tv_guidelinemodify iPosition ["x1" iX1] ["y1" iY1] ["x2" iX2] ["y2" iY2] tv_guidelinemodify iPosition ["x" iX] ["y" iY] ["radius" iRadius] tv_guidelinemodify iPosition ["x" iX] ["y" iY] ["radiusa" iRadiuAs] ["radiusb" iRadiusB] tv_guidelinemodify iPosition ["x" iX] ["y" iY] ["w" iWidth] ["h" iHeight] tv_guidelinemodify iPosition ["countx" iCountX] ["county" iCountY] tv_guidelinemodify iPosition ["out" iOut] ["in" iIn] tv_guidelinemodify iPosition ["x" iX] ["y" iY] ["ray" iRay] ["grid" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"toggle"] tv_guidelinemodify iPosition ["x1" iX1] ["y1" iY1] ["x2" iX2] ["y2" iY2] ["ray" iRay] tv_guidelinemodify iPosition ["x1" iX1] ["y1" iY1] ["x2" iX2] ["y2" iY2] ["x3" iX3] ["y3" iY3] ["ray" iRay] tv_guidelineremove "all"|iGuidelineType|iPosition tv_guidelineenum iPosition iGuidelineType tv_guidelinename iPosition [iName] tv_guidelinevisible "global"|iPosition [0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle"] tv_guidelinevisible "all"|iGuidelineType 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle" tv_guidelinesnap "global"|iPosition [0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle"] tv_guidelinesnap "all"|iGuidelineType 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle" tv_guidelinecollapse iPosition [0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle"] tv_guidelinecollapse "all"|iGuidelineType 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle" tv_guidelinemarge iPosition [iMarge] tv_guidelinemarge "all"|iGuidelineType iMarge tv_guidelinecolor iPosition [iR iG iB iA] tv_guidelinecolor "all"|iGuidelineType iR iG iB iA tv_guidelineassist [iPosition] tv_guidelineassist -1|"none" tv_guidelineassist "previous"|"next" [iGuidelineType] tv_piccolor tv_host2front tv_host2back tv_gauge "on"|"off" tv_lockdisplay [iText] tv_lockdisplay "quiet" tv_unlockdisplay tv_lockmouse iMouse tv_unlockmouse tv_lockuser tv_unlockuser tv_resetdisplay tv_menushow tv_menushow ["current"] "showui"|"hideui" tv_menushow ["current"] "resizeui" iX iY iWidth iHeight tv_menushow ["current"] "centerdisplay" tv_menushow ["current"] "fitdisplay" tv_menushow ["current"] "front"|"back" tv_menushow ["current"] "aspectratio" 0|1 tv_menushow "clip"|"project"|"xsheet" tv_menushow "notes" tv_menuhide tv_listrequest "iEntries1|iEntries2|...|iEntriesn" tv_reqfile "[<|>] iTitle|iPath|iName|iExtension" tv_reqnum iValue iMin iMax iTitle tv_reqangle iValue iMin iMax iTitle tv_reqfloat iValue iMin iMax iTitle tv_reqstring ["multiline"] ["iTitle|iValue"] tv_request "iText|[iYes|[iNo]]" tv_warn iText tv_libraryimageadd "type" "folder" "name" iName "parent" iId tv_libraryimageadd "type" "image" "name" iName "parent" iId "source" "file" "path" iPathFile tv_libraryimageadd "type" "image" "name" iName "parent" iId "source" "currentlayerimage"|"display"|"custombrush" tv_libraryimagelist "id" iId ["type" "folder"|"image"|"both"] tv_libraryimageinfo "id" iId|iPath ["type" "id"|"type"|"name"] tv_libraryimagemodify "id" iId ["type" iName] tv_libraryimageremove "id" iId tv_libraryimagecopy "id" iId tv_libraryimagepaste "parent" iId ["mode" "copy"|"cut"] tv_lighttablemode ["value" iIndex iOpacity] ... ["interval" "instance"|"image"|"bookmark"|"imagemark"] ["imagemarkcolor" iIndex] ["blendmode" "front"|"back"] ["modeprev" "image"|"color"|"range"|"tint"] ["modeprevcolor" iR iG iB] ["modeprevrange" iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB] ["modeprevtint" iR iG iB] ["modenext" "image"|"color"|"range"|"tint"] ["modenextcolor" iR iG iB] ["modenextrange" iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB] ["modenexttint" iR iG iB] ["density" 0-100] ["active" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"toggle"] ["oopantialiasing" 0|1] ["ooplinkall" 0|1] ["ooppegsbarbar" "none"|"3c"|"2s1c1"|"2s1c2"|"2s1c3"] ["ooppegsbarposition" "top"|"bottom"] ["oopvaluecurrent" iIndex] ( ["oopvalueactivate" iIndex 0|1] ["oopvalueposition" iIndex iX iY] ["oopvalueangle" iIndex iAngle] ["oopvaluescale" iIndex iScale] ) ... tv_nop [...] tv_quit tv_waitbutton tv_getmodifiers tv_getmouse tv_getuser tv_serialnumber tv_getlanguage tv_version ["computeros"|"computername"|"username"|"computerlanguage"|"history"] tv_infobar iText tv_beep tv_cmd ["image"|"selection"|"heads"|"exposures"|"layerheads"|"layer"] iCommand tv_filter iFileName iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 [iParameters] tv_runscript iFile tv_plugin iFile "mount"|"open"|"cmd"|"exec"|"about" [iParameters] tv_readuserstring iSection iName iDefault tv_writeuserstring iSection iName iText tv_readclipstring iSection iName iDefault tv_writeclipstring iSection iName iText tv_readprojectstring iSection iName iDefault tv_writeprojectstring iSection iName iText tv_stylusonly [0|1|"toggle"] tv_tcmode ["frame"|"timecode"] tv_layershowthumbnails iLayerId 0|1 tv_rngint iX iY tv_rngdouble iX iY tv_paperenum iIndex tv_paper ["active" 0|1] ["offsetx" iOffsetX] ["offsety" iOffsetY] ["flipx" 0|1] ["flipy" 0|1] ["hardness" iHardness] ["invert" 0|1] ["size" iSize] ["angle" iAngle] ["name" iName] tv_paperinfo tv_paperfrombrush iName tv_pegholesset ["w" iWidth] ["h" iHeight] ["c1" iCenterX1 iCenterY1] ["c2" iCenterX2 iCenterY2] ["sw" iWidth] ["sh" iHeight] ["so1" iOffsetX1 iOffsetY1] ["so2" iOffsetX2 iOffsetY2] tv_pegholesapply tv_spareswap tv_sparekill tv_sparecopy tv_sparetofront tv_sparetoback tv_spareadddensity tv_sparesubdensity tv_clipnew iName tv_clipduplicate iClipId tv_clipselect iClipId tv_clipclose iClipId tv_clipmove iClipId iDstSceneId iDstPosition tv_clipname [iClipId [iName]] tv_clipcolor [iClipId [iColorIndex]] tv_cliphidden [iClipId [0|1]] tv_clipselection iClipId [0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle"] tv_clipaction iClipId [iAction] tv_clipdialog iClipId [iDialog] tv_clipnote iClipId [iNote] tv_background "color" [iR iG iB] tv_background "check" [iR iG iB iR iG iB] tv_background "color" tv_clipcurrentid tv_clipenumid iSceneId iClipPosition tv_clipinfo [iClipId] tv_bookmarksenum iPosition tv_bookmarkset iImage tv_bookmarkclear iImage tv_bookmarktoggle iImage tv_bookmarknext tv_bookmarkprev tv_firstimage tv_lastimage tv_layerimage iImage tv_getfield tv_startframe [iStartFrame] tv_getwidth tv_getheight tv_ratio tv_layergetimage tv_notetext 0|1|2|3 iX iY iText tv_noterect 0|1|2|3 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 tv_noteblitimage iX iY iPath tv_notelock [0|1|"on"|"off"|"lock"|"unlock"|"toggle"] tv_soundclipinfo iClipId iTrackIndex tv_soundclipreload iClipId [iTrackIndex] tv_soundclipnew iPath tv_soundclipadjust iTrackIndex [0|1 [iVolume [iOffset [iFadeInStart iFadeInStop iFadeOutStart iFadeOutStop [iColorIndex]]]]] tv_soundclipremove [iTrackIndex] tv_clear [0|1] tv_layerhold tv_layerfetch tv_imagepop tv_imagepush tv_fieldcopy 0|1 tv_fielddouble 0|1 tv_text iX iY 0|1 iText tv_getpixellayer ["brush"|"spare"|"undo"] iX iY tv_getpixel iX iY tv_writepixel iX iY iR iG iB iA tv_imagegetbound ["format" "xyxy"|"xywh"] tv_flipimagey tv_flipimagex tv_instancename iLayerId "mode" "all" ["prefix" iPrefix] tv_instancename iLayerId "mode" "smart" ["prefix" iPrefix] ["suffix" iSuffix] ["process" "empty"|"number"|"text"] ... tv_instancesetname iLayerId iFrame iName tv_instancegetname iLayerId iFrame tv_exposureinfo iFrame tv_exposurefauxfixe iFrame iRepeatCount tv_exposurenext tv_exposureprev tv_exposurebreak iFrame tv_exposureadd iFrame iCount tv_exposureset iFrame iCount tv_layerinfo [iLayerId] tv_layercurrentid tv_layergetid iLayerPosition tv_layergetpos [iLayerId] tv_layercreate iName tv_layerduplicate iNewName tv_layermove iPosition tv_layerkill [iLayerId] tv_layerrename iLayerId iName tv_layeranim tv_layerset iLayerId tv_layermerge iLayerId [iBlendingMode] ["stamp"] ["erase"] ["keepcolorgroup" 0|1] ["keepimagemark" 0|1] ["keepinstancename" 0|1] tv_layermergeall ["keepcolorgroup" 0|1] ["keepimagemark" 0|1] ["keepinstancename" 0|1] tv_layercopy tv_layercut tv_layerpaste tv_layerinsertimage [0|1] tv_layerinsertimage ["count" iCount] ["direction" "before"|"after"] tv_layercompareimage iLayerId1 iImage1 iLayerId2 iImage2 tv_layerrecomputeexposure [iLayerId [iStart iStop iThreshold]] tv_layerinvert tv_layershift iLayerId iStartFrame tv_layerstretch iLayerId "start"|"end" iSize "timestretch"|"cut"|"last"|"loop"|"pingpong"|"clear"|"fast"|"exposure" tv_layermarkget iLayerId iFrame tv_layermarkset iLayerId iFrame iMark tv_layerloaddependencies [iLayerId] tv_layerdensity 0-100 tv_layerdisplay [iLayerId [0|1|"on"|"off"|"toggle"]] tv_layerdisplay iLayerId "lighttable" [0|1|"on"|"off"] tv_layerlock [iLayerId [0|1|"on"|"off"|"lock"|"unlock"|"toggle"]] tv_layercollapse iLayerId [0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle"] tv_layerblendingmode [iLayerId [iDrawingMode]] tv_layerstencil [iLayerId ["on"|"off"] ["normal"|"invert"]] tv_layerprebehavior iLayerId ["none"|"repeat"|"pingpong"|"hold"] tv_layerpostbehavior iLayerId ["none"|"repeat"|"pingpong"|"hold"] tv_layerautobreakinstance iLayerId [0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle"] tv_layerautocreateinstance iLayerId [0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle"] tv_layerlockposition [iLayerId [0|1|"on"|"off"]] tv_preserve ["alpha" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"none"|-1|"toggle"] tv_layercolor "getcolor" iClipId iColorIndex tv_layercolor "setcolor" iClipId iColorIndex iR iG iB [iName] tv_layercolor "get" [iLayerId] tv_layercolor "set" iLayerId iColorIndex tv_layercolor "lock" iColorIndex tv_layercolor "unlock" iColorIndex tv_layercolor "show" "display"|"timeline" iColorIndex tv_layercolor "hide" "display"|"timeline" iColorIndex tv_layercolor "visible" iColorIndex tv_layercolor "select" iColorIndex tv_layercolor "unselect" iColorIndex tv_layerselection iLayerId [0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle"] tv_layerselect iStartFrame iCount tv_layerselectinfo ["full"] tv_projectinfo [iProjectId] tv_projectnew iPath iWidth iHeight [iPixelAspectRatio [iFrameRate ["none"|"lower"|"upper" [iStartFrame]]]] tv_resizepage iWidth iHeight 0|1|2 tv_resizeproject iWidth iHeight tv_projectduplicate tv_projectclose [iProjectId] tv_projectselect iProjectId tv_projectcurrentid tv_projectenumid iPosition tv_projectrendercamera [iProjectId] tv_markin "project" [iImage] ["set"|"clear"] tv_markin ["clip"] [iImage] ["set"|"clear"] tv_markout "project" [iImage] ["set"|"clear"] tv_markout ["clip"] [iImage] ["set"|"clear"] tv_projectcurrentframe [iFrame] tv_projectsaveaudiodependencies tv_projectsavevideodependencies tv_framerate iFrameRate ["timestretch"] tv_framerate iFrameRate "preview" tv_framerate 1 "info" tv_getprojectname tv_projectheaderinfo iProjectId [iInfo] tv_projectheaderauthor iProjectId [iAuthor] tv_projectheadernotes iProjectId [iNotes] tv_soundprojectinfo iProjectId iTrackIndex tv_soundprojectnew iPath tv_soundprojectremove [iTrackIndex] tv_soundprojectreload iProjectId [iTrackIndex] tv_soundprojectadjust iTrackIndex [0|1 [iVolume [iOffset [iFadeInStart iFadeInStop iFadeOutStart iFadeOutStop [iColorIndex]]]]] tv_scenenew tv_sceneduplicate iSceneId tv_sceneclose iSceneId tv_scenemove iSceneId iDstPosition tv_scenecurrentid tv_sceneenumid iScenePosition tv_updateundo tv_undo tv_undoopenstack tv_undoclosestack iText tv_redo [iText] tv_grab "new"|"append"|"current"|"replace" [iCount] tv_videodevice [0|1 [iVideoDevice [iVideoInput [iVideoMode [iOverlay [0-100]]]]]] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_camerainfo [iWidth iHeight [0|1|2|"none"|"lower"|"upper" [iFrameRate [iPixelAspectRatio]]]] Manage the information of the camera [PARAMETERS] iWidth int The width of the camera (added in 10.5.1) iHeight int The height of the camera (added in 10.5.1) 0|1|2|"none"|"lower"|"upper" enum The field order of the camera (default: none) (added in 10.5.1) _ 0: same as "none" _ 1: same as "lower" _ 2: same as "upper" _ "none" _ "lower" _ "upper" iFrameRate double The framerate of the camera (default: 25.0) (added in 10.5.1) iPixelAspectRatio double The pixel aspect ratio of the camera (default: 1.0) (added in 10.5.1) [RETURN] oWidth oHeight 0|1|2 oFrameRate oPixelAspectRatio oAntialiasing oWidth int The previous/current width of the camera oHeight int The previous/current height of the camera 0|1|2 enum The previous/current field order of the camera _ 0: same as "none" _ 1: same as "lower" _ 2: same as "upper" oFrameRate double The previous/current framerate of the camera oPixelAspectRatio double The previous/current pixel aspect ratio of the camera oAntialiasing int The previous/current antialiasing of the camera [ERROR] "" string Width or height are 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_cameraenumpoints iIndex Get the position/angle/scale values of the n-th point of the camera path [PARAMETERS] iIndex int The index of a point in the camera path [RETURN] oX oY oAngle oScale oX oY double double The position oAngle double The angle oScale double The scale [ERROR] "none" string Index is not valid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +11.0.6 tv_camerapath ["mode" 0|1|2] ["profile" '"'iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["motionblur" 0.0-1.0] ["lockall" 0|1] ["lockx" 0|1] ["locky" 0|1] ["lockangle" 0|1] ["lockscale" 0|1] Manage options of the camera [PARAMETERS] "mode" 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: linear _ 1: spline _ 2: smart spline "profile" profile The profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "motionblur" 0.0-1.0 double The motion blur "lockall" 0|1 bool The lock all state "lockx" 0|1 bool The lock x state "locky" 0|1 bool The lock y state "lockangle" 0|1 bool The lock angle state "lockscale" 0|1 bool The lock scale state [RETURN] "mode" 0|1|2 "profile" "oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "motionblur" 0.0-1.0 "lockall" 0|1 "lockx" 0|1 "locky" 0|1 "lockangle" 0|1 "lockscale" 0|1 "mode" 0|1|2 enum The previous/current interpolation _ 0: linear _ 1: spline _ 2: smart spline "profile" profile The previous/current profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "motionblur" 0.0-1.0 double The previous/current motion blur "lockall" 0|1 bool The previous/current lock all state "lockx" 0|1 bool The previous/current lock x state "locky" 0|1 bool The previous/current lock y state "lockangle" 0|1 bool The previous/current lock angle state "lockscale" 0|1 bool The previous/current lock scale state ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +11.0.6 tv_camerainterpolation 0.0-1.0 Get the position/angle/scale values at the given position on the camera path [PARAMETERS] 0.0-1.0 double The position on the camera path [RETURN] oX oY oAngle oScale oX oY double double The position of the given position oAngle double The angle of the given position oScale double The scale of the given position [ERROR] "error" string No parameter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_camerainsertpoint iIndex iX iY iAngle iScale Add a point to the camera path *before* the given index [PARAMETERS] iIndex int The index to insert the new point iX iY double double The position of the new point iAngle double The angle of the new point iScale double The scale of the new point ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_cameraremovepoint iIndex Remove a point at the given index [PARAMETERS] iIndex int The index to remove ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_camerasetpoint iIndex iX iY iAngle iScale Set position/angle/scale value of a point at the given index and make it current [PARAMETERS] iIndex int The index to insert the new point iX iY double double The new position iAngle double The new angle iScale double The new scale (0.0..1.0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_clipboardsize Get the size of the clipboard content [RETURN] "empty" string Nothing stored in the clipboard [RETURN] oW oH int int The size ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_brushfromclipboard Load the clipboard into a new custom brush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_imagefromclipboard Load the clipboard into a new layer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_brushtoclipboard Paste the custom brush to the clipboard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_imagetoclipboard Paste the display to the clipboard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_setcolor iPosition [0|1] Add the APen/BPen to the current palette [PARAMETERS] iPosition int Position in the current palette to insert the color If iPosition > number of colors in the palette, the color will be added at the end 0|1 bool Use BPen instead of APen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_setpalette iPosition iR iG iB Add a color to the current palette [PARAMETERS] iPosition int Position in the palette to insert the new color If iPosition > number of colors in the palette, the color will be added at the end iR iG iB int int int The new color [RETURN] oPosition oR oG oB oPosition int The position of the added pixel oR oG oB int int int The color of the pixel which was at this position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_getpalette iPosition iCount Get colors in the current palette [PARAMETERS] iPosition int Position in the palette iCount int Number of colors to get [RETURN] oR1 oG1 oB1 oR2 oG2 oB2 ... oRn oGn oBn array The colors oR1 oG1 oB1 int int int oR2 oG2 oB2 int int int ... oRn oGn oBn int int int ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_getapen Get APen color [RETURN] oR oG oB oA int int int int APen color (compatibility mode) [ERROR] "error" string No valid parameter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_getapen "rgb" Get APen color as rgb [PARAMETERS] "rgb" string The format [RETURN] "rgb" oR oG oB "rgb" string The format oR oG oB int int int APen color [ERROR] "error" string No valid parameter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_getapen "hsl" Get APen color as hsl [PARAMETERS] "hsl" string The format [RETURN] "hsl" oH oS oL "hsl" string The format oH oS oL int int int APen color [ERROR] "error" string No valid parameter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_getbpen Get BPen color [RETURN] oR oG oB oA int int int int APen color (compatibility mode) [ERROR] "error" string No valid parameter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_getbpen "rgb" Get BPen color as rgb [PARAMETERS] "rgb" string The format [RETURN] "rgb" oR oG oB "rgb" string The format oR oG oB int int int BPen color [ERROR] "error" string No valid parameter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_getbpen "hsl" Get BPen color as hsl [PARAMETERS] "hsl" string The format [RETURN] "hsl" oH oS oL "hsl" string The format oH oS oL int int int BPen color [ERROR] "error" string No valid parameter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_setapen iR iG iB [iA] Set the APen [PARAMETERS] iR iG iB iA int int int int The new color [RETURN] "rgb" oR oG oB "rgb" string The format oR oG oB int int int The pixel color (to be able to use GetAPen result as parameters) [ERROR] "error" string No valid parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_setapen "rgb" iR iG iB Set the APen [PARAMETERS] "rgb" string The format iR iG iB int int int The new color [RETURN] "rgb" oR oG oB "rgb" string The format oR oG oB int int int The pixel color [ERROR] "error" string No valid parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_setapen "hsl" iH iS iL Set the APen [PARAMETERS] "hsl" string The format iH iS iL int int int The new color [RETURN] "hsl" oH oS oL "hsl" string The format oH oS oL int int int The pixel color [ERROR] "error" string No valid parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_setbpen iR iG iB [iA] Set the BPen [PARAMETERS] iR iG iB iA int int int int The new color [RETURN] "rgb" oR oG oB "rgb" string The format oR oG oB int int int The pixel color (to be able to use GetBPen result as parameters) [ERROR] "error" string No valid parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_setbpen "rgb" iR iG iB Set the BPen [PARAMETERS] "rgb" string The format iR iG iB int int int The new color [RETURN] "rgb" oR oG oB "rgb" string The format oR oG oB int int int The pixel color [ERROR] "error" string No valid parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_setbpen "hsl" iH iS iL Set the BPen [PARAMETERS] "hsl" string The format iH iS iL int int int The new color [RETURN] "hsl" oH oS oL "hsl" string The format oH oS oL int int int The pixel color [ERROR] "error" string No valid parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_densityx iX iY Add a new point to opacity mapping in the X curve [PARAMETERS] iX iY double double The coordinates of the new point ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_densityy iX iY Add a new point to opacity mapping in the Y curve [PARAMETERS] iX iY double double The coordinates of the new point ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_densitylinex iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 Add a new line to opacity mapping in the X curve [PARAMETERS] iX1 iY1 double double The coordinates of the new begin point iX2 iY2 double double The coordinates of the new end point ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_densityliney iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 Add a new line to opacity mapping in the Y curve [PARAMETERS] iX1 iY1 double double The coordinates of the new begin point iX2 iY2 double double The coordinates of the new end point ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_rangegrab iPosition Get the color in the tool gradient at the given position [PARAMETERS] iPosition double The position (0.0..255.0) [RETURN] oR oG oB oA int int int int The color ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_rangeset Position iR iG iB iA Set the color in the tool gradient at the given position [PARAMETERS] Position double The position iR iG iB iA int int int int The color [RETURN] Position oR oG oB oA Position double The position oR oG oB oA int int int int The previous color ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_rangenoise Noise Set the noise in the tool gradient [PARAMETERS] Noise int The noise [RETURN] Noise int The previous noise ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_rangeclear Reset the tool gradient ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_getdisplay iX iY Get the color of pixel in the display [PARAMETERS] iX iY double double The coordinate [RETURN] oR oG oB oA int int int int The pixel color [ERROR] oR oG oB oA int int int int Background color of the view panel if x or y are outside image (but not necessary an error as an image can contain the same color) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_display "stencil" ["on"|"off"] Manage the global display state of the stencil [PARAMETERS] "stencil" string The option to manage "on"|"off" enum The new state of the display of the stencil [RETURN] "on"|"off" enum The previous/current display state of the stencil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_display "stencilcolor" [iR iG iB iA] Manage the global color of the display of the stencil [PARAMETERS] "stencilcolor" string The option to manage iR iG iB iA int int int int The new color [RETURN] oR oG oB oA int int int int The previous/current global color of the display of the stencil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_display "pixelinterpolation" iZoomThreshold Set the subpixel threshold value when zooming in the project view [PARAMETERS] "pixelinterpolation" string The option to manage iZoomThreshold double The threshold value of subpixel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_display "zoom" [iZoom] Manage the zoom value of the project view [PARAMETERS] "zoom" string The option to manage (added in 11.5.0) iZoom double The zoom value (1..10000) (added in 11.5.0) [RETURN] "zoom" oZoom "zoom" string The option oZoom double The previous/current value of the zoom ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_display "layerattenuation" [0|1|"on"|"off"|"toggle"] ["value" 0-100] Manage layer attenuation of the current project [PARAMETERS] "layerattenuation" string The option to manage (added in 10.5.7) 0|1|"on"|"off"|"toggle" enum The new state of the layer attenuation (added in 10.5.7) "value" 0-100 int The value of the layer attenuation (added in 10.5.7) [RETURN] "layerattenuation" "on"|"off" 0-100 "layerattenuation" string The option "on"|"off" enum The previous/current state of layer attenuation 0-100 int The previous/current value of layer attenuation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_display [0|1|"all"|"current"] Display all layers or only the current one [PARAMETERS] 0|1|"all"|"current" enum The display mode (if empty, toggle the current mode) [RETURN] "all"|"current" enum The previous display mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_ghostline 0|1 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 [WARNING] if tv_ghostline is used while a MetaFunction is active (in a plugin), be sure to call it AFTER the Refresh() function from PIKeys Draw or erase a temporary line on the screen [PARAMETERS] 0|1 enum The mode _ 0: draw _ 1: erase iX1 iY1 double double The begin point of the line iX2 iY2 double double The end point of the line ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_lockcacheflush Locks the redraw function in the project view Use it when you play a preview with your display device and when you don't want to see the project refresh ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_unlockcacheflush Unlocks the redraw function in the project view ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_recorder "start"|"mode" ["layer"|"display"] Set the source (what to record) and/or start the recording [PARAMETERS] "start"|"mode" enum The action _ "start": set the source and start recording _ "mode": only set the source "layer"|"display" enum The source _ "layer": only modification on the layer _ "display": the project view ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_recorder "pause"|"resume"|"unpause"|"continue"|"stop"|"save" Set the source (what to record) and/or start the recording [PARAMETERS] "pause"|"resume"|"unpause"|"continue"|"stop"|"save" enum The action _ "pause": pause the recording _ "resume": resume the recording after a pause _ "unpause": alias of resume _ "continue": alias of resume _ "stop": stop the recording _ "save": save the recording to a new project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_healingsource ["current"|"before"|"after"|"display"|"paper"|"spare" [iOffsetX iOffsetY]] Manage healing source [PARAMETERS] "current"|"before"|"after"|"display"|"paper"|"spare" enum The source iOffsetX iOffsetY int int The offset [RETURN] "current"|"before"|"after"|"display"|"paper"|"spare" oOffsetX oOffsetY "current"|"before"|"after"|"display"|"paper"|"spare" enum The current/previous source oOffsetX oOffsetY int int The current/previous offset ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_airbrush ["toolmode"] "backup" Get air brush parameters [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one "backup" string To return all current parameters [RETURN] "tv_airbrush" "mode" oDrawingMode "size" oSize "power" oPower "opacity" oOpacity "aspect" oAspect "angle" oAngle "step" oStep "dry" 0|1 "gradient" 0|1 "profile" "oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "csize" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "caspect" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "cangle" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "cpower" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "tv_airbrush" string The command "mode" oDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" _ "panto" _ "merge" _ "shade" _ "light" _ "colorize" _ "tint" _ "grain" _ "blur" _ "noise" _ "negative" _ "sharp" _ "emboss" _ "solarize" _ "saturate" _ "unsaturate" _ "add" _ "sub" _ "multiply" _ "screen" _ "diff" _ "healing" _ "burn" _ "dodge" _ "darken" _ "lighten" "size" oSize double The size "power" oPower int The power "opacity" oOpacity int The opacity "aspect" oAspect int The aspect "angle" oAngle int (degres) The angle "step" oStep double The step "dry" 0|1 bool The dry "gradient" 0|1 bool The gradient "profile" profile The profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "csize" connection The size connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "caspect" connection The aspect connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cangle" connection The angle connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cpower" connection The power connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't select air brush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_airbrush ["toolmode"] [iSize] ["reset"] ["mode" iDrawingMode] ["saveprofile" iPath] ["profile" '"'iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["loadprofile" iPath] ["size" iSize] ["power" 1-100] ["opacity" 1-100] ["aspect" 1-100] ["angle" iAngle] ["step" iStep] ["dry" 0|1] ["gradient" 0|1] ["csize" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cpower" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cangle" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["caspect" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] Manage air brush [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one iSize int The size (if first parameter contains only digits) [compatibility] "reset" string Reset the tool "mode" iDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" _ "panto" _ "merge" _ "shade" _ "light" _ "colorize" _ "tint" _ "grain" _ "blur" _ "noise" _ "negative" _ "sharp" _ "emboss" _ "solarize" _ "saturate" _ "unsaturate" _ "add" _ "sub" _ "multiply" _ "screen" _ "diff" _ "healing" _ "burn" _ "dodge" _ "darken" _ "lighten" "saveprofile" iPath filesystempath The path to save the profile Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') "profile" profile The profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "loadprofile" iPath filesystempath The path to load the profile Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') "size" iSize double The size "power" 1-100 int The power "opacity" 1-100 int The opacity "aspect" 1-100 int The aspect "angle" iAngle int (degres) The angle "step" iStep double The step "dry" 0|1 bool The dry "gradient" 0|1 bool The gradient "csize" connection The size connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "cpower" connection The power connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "cangle" connection The angle connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "caspect" connection The aspect connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double [RETURN] ["mode" oDrawingMode] ["size" oSize] ["power" oPower] ["opacity" oOpacity] ["aspect" oAspect] ["angle" oAngle] ["step" oStep] ["dry" 0|1] ["gradient" 0|1] ["loadprof" 0|1] ["saveprof" 0|1] ["profile" "oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["csize" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["caspect" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["cangle" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["cpower" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] "mode" oDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" _ "panto" _ "merge" _ "shade" _ "light" _ "colorize" _ "tint" _ "grain" _ "blur" _ "noise" _ "negative" _ "sharp" _ "emboss" _ "solarize" _ "saturate" _ "unsaturate" _ "add" _ "sub" _ "multiply" _ "screen" _ "diff" _ "healing" _ "burn" _ "dodge" _ "darken" _ "lighten" "size" oSize double The size "power" oPower int The power "opacity" oOpacity int The opacity "aspect" oAspect int The aspect "angle" oAngle int (degres) The angle "step" oStep double The step "dry" 0|1 bool The dry "gradient" 0|1 bool The gradient "loadprof" 0|1 bool The load profile status "saveprof" 0|1 bool The save profile status "profile" profile The profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "csize" connection The size connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "caspect" connection The aspect connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cangle" connection The angle connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cpower" connection The power connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't select air brush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_airpower ["toolmode"] iPower Set air brush power [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one iPower double The power [RETURN] oPower double The previous power [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't select air brush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_penbrush ["toolmode"] "backup" Get pen brush parameters [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one "backup" string To return all current parameters [RETURN] "tv_penbrush" "mode" oDrawingMode "size" oSize "power" oPower "opacity" oOpacity "dry" 0|1 "aaliasing" 0|1 "gradient" 0|1 "csize" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "cpower" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "tv_penbrush" string The command "mode" oDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" _ "panto" _ "merge" _ "shade" _ "light" _ "colorize" _ "tint" _ "grain" _ "blur" _ "noise" _ "negative" _ "sharp" _ "emboss" _ "solarize" _ "saturate" _ "unsaturate" _ "add" _ "sub" _ "multiply" _ "screen" _ "diff" _ "healing" _ "burn" _ "dodge" _ "darken" _ "lighten" "size" oSize double The size "power" oPower int The power "opacity" oOpacity int The opacity "dry" 0|1 bool The dry "aaliasing" 0|1 bool The antialiasing "gradient" 0|1 bool The gradient "csize" connection The size connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cpower" connection The power connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't select pen brush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_penbrush ["toolmode"] [iSize] ["reset"] ["mode" iDrawingMode] ["size" iSize] ["power" 1-100] ["opacity" 1-100] ["dry" 0|1] ["aaliasing" 0|1] ["gradient" 0|1] ["csize" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cpower" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] Manage pen brush [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one iSize int The size (if first parameter contains only digits) [compatibility] "reset" string Reset the tool "mode" iDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" _ "panto" _ "merge" _ "shade" _ "light" _ "colorize" _ "tint" _ "grain" _ "blur" _ "noise" _ "negative" _ "sharp" _ "emboss" _ "solarize" _ "saturate" _ "unsaturate" _ "add" _ "sub" _ "multiply" _ "screen" _ "diff" _ "healing" _ "burn" _ "dodge" _ "darken" _ "lighten" "size" iSize double The size "power" 1-100 int The power "opacity" 1-100 int The opacity "dry" 0|1 bool The dry "aaliasing" 0|1 bool The antialiasing "gradient" 0|1 bool The gradient "csize" connection The size connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "cpower" connection The power connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double [RETURN] ["mode" oDrawingMode] ["size" oSize] ["power" oPower] ["opacity" oOpacity] ["dry" 0|1] ["aaliasing" 0|1] ["gradient" 0|1] ["csize" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["cpower" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] "mode" oDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" _ "panto" _ "merge" _ "shade" _ "light" _ "colorize" _ "tint" _ "grain" _ "blur" _ "noise" _ "negative" _ "sharp" _ "emboss" _ "solarize" _ "saturate" _ "unsaturate" _ "add" _ "sub" _ "multiply" _ "screen" _ "diff" _ "healing" _ "burn" _ "dodge" _ "darken" _ "lighten" "size" oSize double The size "power" oPower int The power "opacity" oOpacity int The opacity "dry" 0|1 bool The dry "aaliasing" 0|1 bool The antialiasing "gradient" 0|1 bool The gradient "csize" connection The size connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cpower" connection The power connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't select pen brush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_propelling ["toolmode"] "backup" Get mechanical brush parameters [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one "backup" string To return all current parameters [RETURN] "tv_propelling" "mode" oDrawingMode "power" oPower "opacity" oOpacity "dry" 0|1 "aaliasing" 0|1 "gradient" 0|1 "cpower" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "tv_propelling" string The command "mode" oDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" _ "panto" _ "merge" _ "shade" _ "light" _ "colorize" _ "tint" _ "grain" _ "blur" _ "noise" _ "negative" _ "sharp" _ "emboss" _ "solarize" _ "saturate" _ "unsaturate" _ "add" _ "sub" _ "multiply" _ "screen" _ "diff" _ "healing" _ "burn" _ "dodge" _ "darken" _ "lighten" "power" oPower int The power "opacity" oOpacity int The opacity "dry" 0|1 bool The dry "aaliasing" 0|1 bool The antialiasing "gradient" 0|1 bool The gradient "cpower" connection The power connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't select mechanical brush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_propelling ["toolmode"] ["reset"] ["mode" iDrawingMode] ["power" 1-100] ["opacity" 1-100] ["dry" 0|1] ["aaliasing" 0|1] ["gradient" 0|1] ["cpower" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] Manage mechanical brush [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one "reset" string Reset the tool "mode" iDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" _ "panto" _ "merge" _ "shade" _ "light" _ "colorize" _ "tint" _ "grain" _ "blur" _ "noise" _ "negative" _ "sharp" _ "emboss" _ "solarize" _ "saturate" _ "unsaturate" _ "add" _ "sub" _ "multiply" _ "screen" _ "diff" _ "healing" _ "burn" _ "dodge" _ "darken" _ "lighten" "power" 1-100 int The power "opacity" 1-100 int The opacity "dry" 0|1 bool The dry "aaliasing" 0|1 bool The antialiasing "gradient" 0|1 bool The gradient "cpower" connection The power connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double [RETURN] ["mode" oDrawingMode] ["power" oPower] ["opacity" oOpacity] ["dry" 0|1] ["aaliasing" 0|1] ["gradient" 0|1] ["cpower" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] "mode" oDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" _ "panto" _ "merge" _ "shade" _ "light" _ "colorize" _ "tint" _ "grain" _ "blur" _ "noise" _ "negative" _ "sharp" _ "emboss" _ "solarize" _ "saturate" _ "unsaturate" _ "add" _ "sub" _ "multiply" _ "screen" _ "diff" _ "healing" _ "burn" _ "dodge" _ "darken" _ "lighten" "power" oPower int The power "opacity" oOpacity int The opacity "dry" 0|1 bool The dry "aaliasing" 0|1 bool The antialiasing "gradient" 0|1 bool The gradient "cpower" connection The power connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't select mechanical brush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_pointpower iPower Set mechanical brush power [PARAMETERS] iPower double The power [RETURN] "power" oPower double The previous power [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't select mechanical brush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_oilbrush ["toolmode"] "backup" Get oil brush parameters [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one "backup" string To return all current parameters [RETURN] "tv_oilbrush" "grain" oGrain "mode" oDrawingMode "size" oSize "power" oPower "opacity" oOpacity "aspect" oAspect "angle" oAngle "step" oStep "light" oLight "dry" 0|1 "csize" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "caspect" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "cangle" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "cpower" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "profile" "oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "tv_oilbrush" string The command "grain" oGrain double The grain "mode" oDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" "size" oSize double The size "power" oPower int The power "opacity" oOpacity int The opacity "aspect" oAspect int The aspect "angle" oAngle int (degres) The angle "step" oStep double The step "light" oLight double The light "dry" 0|1 bool The dry "csize" connection The size connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "caspect" connection The aspect connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cangle" connection The angle connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cpower" connection The power connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "profile" profile The profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't select oil brush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_oilbrush ["toolmode"] [iSize] ["reset"] ["grain" 0.0-3.0] ["mode" iDrawingMode] ["saveprofile" iPath] ["profile" '"'iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["loadprofile" iPath] ["size" iSize] ["power" 1-100] ["opacity" 1-100] ["light" 0.0-500.0] ["aspect" 1-100] ["angle" iAngle] ["step" iStep] ["dry" 0|1] ["csize" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cpower" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cangle" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["caspect" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] Manage oil brush [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one iSize int The size (if first parameter contains only digits) [compatibility] "reset" string Reset the tool "grain" 0.0-3.0 double The grain "mode" iDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" "saveprofile" iPath filesystempath The path to save the profile Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') "profile" profile The profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "loadprofile" iPath filesystempath The path to load the profile Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') "size" iSize double The size "power" 1-100 int The power "opacity" 1-100 int The opacity "light" 0.0-500.0 double The light "aspect" 1-100 int The aspect "angle" iAngle int (degres) The angle "step" iStep double The step "dry" 0|1 bool The dry "csize" connection The size connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "cpower" connection The power connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "cangle" connection The angle connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "caspect" connection The aspect connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double [RETURN] ["mode" oDrawingMode] ["size" oSize] ["power" oPower] ["opacity" oOpacity] ["light" oLight] ["aspect" oAspect] ["angle" oAngle] ["step" oStep] ["dry" 0|1] ["loadprof" 0|1] ["saveprof" 0|1] ["profile" "oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["csize" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["cpower" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["cangle" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["caspect" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] "mode" oDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" "size" oSize double The size "power" oPower int The power "opacity" oOpacity int The opacity "light" oLight double The light "aspect" oAspect int The aspect "angle" oAngle int (degres) The angle "step" oStep double The step "dry" 0|1 bool The dry "loadprof" 0|1 bool The load profile status "saveprof" 0|1 bool The save profile status "profile" profile The profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "csize" connection The size connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cpower" connection The power connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cangle" connection The angle connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "caspect" connection The aspect connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't select oil brush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_pencil ["toolmode"] "backup" Get pencil brush parameters [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one "backup" string To return all current parameters [RETURN] "tv_pencil" "mode" oDrawingMode "size" oSize "power" oPower "opacity" oOpacity "aspect" oAspect "angle" oAngle "step" oStep "dry" 0|1 "gradient" 0|1 "grain" 0|1 "csize" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "caspect" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "cangle" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "cpower" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "profile" "oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "tv_pencil" string The command "mode" oDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" _ "panto" _ "merge" _ "shade" _ "light" _ "colorize" _ "tint" _ "grain" _ "blur" _ "noise" _ "negative" _ "sharp" _ "emboss" _ "solarize" _ "saturate" _ "unsaturate" _ "add" _ "sub" _ "multiply" _ "screen" _ "diff" _ "healing" _ "burn" _ "dodge" _ "darken" _ "lighten" "size" oSize double The size "power" oPower int The power "opacity" oOpacity int The opacity "aspect" oAspect int The aspect "angle" oAngle int (degres) The angle "step" oStep double The step "dry" 0|1 bool The dry "gradient" 0|1 bool The gradient "grain" 0|1 enum The grain _ 0: hard _ 1: soft "csize" connection The size connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "caspect" connection The aspect connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cangle" connection The angle connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cpower" connection The power connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "profile" profile The profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't select pencil brush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_pencil ["toolmode"] [iSize] ["reset"] ["mode" iDrawingMode] ["saveprofile" iPath] ["profile" '"'iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["loadprofile" iPath] ["size" iSize] ["power" 1-100] ["opacity" 1-100] ["aspect" 1-100] ["angle" iAngle] ["step" iStep] ["dry" 0|1] ["gradient" 0|1] ["grain" 0|1] ["csize" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cpower" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cangle" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["caspect" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] Manage pencil brush [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one iSize int The size (if first parameter contains only digits) [compatibility] "reset" string Reset the tool "mode" iDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" _ "panto" _ "merge" _ "shade" _ "light" _ "colorize" _ "tint" _ "grain" _ "blur" _ "noise" _ "negative" _ "sharp" _ "emboss" _ "solarize" _ "saturate" _ "unsaturate" _ "add" _ "sub" _ "multiply" _ "screen" _ "diff" _ "healing" _ "burn" _ "dodge" _ "darken" _ "lighten" "saveprofile" iPath filesystempath The path to save the profile Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') "profile" profile The profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "loadprofile" iPath filesystempath The path to load the profile Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') "size" iSize double The size "power" 1-100 int The power "opacity" 1-100 int The opacity "aspect" 1-100 int The aspect "angle" iAngle int (degres) The angle "step" iStep double The step "dry" 0|1 bool The dry "gradient" 0|1 bool The gradient "grain" 0|1 enum The grain _ 0: hard _ 1: soft "csize" connection The size connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "cpower" connection The power connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "cangle" connection The angle connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "caspect" connection The aspect connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double [RETURN] ["mode" oDrawingMode] ["size" oSize] ["power" oPower] ["opacity" oOpacity] ["aspect" oAspect] ["angle" oAngle] ["step" oStep] ["dry" 0|1] ["gradient" 0|1] ["loadprof" 0|1] ["saveprof" 0|1] ["profile" "oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["csize" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["cpower" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["cangle" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["caspect" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] "mode" oDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" _ "panto" _ "merge" _ "shade" _ "light" _ "colorize" _ "tint" _ "grain" _ "blur" _ "noise" _ "negative" _ "sharp" _ "emboss" _ "solarize" _ "saturate" _ "unsaturate" _ "add" _ "sub" _ "multiply" _ "screen" _ "diff" _ "healing" _ "burn" _ "dodge" _ "darken" _ "lighten" "size" oSize double The size "power" oPower int The power "opacity" oOpacity int The opacity "aspect" oAspect int The aspect "angle" oAngle int (degres) The angle "step" oStep double The step "dry" 0|1 bool The dry "gradient" 0|1 bool The gradient "loadprof" 0|1 bool The load profile status "saveprof" 0|1 bool The save profile status "profile" profile The profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "csize" connection The size connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cpower" connection The power connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cangle" connection The angle connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "caspect" connection The aspect connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't select pencil brush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_wetbrush ["toolmode"] "backup" Get wet brush parameters [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one "backup" string To return all current parameters [RETURN] "tv_wetbrush" "mode" oDrawingMode "size" oSize "power" oPower "opacity" oOpacity "aspect" oAspect "angle" oAngle "step" oStep "dry" 0|1 "gradient" 0|1 "csize" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "caspect" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "cangle" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "cpower" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "profile" "oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "tv_wetbrush" string The command "mode" oDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" _ "panto" _ "merge" _ "shade" _ "light" _ "colorize" _ "tint" _ "grain" _ "blur" _ "noise" _ "negative" _ "sharp" _ "emboss" _ "solarize" _ "saturate" _ "unsaturate" _ "add" _ "sub" _ "multiply" _ "screen" _ "diff" _ "healing" _ "burn" _ "dodge" _ "darken" _ "lighten" "size" oSize double The size "power" oPower int The power "opacity" oOpacity int The opacity "aspect" oAspect int The aspect "angle" oAngle int (degres) The angle "step" oStep double The step "dry" 0|1 bool The dry "gradient" 0|1 bool The gradient "csize" connection The size connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "caspect" connection The aspect connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cangle" connection The angle connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cpower" connection The power connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "profile" profile The profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't select wet brush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_wetbrush ["toolmode"] [iSize] ["reset"] ["mode" iDrawingMode] ["saveprofile" iPath] ["profile" '"'iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["loadprofile" iPath] ["size" iSize] ["power" 1-100] ["opacity" 1-100] ["aspect" 1-100] ["angle" iAngle] ["step" iStep] ["dry" 0|1] ["gradient" 0|1] ["csize" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cpower" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cangle" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["caspect" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] Manage wet brush [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one iSize int The size (if first parameter contains only digits) [compatibility] "reset" string Reset the tool "mode" iDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" _ "panto" _ "merge" _ "shade" _ "light" _ "colorize" _ "tint" _ "grain" _ "blur" _ "noise" _ "negative" _ "sharp" _ "emboss" _ "solarize" _ "saturate" _ "unsaturate" _ "add" _ "sub" _ "multiply" _ "screen" _ "diff" _ "healing" _ "burn" _ "dodge" _ "darken" _ "lighten" "saveprofile" iPath filesystempath The path to save the profile Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') "profile" profile The profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "loadprofile" iPath filesystempath The path to load the profile Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') "size" iSize double The size "power" 1-100 int The power "opacity" 1-100 int The opacity "aspect" 1-100 int The aspect "angle" iAngle int (degres) The angle "step" iStep double The step "dry" 0|1 bool The dry "gradient" 0|1 bool The gradient "csize" connection The size connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "cpower" connection The power connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "cangle" connection The angle connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "caspect" connection The aspect connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double [RETURN] ["mode" oDrawingMode] ["size" oSize] ["power" oPower] ["opacity" oOpacity] ["aspect" oAspect] ["angle" oAngle] ["step" oStep] ["dry" 0|1] ["gradient" 0|1] ["loadprof" 0|1] ["saveprof" 0|1] ["profile" "oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["csize" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["cpower" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["cangle" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["caspect" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] "mode" oDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" _ "panto" _ "merge" _ "shade" _ "light" _ "colorize" _ "tint" _ "grain" _ "blur" _ "noise" _ "negative" _ "sharp" _ "emboss" _ "solarize" _ "saturate" _ "unsaturate" _ "add" _ "sub" _ "multiply" _ "screen" _ "diff" _ "healing" _ "burn" _ "dodge" _ "darken" _ "lighten" "size" oSize double The size "power" oPower int The power "opacity" oOpacity int The opacity "aspect" oAspect int The aspect "angle" oAngle int (degres) The angle "step" oStep double The step "dry" 0|1 bool The dry "gradient" 0|1 bool The gradient "loadprof" 0|1 bool The load profile status "saveprof" 0|1 bool The save profile status "profile" profile The profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "csize" connection The size connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cpower" connection The power connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cangle" connection The angle connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "caspect" connection The aspect connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't select wet brush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_eraserbrush ["toolmode"] "backup" Get eraser brush parameters [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one "backup" string To return all current parameters [RETURN] "tv_eraserbrush" "mode" oDrawingMode "size" oSize "power" oPower "opacity" oOpacity "aspect" oAspect "angle" oAngle "step" oStep "dry" 0|1 "profile" "oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "csize" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "caspect" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "cangle" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "cpower" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "tv_eraserbrush" string The command "mode" oDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "erase" "size" oSize double The size "power" oPower int The power "opacity" oOpacity int The opacity "aspect" oAspect int The aspect "angle" oAngle int (degres) The angle "step" oStep double The step "dry" 0|1 bool The dry "profile" profile The profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "csize" connection The size connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "caspect" connection The aspect connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cangle" connection The angle connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cpower" connection The power connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't select eraser brush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_eraserbrush ["toolmode"] [iSize] ["reset"] ["mode" iDrawingMode] ["saveprofile" iPath] ["profile" '"'iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["loadprofile" iPath] ["size" iSize] ["power" 1-100] ["opacity" 1-100] ["aspect" 1-100] ["angle" iAngle] ["step" iStep] ["dry" 0|1] ["csize" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cpower" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cangle" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["caspect" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] Manage eraser brush [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one iSize int The size (if first parameter contains only digits) [compatibility] "reset" string Reset the tool "mode" iDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "erase" "saveprofile" iPath filesystempath The path to save the profile Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') "profile" profile The profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "loadprofile" iPath filesystempath The path to load the profile Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') "size" iSize double The size "power" 1-100 int The power "opacity" 1-100 int The opacity "aspect" 1-100 int The aspect "angle" iAngle int (degres) The angle "step" iStep double The step "dry" 0|1 bool The dry "csize" connection The size connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "cpower" connection The power connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "cangle" connection The angle connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "caspect" connection The aspect connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double [RETURN] ["mode" oDrawingMode] ["size" oSize] ["power" oPower] ["opacity" oOpacity] ["aspect" oAspect] ["angle" oAngle] ["step" oStep] ["dry" 0|1] ["loadprof" 0|1] ["saveprof" 0|1] ["profile" "oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["csize" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["cpower" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["cangle" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["caspect" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] "mode" oDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "erase" "size" oSize double The size "power" oPower int The power "opacity" oOpacity int The opacity "aspect" oAspect int The aspect "angle" oAngle int (degres) The angle "step" oStep double The step "dry" 0|1 bool The dry "loadprof" 0|1 bool The load profile status "saveprof" 0|1 bool The save profile status "profile" profile The profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "csize" connection The size connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cpower" connection The power connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cangle" connection The angle connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "caspect" connection The aspect connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't select eraser brush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_speedfilleraser ["toolmode"] "backup" Get scribbles eraser brush parameters [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one "backup" string To return all current parameters [RETURN] "tv_speedfilleraser" "mode" oDrawingMode "size" oSize "tv_speedfilleraser" string The command "mode" oDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "erase" "size" oSize double The size [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't select scribbles eraser brush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_speedfilleraser ["toolmode"] [iSize] ["reset"] ["mode" iDrawingMode] ["size" iSize] Manage scribbles eraser brush [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one iSize int The size (if first parameter contains only digits) [compatibility] "reset" string Reset the tool "mode" iDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "erase" "size" iSize double The size [RETURN] ["mode" oDrawingMode] ["size" oSize] "mode" oDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "erase" "size" oSize double The size [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't select scribbles eraser brush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_speedfillbrush ["toolmode"] "backup" Get scribbles brush parameters [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one "backup" string To return all current parameters [RETURN] "tv_speedfillbrush" "mode" oDrawingMode "size" oSize "exclude" 0|1 "tv_speedfillbrush" string The command "mode" oDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "color" "size" oSize double The size "exclude" 0|1 bool The exclude mode [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't select scribbles brush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_speedfillbrush ["toolmode"] [iSize] ["reset"] ["mode" iDrawingMode] ["size" iSize] ["exclude" 0|1] Manage scribbles eraser brush [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one iSize int The size (if first parameter contains only digits) [compatibility] "reset" string Reset the tool "mode" iDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "color" "size" iSize double The size "exclude" 0|1 bool The exclude mode [RETURN] ["mode" oDrawingMode] ["size" oSize] ["exclude" 0|1] "mode" oDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "color" "size" oSize double The size "exclude" 0|1 bool The exclude mode [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't select scribbles brush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_specialbrush ["toolmode"] "backup" Get special brush parameters [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one "backup" string To return all current parameters [RETURN] "tv_specialbrush" "mode" oDrawingMode "size" oSize "power" oPower "opacity" oOpacity "aspect" oAspect "angle" oAngle "step" oStep "dry" 0|1 "gradient" 0|1 "csize" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "caspect" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "cangle" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "cpower" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "profile" "oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "tv_specialbrush" string The command "mode" oDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "smear" _ "shift" _ "mixer" _ "impress" _ "colorsmear" _ "warp in" _ "warp out" "size" oSize double The size "power" oPower int The power "opacity" oOpacity int The opacity "aspect" oAspect int The aspect "angle" oAngle int (degres) The angle "step" oStep double The step "dry" 0|1 bool The dry "gradient" 0|1 bool The gradient "csize" connection The size connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "caspect" connection The aspect connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cangle" connection The angle connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cpower" connection The power connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "profile" profile The profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't select special brush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_specialbrush ["toolmode"] [iSize] ["reset"] ["mode" iDrawingMode] ["saveprofile" iPath] ["profile" '"'iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["loadprofile" iPath] ["size" iSize] ["power" 1-100] ["opacity" 1-100] ["aspect" 1-100] ["angle" iAngle] ["step" iStep] ["dry" 0|1] ["csize" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cpower" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cangle" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["caspect" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] Manage special brush [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one iSize int The size (if first parameter contains only digits) [compatibility] "reset" string Reset the tool "mode" iDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "smear" _ "shift" _ "mixer" _ "impress" _ "colorsmear" _ "warp in" _ "warp out" "saveprofile" iPath filesystempath The path to save the profile Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') "profile" profile The profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "loadprofile" iPath filesystempath The path to load the profile Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') "size" iSize double The size "power" 1-100 int The power "opacity" 1-100 int The opacity "aspect" 1-100 int The aspect "angle" iAngle int (degres) The angle "step" iStep double The step "dry" 0|1 bool The dry "csize" connection The size connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "cpower" connection The power connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "cangle" connection The angle connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "caspect" connection The aspect connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double [RETURN] ["mode" oDrawingMode] ["size" oSize] ["power" oPower] ["opacity" oOpacity] ["aspect" oAspect] ["angle" oAngle] ["step" oStep] ["dry" 0|1] ["loadprof" 0|1] ["saveprof" 0|1] ["profile" "oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["csize" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["cpower" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["cangle" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["caspect" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] "mode" oDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "smear" _ "shift" _ "mixer" _ "impress" _ "colorsmear" _ "warp in" _ "warp out" "size" oSize double The size "power" oPower int The power "opacity" oOpacity int The opacity "aspect" oAspect int The aspect "angle" oAngle int (degres) The angle "step" oStep double The step "dry" 0|1 bool The dry "loadprof" 0|1 bool The load profile status "saveprof" 0|1 bool The save profile status "profile" profile The profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "csize" connection The size connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cpower" connection The power connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cangle" connection The angle connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "caspect" connection The aspect connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't select special brush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_texttool2 ["toolmode"] "backup" Get text brush parameters [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one "backup" string To return all current parameters [RETURN] "tv_texttool" "mode" oDrawingMode "size" oSize "vertical" 0|1 "power" 1-100 ["power" "off"] "outline" oOutline ["outline" "off"] "smooth" oSmooth ["smooth" "off"] "border" oBorder ["border" "off"] "letter" 0|1 "border_col" oR oG oB "glow_col" oR oG oB "glow" oGlow ["glow" "off"] "aspect" oAspect ["aspect" "off"] "space" oSpace ["space" "off"] "angle" oAngle ["angle" "off"] "italic" oItalic ["italic" "off"] "track" oTrack ["track" "off"] "step" oStep ["step" "off"] "font" oFontName "style" oStyleName "script" oSscriptName "string" oString "anim" "once"|"loop"|"ping-pong"|"random" "csize" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "cscale" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "cspace" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "citalic" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "crotate" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "ctrack" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "copacity" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "coutline" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "csmooth" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "opacity" oOpacity ["opacity" "off"] "tv_texttool" string The command "mode" oDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" _ "panto" _ "merge" _ "shade" _ "light" _ "colorize" _ "tint" _ "grain" _ "blur" _ "noise" _ "negative" _ "sharp" _ "emboss" _ "solarize" _ "saturate" _ "unsaturate" _ "add" _ "sub" _ "multiply" _ "screen" _ "diff" _ "healing" _ "burn" _ "dodge" _ "darken" _ "lighten" "size" oSize double The size "vertical" 0|1 bool The vertical mode "power" 1-100 int The power "power" "off" string Only if power checkbox is disabled "outline" oOutline int The power "outline" "off" string Only if outline checkbox is disabled "smooth" oSmooth int The smooth "smooth" "off" string Only if smooth checkbox is disabled "border" oBorder int The border "border" "off" string Only if border checkbox is disabled "letter" 0|1 bool The letter mode "border_col" oR oG oB int int int The border color "glow_col" oR oG oB int int int The glow color "glow" oGlow int The glow "glow" "off" string Only if glow checkbox is disabled "aspect" oAspect double The aspect "aspect" "off" string Only if aspect checkbox is disabled "space" oSpace double The space "space" "off" string Only if space checkbox is disabled "angle" oAngle double The angle "angle" "off" string Only if angle checkbox is disabled "italic" oItalic double The italic "italic" "off" string Only if italic checkbox is disabled "track" oTrack double The track "track" "off" string Only if track checkbox is disabled "step" oStep double The step "step" "off" string Only if step checkbox is disabled "font" oFontName string The font name "style" oStyleName string The style name "script" oSscriptName string The script name "string" oString string The string "anim" "once"|"loop"|"ping-pong"|"random" enum The animation "csize" connection The size connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cscale" connection The scale connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cspace" connection The space connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "citalic" connection The italic connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "crotate" connection The rotate connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "ctrack" connection The track connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "copacity" connection The opacity connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "coutline" connection The outline connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "csmooth" connection The smooth connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "opacity" oOpacity int The opacity "opacity" "off" string Only if opacity checkbox is disabled [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't select text brush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_texttool2 ["toolmode"] ["reset"] ["mode" iDrawingMode] ["size" iSize] ["vertical" 0|1] ["power" [1-100|"off"]] ["opacity" [1-100|"off"]] ["outline" [iOutline|"off"]] ["smooth" [iSmooth|"off"]] ["border" [iBorder|"off"]] ["letter" [0|1]] ["border_col" [iR iG iB]] ["glow_col" [iR iG iB]] ["glow" [iGlow|"off"]] ["scale" [iScale|"off"]] ["space" [iSpace|"off"]] ["angle" [iAngle|"off"]] ["italic" [iItalic|"off"]] ["track" [iTrack|"off"]] ["step" [iStep|"off"]] ["font" [iFontName]] ["style" [iStyleName]] ["script" [iSscriptName]] ["text" [iTtext]] ["anim" ["once"|"loop"|"ping-pong"|"random"]] ["csize" ['"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"']] ["cscale" ['"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"']] ["cspace" ['"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"']] ["ctrack" ['"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"']] ["coutline" ['"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"']] ["csmooth" ['"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"']] ["citalic" ['"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"']] ["copacity" ['"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"']] ["crotate" ['"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"']] Manage text brush [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one "reset" string Reset the tool "mode" iDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" _ "panto" _ "merge" _ "shade" _ "light" _ "colorize" _ "tint" _ "grain" _ "blur" _ "noise" _ "negative" _ "sharp" _ "emboss" _ "solarize" _ "saturate" _ "unsaturate" _ "add" _ "sub" _ "multiply" _ "screen" _ "diff" _ "healing" _ "burn" _ "dodge" _ "darken" _ "lighten" "size" iSize double The size "vertical" 0|1 bool The vertical mode "power" The power 1-100 int "off" string "opacity" The opacity 1-100 int "off" string "outline" The outline iOutline int "off" string "smooth" The smooth iSmooth int "off" string "border" The border iBorder int "off" string "letter" 0|1 bool The border "border_col" iR iG iB int int int The border color "glow_col" iR iG iB int int int The glow color "glow" The glow iGlow int "off" string "scale" The scale (alias of aspect) iScale double "off" string "space" The space iSpace double "off" string "angle" The angle iAngle double "off" string "italic" The italic iItalic double "off" string "track" The track iTrack double "off" string "step" The step iStep double "off" string "font" iFontName string The font name "style" iStyleName string The style name "script" iSscriptName string The script name "text" iTtext string The text (alias of string) "anim" "once"|"loop"|"ping-pong"|"random" enum The loop mode "csize" connection The size connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "cscale" connection The scale connection (alias of caspect) [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "cspace" connection The space connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "ctrack" connection The track connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "coutline" connection The outline connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "csmooth" connection The smooth connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "citalic" connection The italic connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "copacity" connection The opacity connection (aka cpower not patch -_-) [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "crotate" connection The rotate connection (alias of cangle) [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double [RETURN] ["mode" oDrawingMode] ["size" oSize] ["power" 1-100] ["power" "off"] ["opacity" oOpacity] ["opacity" "off"] ["outline" oOutline] ["outline" "off"] ["smooth" oSmooth] ["smooth" "off"] ["border" oBorder] ["border" "off"] ["letter" 0|1] ["border_col" oR oG oB] ["glow_col" oR oG oB] ["glow" oGlow] ["glow" "off"] ["aspect" oAspect] ["aspect" "off"] ["space" oSpace] ["space" "off"] ["angle" oAngle] ["angle" "off"] ["italic" oItalic] ["italic" "off"] ["track" oTrack] ["track" "off"] ["step" oStep] ["step" "off"] ["font" oFontName] ["style" oStyleName] ["script" oSscriptName] ["text" oText] ["anim" "once"|"loop"|"ping-pong"|"random"] ["csize" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["cscale" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["cspace" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["ctrack" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["coutline" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["csmooth" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["citalic" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["crotate" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["copacity" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] "mode" oDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" _ "panto" _ "merge" _ "shade" _ "light" _ "colorize" _ "tint" _ "grain" _ "blur" _ "noise" _ "negative" _ "sharp" _ "emboss" _ "solarize" _ "saturate" _ "unsaturate" _ "add" _ "sub" _ "multiply" _ "screen" _ "diff" _ "healing" _ "burn" _ "dodge" _ "darken" _ "lighten" "size" oSize double The size "power" 1-100 int The power "power" "off" string Only if power checkbox is disabled "opacity" oOpacity int The opacity "opacity" "off" string Only if opacity checkbox is disabled "outline" oOutline int The power "outline" "off" string Only if outline checkbox is disabled "smooth" oSmooth int The smooth "smooth" "off" string Only if smooth checkbox is disabled "border" oBorder int The border "border" "off" string Only if border checkbox is disabled "letter" 0|1 bool The letter mode "border_col" oR oG oB int int int The border color "glow_col" oR oG oB int int int The glow color "glow" oGlow int The glow "glow" "off" string Only if glow checkbox is disabled "aspect" oAspect double The aspect "aspect" "off" string Only if aspect checkbox is disabled "space" oSpace double The space "space" "off" string Only if space checkbox is disabled "angle" oAngle double The angle "angle" "off" string Only if angle checkbox is disabled "italic" oItalic double The italic "italic" "off" string Only if italic checkbox is disabled "track" oTrack double The track "track" "off" string Only if track checkbox is disabled "step" oStep double The step "step" "off" string Only if step checkbox is disabled "font" oFontName string The font name "style" oStyleName string The style name "script" oSscriptName string The script name "text" oText string The text (alias of string) "anim" "once"|"loop"|"ping-pong"|"random" enum The loop mode "csize" connection The size connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cscale" connection The scale connection (alias of caspect) [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cspace" connection The space connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "ctrack" connection The track connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "coutline" connection The outline connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "csmooth" connection The smooth connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "citalic" connection The italic connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "crotate" connection The rotate connection (alias of cangle) [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "copacity" connection The opacity connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't select text brush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_vfgetfont iPosition Get font name at the given position in the font list [PARAMETERS] iPosition int The position [RETURN] oName string The name [RETURN] "" string No more font at this position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_vfgetstyle iFontPosition iStylePosition Get style name at the given position of the given font [PARAMETERS] iFontPosition int The font position iStylePosition int The style position for the given font [RETURN] oName string The name [RETURN] "" string No more style at this position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_vfgetscript iFontPosition iScriptPosition Get script name at the given position of the given font [PARAMETERS] iFontPosition int The font position iScriptPosition int The script position for the given font [RETURN] oName string The name [RETURN] "" string No more script at this position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_textbrush iText Create a custom brush with this text (using the parameters of the text tool) [PARAMETERS] iText string The text [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't activate text tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_vfsetfont iName Set the current font of the text tool [PARAMETERS] iName string The font name [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't activate text tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_vfstringsize iText Compute the size of the text as a text tool [PARAMETERS] iText string The text [RETURN] oSize double (pixel) The size [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't activate text tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_vfrotate [iAngle] Manage rotation of the text tool [PARAMETERS] iAngle double (degres) The angle [RETURN] oAngle double (degres) The current/previous angle [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't activate text tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_vfsize [iSize] Manage the size of the text tool [PARAMETERS] iSize double The size [RETURN] oSize double The current/previous size [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't activate text tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_vfspace [iSpace] Manage the space of the text tool [PARAMETERS] iSpace double The space [RETURN] oSpace double The current/previous space [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't activate text tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_vfitalic [iItalic] Manage the italic of the text tool [PARAMETERS] iItalic double The italic [RETURN] oItalic double The current/previous italic [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't activate text tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_vfscale [iXScale] Manage the x scale of the text tool [PARAMETERS] iXScale double The x scale [RETURN] oXScale double The current/previous x scale [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't activate text tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_vftracking [iTracking] Manage the tracking of the text tool [PARAMETERS] iTracking double The tracking [RETURN] oTracking double The current/previous tracking [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't activate text tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_vfoutline [iOutline] Manage the outline of the text tool [PARAMETERS] iOutline double The outline [RETURN] oOutline double The current/previous outline [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't activate text tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_vfborder [iBorder] Manage the border of the text tool [PARAMETERS] iBorder int The border [RETURN] oBorder int The current/previous border [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't activate text tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_vfsmooth [iSmooth] Manage the smooth of the text tool [PARAMETERS] iSmooth int The smooth [RETURN] oSmooth int The current/previous smooth [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't activate text tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_vfglow [iGlow] Manage the glow of the text tool [PARAMETERS] iGlow int The glow [RETURN] oGlow int The current/previous glow [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't activate text tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_vfglowcolor [iR iG iB] Manage the glow color of the text tool [PARAMETERS] iR iG iB int int int The color [RETURN] oR oG oB int int int The current/previous color [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't activate text tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_vfbordercolor [iR iG iB] Manage the border color of the text tool [PARAMETERS] iR iG iB int int int The color [RETURN] oR oG oB int int int The current/previous color [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't activate text tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_brushrestore ["toolmode"] "backup" Get custom brush parameters [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one "backup" string To return all current parameters [RETURN] "tv_restorebrush" "mode" oDrawingMode "width" oWidth "height" oHeight "step" oStep "opacity" oOpacity "size" oSize "shift" oShift "position" oPosition "jitter" oJitter "angle" oAngle "stamp" 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7 "handle" oX oY "origine" oX oY "rotate" oRotate "flip_x" 0|1 "flip_y" 0|1 "optimize" 0|1 "opaque" 0|1 "border" 0-100 "border_color" oR oG oB "dry" 0|1 "screenwrap" 0|1 "projection" 0|1 "subpixel" 0|1|2|3 "anim" oAnimation "animinvert" 0|1 "smear" oSmear "wetprofile" "oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "copacity" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "csize" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "cjitter" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "cangle" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "cshift" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "csmear" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn" "tv_restorebrush" string The command "mode" oDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" _ "panto" _ "merge" _ "shade" _ "light" _ "colorize" _ "tint" _ "grain" _ "blur" _ "noise" _ "negative" _ "sharp" _ "emboss" _ "solarize" _ "saturate" _ "unsaturate" _ "add" _ "sub" _ "multiply" _ "screen" _ "diff" _ "healing" _ "burn" _ "dodge" _ "darken" _ "lighten" "width" oWidth int The width "height" oHeight int The height "step" oStep double The step "opacity" oOpacity double The opacity "size" oSize double The size "shift" oShift double The shift "position" oPosition int The current image "jitter" oJitter double The jitter "angle" oAngle double The angle "stamp" 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7 enum The stamp mode _ 0: color _ 1: alpha _ 2: luma _ 3: hue _ 4: invert luma _ 5: alpha max _ 6: smear _ 7: smear source "handle" oX oY int int The handle coordinate inside the brush "origine" oX oY int int The origine coordinate where the brush was cut (to be able to reapply at the same place) "rotate" oRotate double The angle "flip_x" 0|1 bool The flip in x "flip_y" 0|1 bool The flip in y "optimize" 0|1 bool The brush is optimized but without changing the source brush "opaque" 0|1 bool The background brush is filled but without changing the source brush "border" 0-100 int The border "border_color" oR oG oB int int int The border color "dry" 0|1 bool The dry "screenwrap" 0|1 bool The brush keeps its original size independently of the project zoom/scale/angle "projection" 0|1 bool The projection (depend of the stylus inclination) "subpixel" 0|1|2|3 enum The subpixel mode _ 0: none _ 1: medium _ 2: best _ 3: smart "anim" oAnimation enum The anim mode _ "none" _ "once" _ "start&once" _ "loop" _ "ping-pong" _ "random" _ "pressure" _ "speed" _ "direction" _ "invert" _ "tilt" _ "twist" _ "azimuth" _ "altitude" _ "random&loop" _ "random&hold" _ "start&loop" _ "fade" "animinvert" 0|1 bool Invert the anim mode "smear" oSmear double The smear "wetprofile" profile The wet profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "copacity" connection The opacity connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "csize" connection The size connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cjitter" connection The jitter connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cangle" connection The angle connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cshift" connection The shift connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "csmear" connection The smear connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't select custom brush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_brushrestore ["toolmode"] ["reset"] ["mode" iDrawingMode] ["optimizesource"] ["preload"] ["wetprofile" "iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn"] ["position" iImage] ["width" iWidth] ["height" iHeight] ["step" iStep] ["opacity" 1.0-100.0] ["size" 1.0-2000.0] ["smear" 1.0-100.0] ["shift" 1.0-100.0] ["jitter" iJitter] ["angle" iAngle] ["stamp" 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7] ["origine" iX iY] ["handle" iX iY] ["rotate" iRotate] ["flip_x" 0|1] ["flip_y" 0|1] ["optimize" 0|1] ["opaque" 0|1] ["screenwrap" 0|1] ["projection" 0|1] ["border_color" iR iG iB] ["border" iBorder] ["dry" 0|1] ["subpixel" 0|1|2|3] ["copacity" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["csize" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cjitter" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cshift" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["csmear" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["cangle" '"'[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;iCount iCurrent 0|1|2 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 ... iXn iYn'"'] ["anim" iAnimation] ["animinvert" 0|1] Manage custom brush Be Carefull, order of the arguments is important: 'tv_brushrestore optimize 1 width 50 height 50' has a different result than 'tv_brushrestore width 50 height 50 optimize 1' because arguments are called in an order [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one "reset" string Reset the tool "mode" iDrawingMode enum The drawing mode (but some restrictions if stamp is NOT Alpha or AlphaMax) _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" _ "panto" _ "merge" _ "shade" _ "light" _ "colorize" _ "tint" _ "grain" _ "blur" _ "noise" _ "negative" _ "sharp" _ "emboss" _ "solarize" _ "saturate" _ "unsaturate" _ "add" _ "sub" _ "multiply" _ "screen" _ "diff" _ "healing" _ "burn" _ "dodge" _ "darken" _ "lighten" "optimizesource" string Optimize the source "preload" string Preload the source "wetprofile" profile The wet profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "position" iImage int The current image "width" iWidth int The width "height" iHeight int The height "step" iStep double The step "opacity" 1.0-100.0 double The opacity "size" 1.0-2000.0 double The size "smear" 1.0-100.0 double The smear "shift" 1.0-100.0 double The shift "jitter" iJitter double The jitter "angle" iAngle double The angle "stamp" 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7 enum The stamp _ 0: color _ 1: alpha _ 2: luma _ 3: hue _ 4: invert luma _ 5: alpha max _ 6: smear _ 7: smear source "origine" iX iY int int The origine coordinate where the brush was cut (to be able to reapply at the same place) "handle" iX iY int int The handle coordinate inside the brush "rotate" iRotate double The angle "flip_x" 0|1 bool The flip in x "flip_y" 0|1 bool The flip in y "optimize" 0|1 bool Optimize the brush without changing the source brush (contrary to optimizesource). This option is thus undoable "opaque" 0|1 bool Fill the backgound without changing the source brush "screenwrap" 0|1 bool The brush will keep its original size independently of the project zoom/scale/angle "projection" 0|1 bool The projection (depend of the stylus inclination) "border_color" iR iG iB int int int The border color "border" iBorder int The border "dry" 0|1 bool The dry "subpixel" 0|1|2|3 enum The subpixel mode _ 0: none _ 1: medium _ 2: best _ 3: smart "copacity" connection The opacity connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "csize" connection The size connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "cjitter" connection The jitter connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "cshift" connection The shift connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "csmear" connection The smear connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "cangle" connection The angle connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile iCount int The number of point x,y iCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys iX1 iY1 double double iX2 iY2 double double ... iXn iYn double double "anim" iAnimation enum The anim mode _ "none" _ "once" _ "start&once" _ "loop" _ "ping-pong" _ "random" _ "pressure" _ "speed" _ "direction" _ "invert" _ "tilt" _ "twist" _ "azimuth" _ "altitude" _ "random&loop" _ "random&hold" _ "start&loop" _ "fade" "animinvert" 0|1 bool Invert the anim mode [RETURN] ["mode" oDrawingMode] ["wetprofile" "oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["position" oPosition] ["width" oWidth] ["height" oHeight] ["step" oStep] ["opacity" oOpacity] ["size" oSize] ["smear" oSmear] ["shift" oShift] ["jitter" oJitter] ["angle" oAngle] ["stamp" 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7] ["origine" oX oY] ["handle" oX oY] ["rotate" oRotate] ["flip_x" 0|1] ["flip_y" 0|1] ["optimize" 0|1] ["opaque" 0|1] ["screenwrap" 0|1] ["projection" 0|1] ["border_color" oR oG oB] ["border" oBorder] ["dry" 0|1] ["subpixel" 0|1|2|3] ["copacity" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["csize" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["cjitter" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["cshift" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["csmear" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["cangle" "[-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17;oCount oCurrent 0|1|2 oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 ... oXn oYn"] ["anim" oAnimation] ["animinvert" 0|1] "mode" oDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" _ "panto" _ "merge" _ "shade" _ "light" _ "colorize" _ "tint" _ "grain" _ "blur" _ "noise" _ "negative" _ "sharp" _ "emboss" _ "solarize" _ "saturate" _ "unsaturate" _ "add" _ "sub" _ "multiply" _ "screen" _ "diff" _ "healing" _ "burn" _ "dodge" _ "darken" _ "lighten" "wetprofile" profile The wet profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "position" oPosition int The current image "width" oWidth int The width "height" oHeight int The height "step" oStep double The step "opacity" oOpacity double The opacity "size" oSize double The size "smear" oSmear double The smear "shift" oShift double The shift "jitter" oJitter double The jitter "angle" oAngle double The angle "stamp" 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7 enum The stamp mode _ 0: color _ 1: alpha _ 2: luma _ 3: hue _ 4: invert luma _ 5: alpha max _ 6: smear _ 7: smear source "origine" oX oY int int The origine coordinate where the brush was cut (to be able to reapply at the same place) "handle" oX oY int int The handle coordinate inside the brush "rotate" oRotate double The angle "flip_x" 0|1 bool The flip in x "flip_y" 0|1 bool The flip in y "optimize" 0|1 bool The brush is optimized but without changing the source brush "opaque" 0|1 bool The background brush is filled but without changing the source brush "screenwrap" 0|1 bool The brush keeps its original size independently of the project zoom/scale/angle "projection" 0|1 bool The projection (depend of the stylus inclination) "border_color" oR oG oB int int int The border color "border" oBorder int The border "dry" 0|1 bool The dry "subpixel" 0|1|2|3 enum The subpixel mode _ 0: none _ 1: medium _ 2: best _ 3: smart "copacity" connection The opacity connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "csize" connection The size connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cjitter" connection The jitter connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cshift" connection The shift connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "csmear" connection The smear connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "cangle" connection The angle connection [-]0|4|5|6|7|8|10|11|12|13|14|15|17 enum The connection mode _ 0: none _ 4: speed _ 5: direction _ 6: orientation _ 7: fade _ 8: random _ 10: pressure _ 11: altitude _ 12: azimuth _ 13: wheel1 _ 14: wheel2 _ 15: wheel3 _ 17: twist profile The connection profile oCount int The number of point x,y oCurrent int The current point 0|1|2 enum The interpolation _ 0: spline _ 1: linear _ 2: polynomial array The keys oX1 oY1 double double oX2 oY2 double double ... oXn oYn double double "anim" oAnimation enum The anim mode _ "none" _ "once" _ "start&once" _ "loop" _ "ping-pong" _ "random" _ "pressure" _ "speed" _ "direction" _ "invert" _ "tilt" _ "twist" _ "azimuth" _ "altitude" _ "random&loop" _ "random&hold" _ "start&loop" _ "fade" "animinvert" 0|1 bool Invert the anim mode [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't select custom brush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_brushinfo Get some information about the custom brush [RETURN] oW oH oHandleX oHandleY oCount 0 0 oW oH int int The size oHandleX oHandleY int int The handle oCount int The number of images 0 int Always 0 0 int Always 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_brushpower ["toolmode"] iOpacity Set custombrush opacity [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one iOpacity double The opacity [RETURN] oOpacity double The previous opacity [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't select custombrush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_brushstretch ["toolmode"] iWidth iHeight Stretch the custom brush [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one iWidth int The new width iHeight int The new height [RETURN] "width" oWidth "height" oHeight "width" oWidth int The previous width "height" oHeight int The previous height [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't set custombrush tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_brushrotate ["toolmode"] iX iY Rotate the custom brush [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one iX iY int int The angle made by line (0,0/iX,0) and line (0,0/iX,iY) [RETURN] "rotate" oAngle int (degres) The previous angle [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't set custombrush tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_brushoutline ["toolmode"] Increment outline of the custom brush [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one [RETURN] "" string Outline incremented [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't set custombrush tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_flipx ["toolmode"] Flip horizontally the custom brush [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one [RETURN] "" string Flipped [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't set custombrush tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_flipy ["toolmode"] Flip vertically the custom brush [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one [RETURN] "" string Flipped [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't set custombrush tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_handle iX iY Set the handle of the custom brush [PARAMETERS] iX iY double double The handle (0,0 is the top-left border of the custom brush) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_systextbrush iText Create a custom brush from a text [PARAMETERS] iText string The text ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_dot ["toolmode"] iX iY 0|1 Draw a dot (with the current brush) [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is NOT set AND 'erase' drawing mode is given, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one * otherwise, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new) current tool iX iY int int The coordinate 0|1 bool Set to the 'erase' drawing mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_zdot iX iY 0|1 iPressure [0|1] Draw a dot with pressure (with the current brush) [PARAMETERS] iX iY int int The coordinate 0|1 enum The button _ 0: left _ 1: right iPressure double The pressure 0|1 bool Force the dry when 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_line iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 0|1 [0|1] Draw a line (with the current brush) [PARAMETERS] iX1 iY1 double double The begin of the line iX2 iY2 double double The end of the line 0|1 enum The button _ 0: left _ 1: right 0|1 bool Force the dry when 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_zline iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 0|1 iPressure1 iPressure2 [0|1] Draw a line with pressure (with the current brush) [PARAMETERS] iX1 iY1 double double The begin of the line iX2 iY2 double double The end of the line 0|1 enum The button _ 0: left _ 1: right iPressure1 double The start pressure iPressure2 double The end pressure 0|1 bool Force the dry when 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_zspline iX1 iY1 iX iY iX2 iY2 0|1 iPressure1 iPressure iPressure2 [0|1] Draw a spline with pressure (with the current brush) [PARAMETERS] iX1 iY1 double double The begin of the line iX iY double double The middle of the line iX2 iY2 double double The end of the line 0|1 enum The button _ 0: left _ 1: right iPressure1 double The start pressure iPressure double The middle pressure iPressure2 double The end pressure 0|1 bool Force the dry when 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_fastline iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 iR iG iB iA Draw a line (1 pixel size and not antialiased) [PARAMETERS] iX1 iY1 double double The begin of the line iX2 iY2 double double The end of the line iR iG iB iA int int int int The color ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_circle iCenterX iCenterY iRadius [0|1] Draw a circle [PARAMETERS] iCenterX iCenterY double double The center iRadius double The radius 0|1 enum The button _ 0: left _ 1: right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_ellipse iCenterX iCenterY iRadiusA iRadiusB [0|1 [iAngle]] Draw an ellipse [PARAMETERS] iCenterX iCenterY double double The center iRadiusA double The a radius iRadiusB double The b radius 0|1 enum The button _ 0: left _ 1: right iAngle double (degres) The angle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_rect iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 [0|1] Draw a rectangle [PARAMETERS] iX1 iY1 double double The top-left corner iX2 iY2 double double The bottom-right corner 0|1 enum The button _ 0: left _ 1: right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_areainit ["toolmode"] [...] Initialize the area before using a filling or selecting tool [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one ... complex The tool specific parameters (See each tool command) [RETURN] ... complex See each tool command with their respectives returned parameters corresponding to the given parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_areamove iX iY Add a new point to the polygon Use tv_areainit to empty the polygon [PARAMETERS] iX iY double double The coordinates ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_areadraw [iVX1 iVY1 [0 iVX2 iVY2]] Draw the filled polygon [PARAMETERS] iVX1 iVY1 double double The coordinates of the begin point of the vector 0 int Unused iVX2 iVY2 double double The coordinates of the end point of the vector ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_areagradientvector iVX1 iVY1 iVX2 iVY2 Set the vector for gradient [PARAMETERS] iVX1 iVY1 double double The coordinates of the begin point of the vector iVX2 iVY2 double double The coordinates of the end point of the vector [RETURN] oVX1 oVY1 oVX2 oVY2 oVX1 oVY1 double double The previous coordinates of the begin point oVX2 oVY2 double double The previous coordinates of the end point ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_circlefill ["toolmode"] iCenterX iCenterY iRadius [iVX2 iVY2 [0|1]] Draw a filled circle [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one iCenterX iCenterY double double The center of the circle iRadius double The radius iVX2 iVY2 double double The coordinates of the end point of the gradient vector from the center 0|1 bool Use of erase mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_ellipsefill ["toolmode"] iCenterX iCenterY iRadiusA iRadiusB [[iVX2 iVY2 [0|1]] iAngle] Draw a filled ellipse [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one iCenterX iCenterY double double The center of the ellipse iRadiusA double The a radius iRadiusB double The b radius iVX2 iVY2 double double The coordinates of the end point of the gradient vector from the center 0|1 bool Use of erase mode iAngle double (radian) The angle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_fill ["toolmode"] iX1 iY1 [iVX2 iVY2 [0|1]] Draw a rectangle [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one iX1 iY1 double double The position to start filling iVX2 iVY2 double double The end of the gradient vector (Set to 0 0 to not use them) 0|1 enum The button _ 0: left _ 1: right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_rectfill ["toolmode"] iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 [iVX2 iVY2 [0|1]] Fill a rectangle zone [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one iX1 iY1 double double The top-left corner iX2 iY2 double double The bottom-right corner iVX2 iVY2 double double The end of the gradient vector (Set to 0 0 to not use them) 0|1 bool The 'erase' drawing mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_getactiveshape Get the current shape [RETURN] oShape enum The current shape _ "dot" _ "singledot" _ "freehandline" _ "freehandfill" _ "line" _ "linefill" _ "spline3pts" _ "bezier" _ "bspline" _ "bezierfill" _ "splinefill" _ "rectangle" _ "rectanglefill" _ "ellipse" _ "ellipse2pts" _ "circle" _ "circle2pts" _ "circle3pts" _ "ellipsefill" _ "ellipse2ptsfill" _ "circlefill" _ "circle2ptsfill" _ "circle3ptsfill" _ "flood" _ "selectrectangle" _ "selectellipse" _ "select2pts" _ "select3pts" _ "selectpoly": (added in 10.5) _ "selectfreehand" _ "selectflood" _ "selectcolor" _ "selectbezier" _ "selectbspline" _ "crop" _ "zoomin" _ "zoomout" _ "zoomhand" _ "zoomrect": (added in 10.5) _ "cutrect" _ "cutpoly" _ "cutfreehand" _ "cutflood" _ "panning" _ "wrap" _ "position" _ "warp" _ "camera" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_setactiveshape iShape [...] Set the current shape and its tool parameters [PARAMETERS] iShape enum The shape _ "dot" _ "singledot" _ "freehandline" _ "freehandfill" _ "line" _ "linefill" _ "spline3pts" _ "bezier" _ "bspline" _ "bezierfill" _ "splinefill" _ "rectangle" _ "rectanglefill" _ "ellipse" _ "ellipse2pts" _ "circle" _ "circle2pts" _ "circle3pts" _ "ellipsefill" _ "ellipse2ptsfill" _ "circlefill" _ "circle2ptsfill" _ "circle3ptsfill" _ "flood" _ "selectrectangle" _ "selectellipse" _ "select2pts" _ "select3pts" _ "selectpoly": (added in 10.5) _ "selectfreehand" _ "selectflood" _ "selectcolor" _ "selectbezier" _ "selectbspline" _ "crop" _ "zoomin" _ "zoomout" _ "zoomhand" _ "zoomrect": (added in 10.5) _ "cutrect" _ "cutpoly" _ "cutfreehand" _ "cutflood" _ "panning" _ "wrap" _ "position" _ "warp" _ "camera" ... complex The tool specific parameters [RETURN] ... complex See each tool command with their respectives returned parameters corresponding to the given parameters [COMMENT] // Get properties of current tool tv_getActiveShape tv_setActiveShape result "backup" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_reapply Reapply the last action (like hitting [Enter]) [RETURN] 0|1 bool Something happen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_drawsmoothing [0|1 [0|1 [iValue [0|1 ["average"|"pulledstring"|"averagepoints" [0|1]]]]]] Manage line smoothing [PARAMETERS] 0|1 bool The activation state 0|1 bool The real-time state iValue double The value 0|1 bool The hud displayed "average"|"pulledstring"|"averagepoints" enum The type 0|1 bool The catchup state for 'averagepoints' [RETURN] 0|1 0|1 oValue 0|1 "average"|"pulledstring" 0|1 bool The current/previous activation state 0|1 bool The current/previous real-time state oValue double The current/previous value 0|1 bool The current/previous hud displayed "average"|"pulledstring" enum The current/previous type [RETURN] 0|1 0|1 oValue 0|1 "averagepoints" 0|1 0|1 bool The current/previous activation state 0|1 bool The current/previous real-time state oValue double The current/previous value 0|1 bool The current/previous hud displayed "averagepoints" enum The current/previous type 0|1 bool The current/previous catchup state ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_selectshapetool Cancel George MetaFunction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_custommode iR1 iG1 iB1 iA1 iK1 iR2 iG2 iB2 iA2 iK2 iR3 iG3 iB3 iA3 iK3 iR4 iG4 iB4 iA4 iK4 [0|1] Set a custom blending mode [PARAMETERS] iR1 iG1 iB1 iA1 iK1 int int int int int The coefficients iR2 iG2 iB2 iA2 iK2 int int int int int The coefficients iR3 iG3 iB3 iA3 iK3 int int int int int The coefficients iR4 iG4 iB4 iA4 iK4 int int int int int The coefficients 0|1 bool Unmultiply colors before applying the matrix ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_getdrawmode Get the current drawing mode [RETURN] oDrawingMode enum The drawing mode (may be the localized version) _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" _ "panto" _ "merge" _ "shade" _ "light" _ "colorize" _ "tint" _ "grain" _ "blur" _ "noise" _ "negative" _ "sharp" _ "emboss" _ "solarize" _ "saturate" _ "unsaturate" _ "add" _ "sub" _ "multiply" _ "screen" _ "diff" _ "healing" _ "burn" _ "dodge" _ "darken" _ "lighten" [RETURN] "" string No tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_setdrawmode iDrawingModeIndex|iDrawingMode Set the current drawing mode [PARAMETERS] iDrawingModeIndex int The drawing mode index inside the current tool drawing mode popup iDrawingMode enum The drawing mode name _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" _ "panto" _ "merge" _ "shade" _ "light" _ "colorize" _ "tint" _ "grain" _ "blur" _ "noise" _ "negative" _ "sharp" _ "emboss" _ "solarize" _ "saturate" _ "unsaturate" _ "add" _ "sub" _ "multiply" _ "screen" _ "diff" _ "healing" _ "burn" _ "dodge" _ "darken" _ "lighten" _ "shift" _ "impress" _ "smear" _ "colorsmear" _ "mixer" _ "stamp" _ "replace" _ "custom" [RETURN] oDrawingMode enum The current/previous drawing mode (may be the localized version) _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" _ "panto" _ "merge" _ "shade" _ "light" _ "colorize" _ "tint" _ "grain" _ "blur" _ "noise" _ "negative" _ "sharp" _ "emboss" _ "solarize" _ "saturate" _ "unsaturate" _ "add" _ "sub" _ "multiply" _ "screen" _ "diff" _ "healing" _ "burn" _ "dodge" _ "darken" _ "lighten" _ "shift" _ "impress" _ "smear" _ "colorsmear" _ "mixer" _ "stamp" _ "replace" _ "custom" [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't select the tool corresponding to the drawing mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_getactivetool ["force"] Get the current tool parameters [PARAMETERS] "force" string Force the command to the current tool, otherwise only tools which are available with the 'Free Hand' shape will be process [RETURN] ... complex See each tool command with the parameter 'backup' and their returned parameters [RETURN] "tv_nop" string No current tool available ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_brushcut ["toolmode"] iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 0|1 -1|0|1 -1|0|1 0|1 Cut a brush with a rectangle [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one iX1 iY1 int int The top-left corner iX2 iY2 int int The bottom-right corner 0|1 enum The mode _ 0: copy _ 1: cut -1|0|1 enum The anim mode _ -1: ask if want an anim _ 0: no anim _ 1: anim -1|0|1 enum The display mode _ -1: use the 'Display' option in the cut brush panel _ 0: use the layer _ 1: use the display 0|1 bool Optimize the cut brush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_brushpoly ["toolmode"] 0|1 -1|0|1 -1|0|1 0|1 Cut a brush with a polygon [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one 0|1 enum The mode _ 0: copy _ 1: cut -1|0|1 enum The anim mode _ -1: ask if want an anim _ 0: no anim _ 1: anim -1|0|1 enum The display mode _ -1: use the 'Display' option in the cut brush panel _ 0: use the layer _ 1: use the display 0|1 bool Optimize the cut brush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_no_cutbrushtool ["reset"] ["smooth" 0-100] ["aaliasing" 0|1] ["keep" 0|1] ["subpixel" 0|1|2|3] ["optimize" 0|1] ["display" 0|1] [WARNING] This command DOESN'T exist, it's just to comment its parameters (usable by tv_setactiveshape) Manage cut brush [PARAMETERS] "reset" string Reset the tool "smooth" 0-100 int The smooth "aaliasing" 0|1 bool The anti-aliasing "keep" 0|1 bool Keep the parameters of the current custom brush (so only change its animation/image with the cut one) "subpixel" 0|1|2|3 enum The subpixel mode for the cut custom brush _ 0: none _ 1: medium _ 2: best _ 3: smart "optimize" 0|1 bool Optimize the cut custom brush "display" 0|1 bool Use the displayed image or just the layer one to create the cut custom brush [RETURN] ["smooth" 0-100] ["aaliasing" 0|1] ["keep" 0|1] ["subpixel" 0|1|2|3] ["optimize" 0|1] ["display" 0|1] "smooth" 0-100 int The previous smooth "aaliasing" 0|1 bool The previous anti-aliasing "keep" 0|1 bool The previous keep parameters "subpixel" 0|1|2|3 enum The previous subpixel mode for the cut custom brush _ 0: none _ 1: medium _ 2: best _ 3: smart "optimize" 0|1 bool Optimize the cut custom brush "display" 0|1 bool Use the displayed image or just the layer one to create the cut custom brush [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't set cut tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_no_croptool [iX [iY [iW [iH 0|1]]]] [WARNING] This command DOESN'T exist, it's just to comment its parameters (usable by tv_setactiveshape) Manage crop tool [PARAMETERS] iX int The x coordinate iY int The y coordinate iW int The width iH int The height 0|1 bool Lock ratio [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't set cut tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_no_selecttool "backup" [WARNING] This command DOESN'T exist, it's just to comment its parameters (usable by tv_setactiveshape) Get select tool parameters [PARAMETERS] "backup" string To return all current parameters [RETURN] "tv_setactiveshape" "selectfreehand"|"selectflood" "mode" "add"|"sub"|"replace" "smooth" oSmooth "aaliasing" 0|1 "gap" 0-25 "contiguous" 0|1 "expand" -50-50 "range" 0-255 "floodmode" 0|1|2|3|4 "display" 0|1 "tv_setactiveshape" string The command "selectfreehand"|"selectflood" enum The shape "mode" "add"|"sub"|"replace" enum The drawing mode "smooth" oSmooth int The smooth "aaliasing" 0|1 bool The anti-aliasing "gap" 0-25 int The gap "contiguous" 0|1 bool The contiguous area "expand" -50-50 int The expand "range" 0-255 int The range "floodmode" 0|1|2|3|4 enum The flood mode _ 0: color + density _ 1: color _ 2: density _ 3: B color _ 4: luma "display" 0|1 bool Use the display instead of the current layer image [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't set select tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_no_selecttool ["mode" "add"|"sub"|"replace"] ["smooth" iSmooth] ["aaliasing" 0|1] ["gap" 0-25] ["contiguous" 0|1] ["expand" -50-50] ["range" 0-255] ["floodmode" 0|1|2|3|4] ["display" 0|1] [WARNING] This command DOESN'T exist, it's just to comment its parameters (usable by tv_setactiveshape) Manage select tool [PARAMETERS] "mode" "add"|"sub"|"replace" enum The drawing mode "smooth" iSmooth int The smooth "aaliasing" 0|1 bool The anti-aliasing "gap" 0-25 int The gap "contiguous" 0|1 bool The contiguous area "expand" -50-50 int The expand "range" 0-255 int The range "floodmode" 0|1|2|3|4 enum The flood mode _ 0: color + density _ 1: color _ 2: density _ 3: B color _ 4: luma "display" 0|1 bool Use the display instead of the current layer image [RETURN] ["mode" "add"|"sub"|"replace"] ["smooth" oSmooth] ["aaliasing" 0|1] ["gap" 0-25] ["contiguous" 0|1] ["expand" -50-50] ["range" 0-255] ["floodmode" 0|1|2|3|4] ["display" 0|1] "mode" "add"|"sub"|"replace" enum The drawing mode "smooth" oSmooth int The smooth "aaliasing" 0|1 bool The anti-aliasing "gap" 0-25 int The gap "contiguous" 0|1 bool The contiguous area "expand" -50-50 int The expand "range" 0-255 int The range "floodmode" 0|1|2|3|4 enum The flood mode _ 0: color + density _ 1: color _ 2: density _ 3: B color _ 4: luma "display" 0|1 bool Use the display instead of the current layer image [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't set select tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_no_filltool "backup" [WARNING] This command DOESN'T exist, it's just to comment its parameters (usable by tv_setactiveshape) Get fill tool parameters [PARAMETERS] "backup" string To return all current parameters [RETURN] "tv_setactiveshape" "flood"|"selectflood"|"cutflood"|"..." "mode" oDrawingMode "vector" oX0 oY0 oX1 oY1 "aaliasing" 0|1 "map_xbrush" "on" "map_gradient" "on" "map_xbrush" "off"|"wrap"|"stretch"|"tile" "map_ybrush" "off"|"wrap"|"stretch"|"tile" "map_gradient" "off"|"linear"|"circle"|"center"|"radial"|"square" "map_xopacity" "off"|"max"|"part"|"center"|"vect" "map_yopacity" "off"|"max"|"part"|"center"|"vect" "opacity" oOpacity "contiguous" 0|1 "gap" 0-25 "expand" -50-50 "range" 0-255 "src" 0|1|2|3 "fill" 0|1|2|3|4 "autopickcolor" 0|1 "fillinside" 0|1 "includelines" 0|1 "smooth" oSmooth "floodboundary" 0|1 "boundaryexpand" oBoundaryExpand "boundaryrange" 1-255 ( "boundarycolor" "rgba" oR oG oB oA "boundarycoloractivated" 0|1 ) ... "tv_setactiveshape" string The command "flood"|"selectflood"|"cutflood"|"..." enum The shape "mode" oDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" _ "panto" _ "merge" _ "shade" _ "light" _ "colorize" _ "tint" _ "grain" _ "blur" _ "noise" _ "negative" _ "sharp" _ "emboss" _ "solarize" _ "saturate" _ "unsaturate" _ "add" _ "sub" _ "multiply" _ "screen" _ "diff" _ "healing" _ "burn" _ "dodge" _ "darken" _ "lighten" "vector" The vector oX0 oY0 double double oX1 oY1 double double "aaliasing" 0|1 bool The anti-aliasing "map_xbrush" "on" string Only if x brush mapping is active "map_gradient" "on" string Only if x gradient is active "map_xbrush" "off"|"wrap"|"stretch"|"tile" enum The brush mapping "map_ybrush" "off"|"wrap"|"stretch"|"tile" enum The brush mapping "map_gradient" "off"|"linear"|"circle"|"center"|"radial"|"square" enum The gradient "map_xopacity" "off"|"max"|"part"|"center"|"vect" enum The opacity mapping "map_yopacity" "off"|"max"|"part"|"center"|"vect" enum The opacity mapping "opacity" oOpacity double The opacity "contiguous" 0|1 bool The contiguous area "gap" 0-25 int The gap "expand" -50-50 int The expand "range" 0-255 int The range "src" 0|1|2|3 enum The source _ 0: layer _ 1: above _ 2: under _ 3: display "fill" 0|1|2|3|4 enum The fill mode _ 0: color + density _ 1: color _ 2: density _ 3: B color _ 4: luma "autopickcolor" 0|1 bool The autopickcolor "fillinside" 0|1 bool The fill inside option "includelines" 0|1 bool The include lines option "smooth" oSmooth int The smooth "floodboundary" 0|1 bool The flood boundary option "boundaryexpand" oBoundaryExpand int The boundary expand "boundaryrange" 1-255 int The boundary range "boundarycolor" The boundary color "rgba" oR oG oB oA int int int int The color "boundarycoloractivated" 0|1 bool The color state [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't set fill tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_no_filltool ["reset"] ["mode" iDrawingMode] ["vector" iX0 iY0 iX1 iY1] ["aaliasing" 0|1] ["includelines" 0|1] ["map_fill" 0|1|"on"|"off"] ["map_xbrush" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"wrap"|"stretch"|"tile"] ["map_ybrush" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"wrap"|"stretch"|"tile"] ["map_gradient" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"linear"|"circle"|"center"|"radial"|"square"] ["map_xopacity" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"max"|"part"|"center"|"vect"] ["map_yopacity" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"max"|"part"|"center"|"vect"] ["opacity" 1.0-100.0] ["contiguous" 0|1] ["gap" 0-25] ["expand" -50-50] ["range" 1-255] ["src" 0|1|2|3] ["autopickcolor" 0|1] ["fillinside" 0|1] ["fill" 0|1|2|3|4] ["smooth" iSmooth] ["floodboundary" 0|1] ["boundaryexpand" iBoundaryExpand] ["boundaryrange" 1-255] ["boundarycolor" "rgb[a]" iR iG iB [iA] ["boundarycoloractivated" 0|1]] ... [WARNING] This command DOESN'T exist, it's just to comment its parameters (usable by tv_setactiveshape) Manage fill tool [PARAMETERS] "reset" string Reset the tool "mode" iDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" _ "panto" _ "merge" _ "shade" _ "light" _ "colorize" _ "tint" _ "grain" _ "blur" _ "noise" _ "negative" _ "sharp" _ "emboss" _ "solarize" _ "saturate" _ "unsaturate" _ "add" _ "sub" _ "multiply" _ "screen" _ "diff" _ "healing" _ "burn" _ "dodge" _ "darken" _ "lighten" "vector" The vector iX0 iY0 double double iX1 iY1 double double "aaliasing" 0|1 bool The anti-aliasing "includelines" 0|1 bool The include lines option "map_fill" 0|1|"on"|"off" enum The brush wrap and gradient "map_xbrush" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"wrap"|"stretch"|"tile" enum The x brush wrap "map_ybrush" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"wrap"|"stretch"|"tile" enum The y brush wrap "map_gradient" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"linear"|"circle"|"center"|"radial"|"square" enum The gradient "map_xopacity" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"max"|"part"|"center"|"vect" enum The x opacity mapping "map_yopacity" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"max"|"part"|"center"|"vect" enum The y opacity mapping "opacity" 1.0-100.0 double The opacity "contiguous" 0|1 bool The contiguous area "gap" 0-25 int The gap "expand" -50-50 int The expand "range" 1-255 int The range "src" 0|1|2|3 enum The source _ 0: layer _ 1: above _ 2: under _ 3: display "autopickcolor" 0|1 bool The autopickcolor "fillinside" 0|1 bool The fill inside option "fill" 0|1|2|3|4 enum The fill mode _ 0: color + density _ 1: color _ 2: density _ 3: B color _ 4: luma "smooth" iSmooth int The smooth "floodboundary" 0|1 bool The flood boundary option "boundaryexpand" iBoundaryExpand int The boundary expand "boundaryrange" 1-255 int The boundary range "boundarycolor" The boundary color "rgb[a]" iR iG iB iA int int int int The color "boundarycoloractivated" 0|1 bool The color state [RETURN] ["mode" oDrawingMode] ["vector" oX0 oY0 oX1 oY1] ["aaliasing" 0|1] ["includelines" 0|1] ["map_xbrush" "on"] ["map_gradient" "on"] ["map_xbrush" "off"|"wrap"|"stretch"|"tile"] ["map_ybrush" "off"|"wrap"|"stretch"|"tile"] ["map_gradient" "off"|"linear"|"circle"|"center"|"radial"|"square"] ["map_opacity" 0|1] ["map_xopacity" "off"|"max"|"part"|"center"|"vect"] ["map_yopacity" "off"|"max"|"part"|"center"|"vect"] ["opacity" 1.0-100.0] ["contiguous" 0|1] ["gap" 0-25] ["expand" -50-50] ["range" 1-255] ["src" 0|1|2|3] ["autopickcolor" 0|1] ["fillinside" 0|1] ["fill" 0|1|2|3|4] ["smooth" oSmooth] ["floodboundary" 0|1] ["boundaryexpand" oBoundaryExpand] ["boundaryrange" 1-255] ["boundarycolor" "rgba" oR oG oB oA] ... "mode" oDrawingMode enum The drawing mode _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" _ "panto" _ "merge" _ "shade" _ "light" _ "colorize" _ "tint" _ "grain" _ "blur" _ "noise" _ "negative" _ "sharp" _ "emboss" _ "solarize" _ "saturate" _ "unsaturate" _ "add" _ "sub" _ "multiply" _ "screen" _ "diff" _ "healing" _ "burn" _ "dodge" _ "darken" _ "lighten" "vector" The vector oX0 oY0 double double oX1 oY1 double double "aaliasing" 0|1 bool The anti-aliasing "includelines" 0|1 bool The include lines option "map_xbrush" "on" string Only if x brush mapping is active "map_gradient" "on" string Only if gradient is active "map_xbrush" "off"|"wrap"|"stretch"|"tile" enum The brush mapping "map_ybrush" "off"|"wrap"|"stretch"|"tile" enum The brush mapping "map_gradient" "off"|"linear"|"circle"|"center"|"radial"|"square" enum The gradient "map_opacity" 0|1 bool The opacity mapping "map_xopacity" "off"|"max"|"part"|"center"|"vect" enum The opacity mapping "map_yopacity" "off"|"max"|"part"|"center"|"vect" enum The opacity mapping "opacity" 1.0-100.0 double The opacity "contiguous" 0|1 bool The contiguous area "gap" 0-25 int The gap "expand" -50-50 int The expand "range" 1-255 int The range "src" 0|1|2|3 enum The source _ 0: layer _ 1: above _ 2: under _ 3: display "autopickcolor" 0|1 bool The autopickcolor "fillinside" 0|1 bool The fill inside option "fill" 0|1|2|3|4 enum The fill mode _ 0: color + density _ 1: color _ 2: density _ 3: B color _ 4: luma "smooth" oSmooth int The smooth "floodboundary" 0|1 bool The flood boundary option "boundaryexpand" oBoundaryExpand int The boundary expand "boundaryrange" 1-255 int The boundary range "boundarycolor" The boundary color "rgba" oR oG oB oA int int int int The color [ERROR] "ERROR" string Can't set fill tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_selectionmask ["action" "clear"|"invert"|"copy2layer"|"cut2layer"|"copy2brush"|"cut2brush"] ... Manage selection [PARAMETERS] "action" "clear"|"invert"|"copy2layer"|"cut2layer"|"copy2brush"|"cut2brush" enum The action [RETURN] "empty" string The selection is empty [RETURN] "" string The selection is not empty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_connexionsettings ["fade" iFade] ["orientation" iOrientation] ["direction" iDirection] Manage global connexion setting [PARAMETERS] "fade" iFade double The fade "orientation" iOrientation int (degres) The orientation "direction" iDirection int (degres) The direction [RETURN] "fade" oFade "orientation" oOrientation "direction" oDirection "fade" oFade double The current/previous fade "orientation" oOrientation int (degres) The current/previous orientation "direction" oDirection int (degres) The current/previous direction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_rangeon ["toolmode"] Activate brush wrapping/opacity mapping [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one [RETURN] ["map_xbrush" "on"] ["map_gradient" "on"] "map_xbrush" "on" string The previous x brush mapping state "map_gradient" "on" string The previous gradient mapping state ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_rangeoff ["toolmode"] Desactivate brush wrapping/opacity mapping [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one [RETURN] ["map_xbrush" "on"] ["map_gradient" "on"] "map_xbrush" "on" string The previous x brush mapping state "map_gradient" "on" string The previous gradient mapping state ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_rangec ["toolmode"] Set the gradient to 'circle' [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one [RETURN] "map_gradient" "off"|"linear"|"circle"|"center"|"radial"|"square" enum The previous state ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_rangev ["toolmode"] Set the gradient to 'linear' [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one [RETURN] "map_gradient" "off"|"linear"|"circle"|"center"|"radial"|"square" enum The previous state ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_wrapx ["toolmode"] [0|1] Manage the x brush wrapping [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one 0|1 enum The brush wrapping state _ 0: off _ 1: wrap [RETURN] "map_xbrush" "off"|"wrap"|"stretch"|"tile" enum The previous state ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_wrapy ["toolmode"] [0|1] Manage the y brush wrapping [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one 0|1 enum The brush wrapping state _ 0: off _ 1: wrap [RETURN] "map_ybrush" "off"|"wrap"|"stretch"|"tile" enum The previous state ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_smoothedge iSmooth Manage smooth [PARAMETERS] iSmooth int The smooth [RETURN] "smooth" oSmooth int The previous state ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_densityon ["toolmode"] Activate density mapping [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one [RETURN] "map_opacity" 0|1 bool The previous state ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_densityoff ["toolmode"] Desactivate density mapping [PARAMETERS] "toolmode" string Manage drawing mode (because the current tool MAY change): _ at the begining of this command: * backup up the drawing mode of the current tool _ at the end of this command: * if this parameter is set, DO NOT change the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool * if this parameter is NOT set, set the drawing mode of the (maybe new/modified) current tool to the backup one [RETURN] "map_opacity" 0|1 bool The previous state ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_densitymodex "clear"|"none"|"on"|"max"|"part"|"center"|"vect" Manage mode of the opacity mapping of the X curve [PARAMETERS] "clear"|"none"|"on"|"max"|"part"|"center"|"vect" enum The new mode [RETURN] "map_xopacity" "off"|"max"|"part"|"center"|"vect" enum The previous mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_densitymodey "clear"|"none"|"on"|"max"|"part"|"center"|"vect" Manage mode of the opacity mapping of the Y curve [PARAMETERS] "clear"|"none"|"on"|"max"|"part"|"center"|"vect" enum The new mode [RETURN] "map_yopacity" "off"|"max"|"part"|"center"|"vect" enum The previous mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_fileinfo iPath Get basic information about a file [PARAMETERS] iPath filesystempath The path of the file Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') [RETURN] oWidth oHeight oImageCount oWidth int Number of image oHeight int Height of image oImageCount int Number of image [ERROR] "ERROR XX" string No argument 0 0 0 int File not found / no valid format ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_loadkeymap ipath Load (previously saved) keymap from file [PARAMETERS] ipath filesystempath The path to the keymap file to load Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_savekeymap ipath Save keymap to file [PARAMETERS] ipath filesystempath The path to the keymap file to save Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_getpath ["home"|"temp"|"plugin"|"george"|"config"] Get the absolute path of some specific location [PARAMETERS] "home"|"temp"|"plugin"|"george"|"config" enum The absolute path to retrieve [RETURN] oPath filesystempath The corresponding absolute path or the 'resources' one if no parameter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_gethostpath Get the absolute path of the "resources" (host) directory [RETURN] oPath filesystempath The 'resources' path ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_gettemppath Get the absolute path of the "temp" directory [RETURN] oPath filesystempath The 'temp' path ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_copytoconfig iSrc iDst Manage configuration [PARAMETERS] iSrc filesystempath The source file to copy to config Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') iDst filesystempath The destination path part (concatenate to the current config base path) Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_readtextfile iIndex iFolder Get the n-th file name inside a folder [PARAMETERS] iIndex int The index of the file inside the folder iFolder string The folder [RETURN] "EOF" string No file at the given index [RETURN] oIndex oFileName oIndex int The index (should be the same as input) of the file inside the folder oFileName string The file name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_readtextfile iIndexLine iFile Read a line in a text file [PARAMETERS] iIndexLine int The line to read iFile string The text file [RETURN] "EOF" string End-of-file [RETURN] oIndexLine oLine oIndexLine int The index (should be the same as input) of the line oLine string The line [ERROR] "Cannot open" string Can't open the file [EXAMPLE] // read all lines in a text file text = "" loop = 1 line = 0 while ( loop==1 ) tv_readtextfile line "c:/windows/system.ini" parse result eof string if ( CMP( eof, "EOF" ) == 1) loop = 0 else text = text""string end line = line + 1 end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_writetextfile "askuser" [iText] Ask the user the permission to write a file/folder [PARAMETERS] "askuser" string The action iText string The additional text to display in the warning [RETURN] "OK"|"Forbidden" enum The answer of the user ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_writetextfile ["strict"] "exists" iPath Check file/folder existance [PARAMETERS] "strict" string Use strictly the iPath parameter, don't try to search iPath (if not an absolute path) inside other common directories "exists" string The action iPath filesystempath The path to check Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') [RETURN] "" string The path doesn't exist [RETURN] oFile filesystempath The full path ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_writetextfile ["strict"] "mkdir" iFolder Create a folder if it doesn't exist [PARAMETERS] "strict" string Use strictly the iFolder parameter, don't try to search iFolder (if not an absolute path) inside other common directories "mkdir" string The action iFolder filesystempath The folder to create Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') [RETURN] "Exists" string The folder already exists [RETURN] oFolder filesystempath The full path of the created folder [ERROR] "Forbidden" string The user don't give the permission to create folder ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_writetextfile ["strict"] "remove" iPath Remove a file/folder [PARAMETERS] "strict" string Use strictly the iPath parameter, don't try to search iPath (if not an absolute path) inside other common directories "remove" string The action iPath filesystempath The path to remove Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') [RETURN] "" string The path has been removed [ERROR] "Forbidden" string The user don't give the permission to remove a path ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_writetextfile ["strict"] ["encoding" "native"|"utf8"] "create" iFile iLine Create a new text file with one line (If both "strict" and "encoding" are used, they MUST be used in this order !) [PARAMETERS] "strict" string Use strictly the iPath parameter, don't try to search iPath (if not an absolute path) inside other common directories "encoding" "native"|"utf8" enum Use a specific encoding (default: utf8) "create" string The action iFile filesystempath The path of the file Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') iLine string The line [RETURN] oLine string The written line [ERROR] "Cannot open" string can't create the file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_writetextfile ["strict"] ["encoding" "native"|"utf8"] "append" iFile iLine Append a new line to a text file (If both "strict" and "encoding" are used, they MUST be used in this order !) [PARAMETERS] "strict" string Use strictly the iPath parameter, don't try to search iPath (if not an absolute path) inside other common directories "encoding" "native"|"utf8" enum Use a specific encoding (default: utf8) "append" string The action iFile filesystempath The path of the file Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') iLine string The line (if not given, add an empty line) [RETURN] oLine string The written line [ERROR] "Cannot open" string can't open the file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_savemode Get the saving format This is used by other commands like tv_savebrush, tv_savebrushanim, tv_savedisplay, tv_savesequence, ... [RETURN] oFormat ... oFormat string The current format ... complex The options of the current format (See each format to get them) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_savemode "psd"|"deep"|"tiff"|"rtv"|"qt"|"dps"|"sun"|"cin"|"dpx"|"vpb" Set the saving format This is used by other commands like tv_savebrush, tv_savebrushanim, tv_savedisplay, tv_savesequence, ... [PARAMETERS] "psd"|"deep"|"tiff"|"rtv"|"qt"|"dps"|"sun"|"cin"|"dpx"|"vpb" enum The format [RETURN] "psd"|"deep"|"tiff"|"rtv"|"qt"|"dps"|"sun"|"cin"|"dpx"|"vpb" enum The current/previous format ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_savemode "jpeg" [1-100] Set the saving format (with jpeg option) This is used by other commands like tv_savebrush, tv_savebrushanim, tv_savedisplay, tv_savesequence, ... [PARAMETERS] "jpeg" string The format 1-100 int The power [RETURN] "jpeg" oPower "jpeg" string The current/previous format oPower int The current/previous power ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_savemode "avi" ["rgb"|"rgba"|"mjpg"|"yuv" [iCompression]] Set the saving format (with avi options) This is used by other commands like tv_savebrush, tv_savebrushanim, tv_savedisplay, tv_savesequence, ... [PARAMETERS] "avi" string The format "rgb"|"rgba"|"mjpg"|"yuv" enum The mode iCompression int The compression [RETURN] "avi" "rgb"|"rgba"|"mjpg"|"yuv" oCompression "avi" string The current/previous format "rgb"|"rgba"|"mjpg"|"yuv" enum The current/previous mode oCompression int The current/previous compression ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_savemode "tga" [0|1] Set the saving format (with tga option) This is used by other commands like tv_savebrush, tv_savebrushanim, tv_savedisplay, tv_savesequence, ... [PARAMETERS] "tga" string The format 0|1 bool The compression [RETURN] "tga" 0|1 "tga" string The current/previous format 0|1 bool The current/previous compression ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_savemode "png"|"bmp"|"gif"|"pcx"|"flc"|"ilbm" ["b24"|"b32"|"global"|"local"|"fix"|"user"] ["dither"|"nodither"|"mat"] [iNumColor] Set the saving format (with their options) This is used by other commands like tv_savebrush, tv_savebrushanim, tv_savedisplay, tv_savesequence, ... [PARAMETERS] "png"|"bmp"|"gif"|"pcx"|"flc"|"ilbm" enum The format "b24"|"b32"|"global"|"local"|"fix"|"user" enum The palette "dither"|"nodither"|"mat" enum The dithering iNumColor int The number of colors [RETURN] "png"|"bmp"|"gif"|"pcx"|"flc"|"ilbm" "b24"|"b32"|"global"|"local"|"fix"|"user" "dither"|"nodither"|"mat" oNumColor "png"|"bmp"|"gif"|"pcx"|"flc"|"ilbm" enum The current/previous format "b24"|"b32"|"global"|"local"|"fix"|"user" enum The current/previous palette "dither"|"nodither"|"mat" enum The current/previous dithering oNumColor int The current/previous number of colors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_alphaloadmode ["premultiply"|"nopremultiply"|"noalpha"|"alphaonly"|"guess"] Manage loading alpha mode [PARAMETERS] "premultiply"|"nopremultiply"|"noalpha"|"alphaonly"|"guess" enum The new loading alpha mode [RETURN] "premultiply"|"nopremultiply"|"noalpha"|"alphaonly"|"guess" enum The previous/current loading alpha mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_alphasavemode ["premultiply"|"nopremultiply"|"noalpha"|"alphaonly"|"alphabinary"|"guess"] Manage saving alpha mode [PARAMETERS] "premultiply"|"nopremultiply"|"noalpha"|"alphaonly"|"alphabinary"|"guess" enum The new saving alpha mode [RETURN] "premultiply"|"nopremultiply"|"noalpha"|"alphaonly"|"alphabinary"|"guess" enum The previous/current saving alpha mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_loadbrush iPath Load a brush from a file [PARAMETERS] iPath filesystempath The path of the file Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') [RETURN] "" string On success [ERROR] "ERROR XX" string No argument / file not found / no valid format ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_savebrush iPath Save the current brush [PARAMETERS] iPath filesystempath The path of the file Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') [RETURN] oPath string The name of the saved file [ERROR] "ERROR XX" string No parameter / no file found / no valid format ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_loadbrushanim iPath [iStart iCount] ["preload"] ["timestretch"] Load an animated brush from a file [PARAMETERS] iPath filesystempath The path of the file Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') iStart int The start image of anim to load iCount int The number of image of anim to load "preload" string Load all the file in memory, no more reference on the file "timestretch" string Once loaded, the brush will have a new number of image corresponding to the project framerate [RETURN] oImageCount int Number of image in the file [ERROR] "ERROR XX" string No argument -1 int File not found / no valid format ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_savebrushanim iPath Save the current anim brush [PARAMETERS] iPath filesystempath The path of the file Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') [RETURN] oPath string The absolute path of the file [ERROR] -1 int No parameter / no file found / no valid format ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_loadpalette iPath Load a palette(s) from a file/directory [PARAMETERS] iPath filesystempath The path of the file Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') [RETURN] "" string On success [ERROR] "ERROR XX" string No argument / file not found / no valid format ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_savepalette iPath Save the current palette [PARAMETERS] iPath filesystempath The path of the file Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') [RETURN] "" string On success [ERROR] "ERROR -1" string No parameter / can't create file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_loadproject iPath ["silent" 0|1|"on"|"off"] Load a file as a project if possible or open Import panel [PARAMETERS] iPath filesystempath The path of the file (MUST BE THE FIRST PARAMETER !!!) Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') "silent" 0|1|"on"|"off" enum Disable popup (warning) during loading [RETURN] oProjectId string Id of the new project [ERROR] "ERROR XX" string No argument -1 int File not found / no valid format ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_saveproject iPath Save the current project as tvpp [PARAMETERS] iPath filesystempath The path of the file Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') [RETURN] "" string On success [ERROR] "ERROR XX" string No parameter / can't create file [HISTORIC] modification in 10.0.12: Save project as tvpp modification in 9.5.0: Save clip as tvp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_projectsavesequence iPath ["camera"] [iStart iStop] Save the current project [PARAMETERS] iPath filesystempath The path Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') "camera" string Use camera view instead of project view iStart int The start frame iStop int The stop frame [RETURN] 0 int No error [ERROR] -1 int No parameter / can't save ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_loadsequence iPath [iStart iCount] ["lower"|"upper"] ["stretch"] ["timestretch"] ["preload"] Open a sequence of files in a new layer [PARAMETERS] iPath filesystempath The first file of the sequence to load Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') iStart int The start image of sequence to load If the sequence is composed of numbered images, this value is added to the number of the first image (for example, if you load a sequence for which numbering starts at 10 (file_010.png) and the start value is 5, you will start at image 15 (file_015.png)) iCount int The number of image of sequence to load "lower"|"upper" enum The field "stretch" string Stretch each image to the size of the layer "timestretch" string Once loaded, the layer will have a new number of image corresponding to the project framerate "preload" string Load all the images in memory, no more reference on the files [RETURN] oImageCount int The number of images of the new layer [ERROR] "ERROR -1" string No parameter -1 int No file found / no valid format ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_savesequence iPath [iMarkIn iMarkOut] Save the current project as tvpp [PARAMETERS] iPath filesystempath The path of the first file Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') iMarkIn int The mark in iMarkOut int The mark out [RETURN] "" string On success [ERROR] "ERROR -1" string No parameter / can't create files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_loadimage iPath ["stretch"] Load an image in the current image layer [PARAMETERS] iPath filesystempath The path of the file Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') "stretch" string Stretch the loaded image to current project size [RETURN] "" string On success [ERROR] "ERROR XX" string No argument / file not found / no valid format ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_saveimage iPath Save the current image of the current layer [PARAMETERS] iPath filesystempath The path of the file Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') [RETURN] oPath string The absolute path of the file [ERROR] "ERROR XX" string No parameter / no file found / no valid format ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_loadspare iPath Load a file to the spare You can then use all modes (like Merge) and all functions (like the Bump filter) which need a spare image [PARAMETERS] iPath filesystempath The path of the file Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') [RETURN] "" string On success [ERROR] "ERROR XX" string No parameter / no file found / no valid format ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_savedisplay iPath Save the display [PARAMETERS] iPath filesystempath The path of the file Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') [RETURN] oPath string The path of the file [ERROR] "ERROR XX" string No parameter / no file found / no valid format ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +10.0.12 tv_saveclip iPath Save the current clip [PARAMETERS] iPath filesystempath The path of the file Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') [RETURN] "" string On success [ERROR] "ERROR -1" string No parameter / can't create file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_clipsavestructure iPath "PSD" "mode" "all" Save the current clip as a PSD [PARAMETERS] iPath filesystempath The path of the file. If not a file path, the file(s) may not be saved in the correct location! Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') "PSD" string The format "mode" "all" string Export the whole clip [RETURN] "" string On success [ERROR] -1 int No parameter / wrong parameter / can't save the file(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_clipsavestructure iPath "PSD" "image" iImage Save the image of the current clip as a PSD [PARAMETERS] iPath filesystempath The path of the file. If not a file path, the file(s) may not be saved in the correct location! Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') "PSD" string The format "image" iImage int The image to export [RETURN] "" string On success [ERROR] -1 int No parameter / wrong parameter / can't save the file(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_clipsavestructure iPath "PSD" ["markin" iMarkIn] ["markout" iMarkOut] Save the selection of the current clip as a PSD [PARAMETERS] iPath filesystempath The path of the file. If not a file path, the file(s) may not be saved in the correct location! Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') "PSD" string The format "markin" iMarkIn int The mark in "markout" iMarkOut int The mark out [RETURN] "" string On success [ERROR] -1 int No parameter / wrong parameter / can't save the file(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_clipsavestructure iPath "CSV" ["allimages" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"] ["exposurelabel" iLabel] Save the current clip as a CSV [PARAMETERS] iPath filesystempath The path of the file. If not a file path, the file(s) may not be saved in the correct location! Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') "CSV" string The format "allimages" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false" enum Export all images or only instances "exposurelabel" iLabel string Give a label when the image is an exposure [RETURN] "" string On success [ERROR] -1 int No parameter / wrong parameter / can't save the file(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_clipsavestructure iPath "Flix" "image" iImage ["parametersimport" iParameterImport] ["parametersfile" iParameterFile] ["send" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"] ["originalfile" iTVPPFile] Save the current clip for Flix [PARAMETERS] iPath filesystempath The path of the file. If not a file path, the file(s) may not be saved in the correct location! Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') "Flix" string The format "image" iImage int The image to export "parametersimport" iParameterImport string The attribute(s) of the global <flixImport> tag (waitForSource/...) "parametersfile" iParameterFile string The attribute(s) of each <image> (file) tag (dialogue/...) "send" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false" enum Open a browser with the prefilled url "originalfile" iTVPPFile string The original reference tvpp file path [RETURN] "" string On success [ERROR] -1 int No parameter / wrong parameter / can't save the file(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_clipsavestructure iPath "Flix" ["markin" iMarkIn] ["markout" iMarkOut] ["parametersimport" iParameterImport] ["parametersfile" iParameterFile] ["send" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"] ["originalfile" iTVPPFile] Save the current clip for Flix [PARAMETERS] iPath filesystempath The path of the file. If not a file path, the file(s) may not be saved in the correct location! Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') "Flix" string The format "markin" iMarkIn int The mark in "markout" iMarkOut int The mark out "parametersimport" iParameterImport string The attribute(s) of the global <flixImport> tag (waitForSource/...) "parametersfile" iParameterFile string The attribute(s) of each <image> (file) tag (dialogue/...) "send" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false" enum Open a browser with the prefilled url "originalfile" iTVPPFile string The original reference tvpp file path [RETURN] "" string On success [ERROR] -1 int No parameter / wrong parameter / can't save the file(s) [EXAMPLE] // For Flix: // MUST BE ENCAPSULATE IN DOUBLE-QUOTE TO AVOID ERROR WITH (:) path="C:/Users/Mike/Desktop/flix/flix seq" param[0]=11111 value[0]="aa aaa" param[1]=2222 value[1]=bbbbb param[2]=33333 value[2]=cccc parameters="" FOR i = 0 TO 2 p = param[i] v = value[i] // CANNOT USE DOUBLE-QUOTE TO ENCAPSULATE THE VALUE BECAUSE THERE ARE ALREADY DOUBLE-QUOTE TO DELIMIT THE parameters IN THE FUNCTION tv_clipsavestructure v = "'"v"'" pv = p'='v' ' parameters = parameters''pv END tv_clipsavestructure '"'path'"' Flix markin 8 markout 12 parametersfile '"'parameters'"' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_clipsavestructure iPath "JSON" ["fileformat" iFileFormat] ["background" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"] ["patternfolder" iPatternFolder] ["patternfile" iPatternFile] ["onlyvisiblelayers" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"] ["allimages" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"] ["ignoreduplicateimages" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"] ["excludenames" iExcludeNames] Save the current clip structure in json [PARAMETERS] iPath filesystempath The path of the file. If not a file path, the file(s) may not be saved in the correct location! Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') "JSON" string The format (added in 11.0.8) "fileformat" iFileFormat enum The format of the image files The tv_savemode command may be called before this command to manage the file format options (added in 11.0.8) _ "png" _ "jpg" _ "bmp" _ "tga" _ "tiff" "background" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false" enum Fill the background (added in 11.0.8) "patternfolder" iPatternFolder string The pattern of the subfolder. And they may include those special variables: _ %li: layer index _ %ln: layer name _ %fi: file index (added in 11.0.8) "patternfile" iPatternFile string The pattern of the files in the subfolder. And they may include those special variables: _ %li: layer index _ %ln: layer name _ %ii: image index _ %in: image name _ %fi: file index (added in 11.0.8) "onlyvisiblelayers" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false" enum Export only visible layers (added in 11.0.8) "allimages" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false" enum Export all images (default: 0) (added in 11.5.0) "ignoreduplicateimages" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false" enum Ignore duplicates images (default: 0) (added in 11.5.0) "excludenames" iExcludeNames string The instances names which won't be processed/exported (separated by ';') (added in 11.0.8) [RETURN] "" string On success [ERROR] -1 int No parameter / wrong parameter / can't save the file(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_clipsavestructure iPath "sprite" ["layout" "rectangle"|"horizontal"|"vertical"|"diagonal"|"antidiagonal"] ["space" iSpace] Save the current clip as sprites in one image [PARAMETERS] iPath filesystempath The path of the file. If iPath is not a file path, the files will not be saved in the correct location Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') "sprite" string The format "layout" "rectangle"|"horizontal"|"vertical"|"diagonal"|"antidiagonal" enum The layout (default: rectangle) _ "rectangle": try to keep the same number of lines/columns _ "horizontal": only 1 line _ "vertical": only 1 column _ "diagonal": from top-left to bottom-right _ "antidiagonal": from bottom-left to top-right "space" iSpace int (pixel) The space beetwen each sprite (default: 0) [RETURN] "" string On success [ERROR] -1 int No parameter / wrong parameter / can't save the file(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_flipsadd "basic"|"forwardbackward"|"manually" Add a new flip [PARAMETERS] "basic"|"forwardbackward"|"manually" enum The flip type [RETURN] oId string The id of the new flip [ERROR] "0000000000000000" string No argument/wrong argument ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_flipsmodify iId ["name" iName] ["loop" 0|1] ["outofpegs" 0|1] ["limittype" "none"|"clip"|"layer"|"bookmarks"|"imagemarks"|"markinout"|"custom"] ["limitleft" iCustomLimitLeft] ["limitright" iCustomLimitRight] ["limitmarks" "all"|iColorIndex] ["keystype" "all"|"instances"|"bookmarks"|"imagemarks"] ["keymarks" "all"|( iColorIndex1 iColorIndex2 ... iColorIndexn )] ["fps" iFPS] ["step" iStep] ["comebacktoorigin" 0|1] ["direction" "horizontal"|"vertical"] Modify a flip [PARAMETERS] iId string The id of the flip "name" iName string The name "loop" 0|1 bool The loop "outofpegs" 0|1 bool The outofpegs "limittype" "none"|"clip"|"layer"|"bookmarks"|"imagemarks"|"markinout"|"custom" enum The limit type "limitleft" iCustomLimitLeft int The left limit (if limittype = custom) "limitright" iCustomLimitRight int The right limit (if limittype = custom) "limitmarks" The color limit (if limittype = imagemarks) "all" string Any color limit iColorIndex int One color limit "keystype" "all"|"instances"|"bookmarks"|"imagemarks" enum The keys type "keymarks" The color keys (if keystype = imagemarks) "all" string All colors iColorIndex1 int One or more colors iColorIndex2 int One or more colors ... iColorIndexn int One or more colors "fps" iFPS double The fps (for basic and forwardbackward flips) "step" iStep double The step (for manually flips) "comebacktoorigin" 0|1 bool Come back to origin (for manually and forwardbackward flips) "direction" "horizontal"|"vertical" enum The direction (for manually flips) [RETURN] "name" oName "keystype" "all"|"instances"|"bookmarks"|"imagemarks" "keymarks" "all"|( oColorIndex1 oColorIndex2 ... oColorIndexn ) "limittype" "none"|"clip"|"layer"|"bookmarks"|"imagemarks"|"markinout"|"custom" "limitleft" oCustomLimitLeft "limitright" oCustomLimitRight "limitmarks" "all"|oColorIndex "loop" 0|1 "outofpegs" 0|1 "fps" oFPS "step" oStep "comebacktoorigin" 0|1 "direction" "horizontal"|"vertical" "name" oName string The previous/current name "keystype" "all"|"instances"|"bookmarks"|"imagemarks" enum The previous/current keys type "keymarks" The previous/current color keys (if keystype = imagemarks) "all" string All colors oColorIndex1 int One or more colors oColorIndex2 int One or more colors ... oColorIndexn int One or more colors "limittype" "none"|"clip"|"layer"|"bookmarks"|"imagemarks"|"markinout"|"custom" enum The previous/current limit type "limitleft" oCustomLimitLeft int The previous/current left limit (if limittype = custom) "limitright" oCustomLimitRight int The previous/current right limit (if limittype = custom) "limitmarks" The previous/current color limit (if limittype = imagemarks) "all" string Any color limit oColorIndex int One color limit "loop" 0|1 bool The previous/current loop "outofpegs" 0|1 bool The previous/current outofpegs "fps" oFPS double The previous/current fps (for basic and forwardbackward flips) "step" oStep double The previous/current step (for manually flips) "comebacktoorigin" 0|1 bool The previous/current Come back to origin (for manually and forwardbackward flips) "direction" "horizontal"|"vertical" enum The previous/current direction (for manually flips) [ERROR] -2 int No argument/wrong argument/... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_flipsremove Remove a flip [ERROR] -2 int Wrong id ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_flipsenum iPosition Enum flips [PARAMETERS] iPosition int The position of the flip [RETURN] oId string The id [RETURN] "none" string No flip at this position [ERROR] -2 int Wrong id ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_stackopen Open the FX Stack panel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_stackclose Close the FX Stack panel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_stackaddtobin iFile Load the file to the FX Stack bin [PARAMETERS] iFile filesystempath The file to add Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_stackaddtobin iFolder Load all files *recursivily* from the folder to the FX Stack bin [PARAMETERS] iFolder filesystempath The folder containing files to add Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_stackload iFile Load the file to FX Stack [PARAMETERS] iFile filesystempath The file containing FXs Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_stackloadbin iBinName Load a bin to the FX Stack [PARAMETERS] iBinName string The bin name to load [RETURN] 0|1 bool Bin is loaded or not ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_stacksavebin iBinName Save the FX Stack to the bin [PARAMETERS] iBinName string The new bin name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_stacksave iFile Save the FX Stack to a file [PARAMETERS] iFile filesystempath The new file Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_stackapply ["currentlayer"|"currentgroup"|"alllayers"] ["currentframe"|"allframes"] Apply the FX Stack [PARAMETERS] "currentlayer"|"currentgroup"|"alllayers" enum Layer(s) to apply "currentframe"|"allframes" enum Frame(s) to apply ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_stackclear Empty the FX Stack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_stackexecute iFile Execute a FX Stack from a file Store the current FX stack first, apply new FX Stack, restore old FX Stack [PARAMETERS] iFile filesystempath New FX Stack file to apply Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_stackexecutebin iBinName Execute a FX Stack from a bin Store the current FX stack first, apply new FX Stack, restore old FX Stack [PARAMETERS] iBinName string The bin to apply ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_stackpreview 0|1 Manage FX Stack preview [PARAMETERS] 0|1 bool The state of the preview ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_bump iAngle iPower iSmooth Apply a bump effect [PARAMETERS] iAngle int (degres) The direction of lighting iPower int The power of the bump iSmooth int The power of smoothing applied on the edges of the extruded parts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_convolve33 iM11 iM12 iM13 iM21 iM22 iM23 iM31 iM32 iM33 Apply a 3x3 convolution FX on the current image [PARAMETERS] iM11 iM12 iM13 iM21 iM22 iM23 iM31 iM32 iM33 matrix The coefficients ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_convolve55 iM11 iM12 iM13 iM14 iM15 iM21 iM22 iM23 iM24 iM25 iM31 iM32 iM33 iM34 iM35 iM41 iM42 iM43 iM44 iM45 iM51 iM52 iM53 iM54 iM55 Apply a 5x5 convolution FX on the current image [PARAMETERS] iM11 iM12 iM13 iM14 iM15 iM21 iM22 iM23 iM24 iM25 iM31 iM32 iM33 iM34 iM35 iM41 iM42 iM43 iM44 iM45 iM51 iM52 iM53 iM54 iM55 matrix The coefficients ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_fixmotion Apply a fix motion on interlaced image [COMMENT] This filter does vertical smoothing on the current image by mixing the two fields. It is usually used to attenuate the scintillation effect that occurs with an image composed of interlaced fields, and particularly with an image digitized from a video signal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_mosaic iWidth iHeight 0|1 Apply a mosaic FX [PARAMETERS] iWidth double The width of square iHeight double The height of square 0|1 bool Manage the smooth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_noise iShift iIntensity Apply a noise FX [PARAMETERS] iShift int The shift iIntensity int The intensity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_panning iX iY 0|1 0|2 Apply a panning FX [PARAMETERS] iX iY int int The shift 0|1 enum The tile mode _ 0: the image is only moved _ 1: the image is moved and fill all screen 0|2 enum The antialiasing _ 0: no AA _ 2: best AA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_pantoset iX iY Set Panto tool offset parameters [PARAMETERS] iX iY int int The offset ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_shadow iAngle iDistance iPower iSmooth iR iG iB Apply a shadow FX [PARAMETERS] iAngle double (degres) The angle iDistance int (pixel) The distance iPower int The power (0..100(=neutral)..) iSmooth int (pixel) The smooth iR iG iB int int int The shadow color ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_perswrap iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 iX3 iY3 iX4 iY4 0|1 Apply the current brush as perspective wrapping FX [PARAMETERS] iX1 iY1 double double The first corner iX2 iY2 double double The second corner iX3 iY3 double double The third corner iX4 iY4 double double The forth corner 0|1 enum The fill parameter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_smooth iSmooth Apply a smooth FX [PARAMETERS] iSmooth int The smooth value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_smoothdensity iSmooth Apply a smooth FX on alpha channel [PARAMETERS] iSmooth int The smooth value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_tornado iCenterX iCenterY iRadius iAngle Apply a tornado FX [PARAMETERS] iCenterX iCenterY int int The center iRadius int The radius iAngle int (degres) The angle of rotation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_wave iCenterX iCenterY iRadius iNumber iAmplitude iAngle Apply a tornado FX [PARAMETERS] iCenterX iCenterY double double The center iRadius double The radius iNumber double The number of waves iAmplitude double The amplitude iAngle double (degres) The angle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_gblur iBlurX iBlurY Apply a gaussian blur FX [PARAMETERS] iBlurX iBlurY double double The blur ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_speed 1|2|3|4 iPower 0-100 Apply a speed (blur) FX [PARAMETERS] 1|2|3|4 enum The direction _ 1: left _ 2: right _ 3: top _ 4: bottom iPower int The power 0-100 int The start ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_blend Apply a blender FX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_crazyblur 1|2|3|4|5|6|7 iRadius Apply a crazy blur FX [PARAMETERS] 1|2|3|4|5|6|7 enum The mode _ 1: smooth _ 2: lighthalo _ 3: darkhalo _ 4: lightmark _ 5: darkmark _ 6: edgedouble _ 7: impress iRadius int The radius ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_colorfactory iInit iInitLoop iLoop Apply the color factory fx to the current image [PARAMETERS] iInit string ? iInitLoop string ? iLoop string ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_pixelmatrix iR1 iG1 iB1 iA1 iK1 iR2 iG2 iB2 iA2 iK2 iR3 iG3 iB3 iA3 iK3 iR4 iG4 iB4 iA4 iK4 [0|1] Apply a matrix on the current image [PARAMETERS] iR1 iG1 iB1 iA1 iK1 int int int int int The coefficients iR2 iG2 iB2 iA2 iK2 int int int int int The coefficients iR3 iG3 iB3 iA3 iK3 int int int int int The coefficients iR4 iG4 iB4 iA4 iK4 int int int int int The coefficients 0|1 bool Unmultiply colors before applying the matrix [EXAMPLE] Here is how it basically works : you have 4 groups : R G B A In each group, you have 5 numbers : r g b a k The 4 firsts numbers are factors which determines how much the channel of the current color will impact on the final channel. For example, if in my pixel I want to use the value of the blue channel as the value of the red, I'll do this in the first group (R): R r g b a k 0 0 1 0 0 If I want a channel to keep the same value, I'll do this: R r g b a k 1 0 0 0 0 So in my example, if I only want to change the red value, I need to do this: R G B A r g b a k r g b a k r g b a k r g b a k 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 The 'k' value is constant which is added to the result. Second example, let's say I have these color values: R = 255 G = 100 B = 255 A = 255 I want the red to have the green value +50, so I do this: R r g b a k 0 1 0 0 50 And if I want the red to have the green value -50, I do this: R r g b a k 0 1 0 0 -50 Here's my complete sequence for the second example: R G B A r g b a k r g b a k r g b a k r g b a k 0 1 0 0 50 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 The result will be: R = 150 G = 100 B = 255 A = 255 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_strokesize Get the number of images between the first and the last point for the current stroke recorded by the stroke recorder filter [RETURN] oCount int The number of images ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_strokepoint iImage Get the information of the point at the given position for the current stroke recorded by the stroke recorder filter [PARAMETERS] iImage int The image [RETURN] oX oY oPressure 0|1 oX oY double double The coordinate oPressure double The pressure (0.0..255.0) 0|1 bool The button was down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelineadd "image" ["path" iPath] ["x" iX] ["y" iY] ["rotation" iAngle] ["scale" iScale] ["flip" "x"|"y"|"xy"] ["alphamode" "premultiply"|"nopremultiply"] Add an image guideline [PARAMETERS] "image" string The type "path" iPath filesystempath The path Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') "x" iX double The x position "y" iY double The y position "rotation" iAngle double (degres) The angle "scale" iScale double The scale (0..100(=neutral)..) "flip" "x"|"y"|"xy" enum The flip direction "alphamode" "premultiply"|"nopremultiply" enum The alphamode [RETURN] oPosition int The position of the new guideline [ERROR] -1 int No param/invalid guideline -2 int No project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelineadd "line" ["x" iX] ["y" iY] ["angle" iAngle] Add a line guideline [PARAMETERS] "line" string The type "x" iX double The x coordinate of the point the line will go through "y" iY double The y coordinate of the point the line will go through "angle" iAngle double (degres) The angle [RETURN] oPosition int The position of the new guideline [ERROR] -1 int No param/invalid guideline -2 int No project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelineadd "segment" ["x1" iX1] ["y1" iY1] ["x2" iX2] ["y2" iY2] Add a segment guideline [PARAMETERS] "segment" string The type "x1" iX1 double The x coordinate of the begin point "y1" iY1 double The y coordinate of the begin point "x2" iX2 double The x coordinate of the end point "y2" iY2 double The y coordinate of the end point [RETURN] oPosition int The position of the new guideline [ERROR] -1 int No param/invalid guideline -2 int No project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelineadd "circle" ["x" iX] ["y" iY] ["radius" iRadius] Add a circle guideline [PARAMETERS] "circle" string The type "x" iX double The x center "y" iY double The y center "radius" iRadius double The radius [RETURN] oPosition int The position of the new guideline [ERROR] -1 int No param/invalid guideline -2 int No project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelineadd "ellipse" ["x" iX] ["y" iY] ["radiusa" iRadiuAs] ["radiusb" iRadiusB] Add an ellipse guideline [PARAMETERS] "ellipse" string The type "x" iX double The x center "y" iY double The y center "radiusa" iRadiuAs double The a radius "radiusb" iRadiusB double The b radius [RETURN] oPosition int The position of the new guideline [ERROR] -1 int No param/invalid guideline -2 int No project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelineadd "grid" ["x" iX] ["y" iY] ["w" iWidth] ["h" iHeight] Add a grid guideline [PARAMETERS] "grid" string The type "x" iX double The x origine "y" iY double The y origine "w" iWidth double The width of each box "h" iHeight double The height of each box [RETURN] oPosition int The position of the new guideline [ERROR] -1 int No param/invalid guideline -2 int No project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelineadd "marks" ["countx" iCountX] ["county" iCountY] Add a marks guideline [PARAMETERS] "marks" string The type "countx" iCountX int The number of marks in x "county" iCountY int The number of marks in y [RETURN] oPosition int The position of the new guideline [ERROR] -1 int No param/invalid guideline -2 int No project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelineadd "fieldchart" Add a fieldchart guideline [PARAMETERS] "fieldchart" string The type [RETURN] oPosition int The position of the new guideline [ERROR] -1 int No param/invalid guideline -2 int No project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelineadd "animatorfield" Add an animator field guideline [PARAMETERS] "animatorfield" string The type [RETURN] oPosition int The position of the new guideline [ERROR] -1 int No param/invalid guideline -2 int No project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelineadd "safearea" ["out" iOut] ["in" iIn] Add a safearea guideline [PARAMETERS] "safearea" string The type "out" iOut double The out marging "in" iIn double The in marging [RETURN] oPosition int The position of the new guideline [ERROR] -1 int No param/invalid guideline -2 int No project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelineadd "vanishpoint1" ["x" iX] ["y" iY] ["grid" 0|1|"on"|"off"] Add a vanishpoint1 guideline [PARAMETERS] "vanishpoint1" string The type "x" iX double The x coordinate "y" iY double The y coordinate "grid" 0|1|"on"|"off" enum Display a grid [RETURN] oPosition int The position of the new guideline [ERROR] -1 int No param/invalid guideline -2 int No project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelineadd "vanishpoint2" ["x1" iX1] ["y1" iY1] ["x2" iX2] ["y2" iY2] Add a vanishpoint2 guideline [PARAMETERS] "vanishpoint2" string The type "x1" iX1 double The x coordinate of the first point "y1" iY1 double The y coordinate of the first point "x2" iX2 double The x coordinate of the second point "y2" iY2 double The y coordinate of the second point [RETURN] oPosition int The position of the new guideline [ERROR] -1 int No param/invalid guideline -2 int No project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelineadd "vanishpoint3" ["x1" iX1] ["y1" iY1] ["x2" iX2] ["y2" iY2] ["x3" iX3] ["y3" iY3] Add a vanishpoint3 guideline [PARAMETERS] "vanishpoint3" string The type "x1" iX1 double The x coordinate of the first point "y1" iY1 double The y coordinate of the first point "x2" iX2 double The x coordinate of the second point "y2" iY2 double The y coordinate of the second point "x3" iX3 double The x coordinate of the third point "y3" iY3 double The y coordinate of the third point [RETURN] oPosition int The position of the new guideline [ERROR] -1 int No param/invalid guideline -2 int No project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelinemodify iPosition ["path" iPath] ["x" iX] ["y" iY] ["rotation" iAngle] ["scale" iScale] ["flip" "x"|"y"|"xy"] Modify an image guideline [PARAMETERS] iPosition int The position "path" iPath filesystempath The path Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') "x" iX double The x position "y" iY double The y position "rotation" iAngle double (degres) The angle "scale" iScale double The scale (0..100(=neutral)..) "flip" "x"|"y"|"xy" enum The flip direction [RETURN] "path" oPath "x" oX "y" oY "rotation" oAngle "scale" oScale "flip" "x"|"y"|"xy" "path" oPath filesystempath The previous/current path "x" oX double The previous/current x position "y" oY double The previous/current y position "rotation" oAngle double (degres) The previous/current angle "scale" oScale double The previous/current scale (0..100(=neutral)..) "flip" "x"|"y"|"xy" enum The previous/current flip direction [ERROR] -1 int No project -2 int No param / invalid position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelinemodify iPosition ["x" iX] ["y" iY] ["angle" iAngle] Modify a line guideline [PARAMETERS] iPosition int The position "x" iX double The x coordinate of the point the line will go through "y" iY double The y coordinate of the point the line will go through "angle" iAngle double (degres) The angle [RETURN] "x" oX "y" oY "angle" oAngle "x" oX double The current/previous x coordinate of the point the line will go through "y" oY double The current/previous y coordinate of the point the line will go through "angle" oAngle double (degres) The current/previous angle [ERROR] -1 int No project -2 int No param / invalid position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelinemodify iPosition ["x1" iX1] ["y1" iY1] ["x2" iX2] ["y2" iY2] Modify a segment guideline [PARAMETERS] iPosition int The position "x1" iX1 double The x coordinate of the begin point "y1" iY1 double The y coordinate of the begin point "x2" iX2 double The x coordinate of the end point "y2" iY2 double The y coordinate of the end point [RETURN] "x1" oX1 "y1" oY1 "x2" oX2 "y2" oY2 "x1" oX1 double The current/previous x coordinate of the begin point "y1" oY1 double The current/previous y coordinate of the begin point "x2" oX2 double The current/previous x coordinate of the end point "y2" oY2 double The current/previous y coordinate of the end point [ERROR] -1 int No project -2 int No param / invalid position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelinemodify iPosition ["x" iX] ["y" iY] ["radius" iRadius] Modify a circle guideline [PARAMETERS] iPosition int The position "x" iX double The x center "y" iY double The y center "radius" iRadius double The radius [RETURN] "x" oX "y" oY "radius" oRadius "x" oX double The current/previous x center "y" oY double The current/previous y center "radius" oRadius double The current/previous radius [ERROR] -1 int No project -2 int No param / invalid position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelinemodify iPosition ["x" iX] ["y" iY] ["radiusa" iRadiuAs] ["radiusb" iRadiusB] Modify an ellipse guideline [PARAMETERS] iPosition int The position "x" iX double The x center "y" iY double The y center "radiusa" iRadiuAs double The a radius "radiusb" iRadiusB double The b radius [RETURN] "x" oX "y" oY "radiusa" oRadiuAs "radiusb" oRadiusB "x" oX double The current/previous x center "y" oY double The current/previous y center "radiusa" oRadiuAs double The current/previous a radius "radiusb" oRadiusB double The current/previous b radius [ERROR] -1 int No project -2 int No param / invalid position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelinemodify iPosition ["x" iX] ["y" iY] ["w" iWidth] ["h" iHeight] Modify a grid guideline [PARAMETERS] iPosition int The position "x" iX double The x origine "y" iY double The y origine "w" iWidth double The width of each box "h" iHeight double The height of each box [RETURN] "x" oX "y" oY "w" oWidth "h" oHeight "x" oX double The current/previous x origine "y" oY double The current/previous y origine "w" oWidth double The current/previous width of each box "h" oHeight double The current/previous height of each box [ERROR] -1 int No project -2 int No param / invalid position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelinemodify iPosition ["countx" iCountX] ["county" iCountY] Modify a marks guideline [PARAMETERS] iPosition int The position "countx" iCountX int The number of marks in x "county" iCountY int The number of marks in y [RETURN] "countx" oCountX "county" oCountY "countx" oCountX int The current/previous number of marks in x "county" oCountY int The current/previous number of marks in y [ERROR] -1 int No project -2 int No param / invalid position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelinemodify iPosition ["out" iOut] ["in" iIn] Modify a safearea guideline [PARAMETERS] iPosition int The position "out" iOut double The out marging "in" iIn double The in marging [RETURN] "out" oOut "in" oIn "out" oOut double The current/previous out marging "in" oIn double The current/previous in marging [ERROR] -1 int No project -2 int No param / invalid position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelinemodify iPosition ["x" iX] ["y" iY] ["ray" iRay] ["grid" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"toggle"] Modify a vanishpoint1 guideline [PARAMETERS] iPosition int The position "x" iX double The x coordinate "y" iY double The y coordinate "ray" iRay int The number of ray "grid" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"toggle" enum Display a grid [RETURN] "x" oX "y" oY "ray" oRay "grid" 0|1|"on"|"off" "x" oX double The current/previous x coordinate "y" oY double The current/previous y coordinate "ray" oRay int The current/previous number of ray "grid" 0|1|"on"|"off" enum The current/previous display grid state [ERROR] -1 int No project -2 int No param / invalid position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelinemodify iPosition ["x1" iX1] ["y1" iY1] ["x2" iX2] ["y2" iY2] ["ray" iRay] Modify a vanishpoint2 guideline [PARAMETERS] iPosition int The position "x1" iX1 double The x coordinate of the first point "y1" iY1 double The y coordinate of the first point "x2" iX2 double The x coordinate of the second point "y2" iY2 double The y coordinate of the second point "ray" iRay int The number of ray [RETURN] "x1" oX1 "y1" oY1 "x2" oX2 "y2" oY2 "ray" oRay "x1" oX1 double The current/previous x coordinate of the first point "y1" oY1 double The current/previous y coordinate of the first point "x2" oX2 double The current/previous x coordinate of the second point "y2" oY2 double The current/previous y coordinate of the second point "ray" oRay int The current/previous number of ray [ERROR] -1 int No project -2 int No param / invalid position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelinemodify iPosition ["x1" iX1] ["y1" iY1] ["x2" iX2] ["y2" iY2] ["x3" iX3] ["y3" iY3] ["ray" iRay] Modify a vanishpoint3 guideline [PARAMETERS] iPosition int The position "x1" iX1 double The x coordinate of the first point "y1" iY1 double The y coordinate of the first point "x2" iX2 double The x coordinate of the second point "y2" iY2 double The y coordinate of the second point "x3" iX3 double The x coordinate of the third point "y3" iY3 double The y coordinate of the third point "ray" iRay int The number of ray [RETURN] "x1" oX1 "y1" oY1 "x2" oX2 "y2" oY2 "x3" oX3 "y3" oY3 "ray" oRay "x1" oX1 double The current/previous x coordinate of the first point "y1" oY1 double The current/previous y coordinate of the first point "x2" oX2 double The current/previous x coordinate of the second point "y2" oY2 double The current/previous y coordinate of the second point "x3" oX3 double The x coordinate of the third point "y3" oY3 double The y coordinate of the third point "ray" oRay int The current/previous number of ray [ERROR] -1 int No project -2 int No param / invalid position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelineremove "all"|iGuidelineType|iPosition Remove guideline(s) [PARAMETERS] The guideline(s) to remove "all" string Remove all guidelines iGuidelineType enum Remove all guidelines of a specific type _ "image" _ "line" _ "segment" _ "circle" _ "ellipse" _ "grid" _ "marks" _ "fieldchart" _ "animatorfield" _ "safearea" _ "vanishpoint1" _ "vanishpoint2" _ "vanishpoint3" iPosition int Remove guideline at this position [RETURN] "" string Guideline(s) removed [ERROR] -1 int No project -2 int No param / invalid position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelineenum iPosition iGuidelineType Get position of the given guideline [PARAMETERS] iPosition int The position iGuidelineType enum The position in the list of the type _ "image" _ "line" _ "segment" _ "circle" _ "ellipse" _ "grid" _ "marks" _ "fieldchart" _ "animatorfield" _ "safearea" _ "vanishpoint1" _ "vanishpoint2" _ "vanishpoint3" [RETURN] oPosition int The position [RETURN] "none" string No guideline at this position [ERROR] -1 int No project -2 int No param / invalid position [EXAMPLE] list of guidelines: - 0 line - 1 segment - 2 circle - 3 circle - 4 segment - 5 line tv_guidelineenum 3 -> 3 tv_guidelineenum 6 -> "none" tv_guidelineenum 0 "circle" ->2 tv_guidelineenum 1 "circle" -> 3 tv_guidelineenum 2 "circle" -> "none" tv_guidelineenum 0 "segment" -> 1 tv_guidelineenum 1 "segment" -> 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelinename iPosition [iName] Rename a guideline [PARAMETERS] iPosition int The position iName string The new name [RETURN] oName string The current/previous name [ERROR] "ERROR" string No project/invalid position/... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelinevisible "global"|iPosition [0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle"] Manage visibility of a guideline or the global one [PARAMETERS] "global" string The global iPosition int The position 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle" enum The new state [RETURN] 0|1 bool The current/previous visibility [ERROR] -1 int No project -2 int No param / invalid position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelinevisible "all"|iGuidelineType 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle" Manage visibility of guideline(s) [PARAMETERS] "all" string All guidelines iGuidelineType enum The guideline type _ "image" _ "line" _ "segment" _ "circle" _ "ellipse" _ "grid" _ "marks" _ "fieldchart" _ "animatorfield" _ "safearea" _ "vanishpoint1" _ "vanishpoint2" _ "vanishpoint3" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle" enum The new state [RETURN] "" string The previous state may be different for each guideline, so no value [ERROR] -1 int No project -2 int No param / invalid position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelinesnap "global"|iPosition [0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle"] Manage snap of a guideline or the global one [PARAMETERS] "global" string The global iPosition int The position 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle" enum The new state [RETURN] 0|1 bool The current/previous snap [ERROR] -1 int No project -2 int No param / invalid position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelinesnap "all"|iGuidelineType 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle" Manage snap of guidelines [PARAMETERS] "all" string All guidelines iGuidelineType enum The guideline type _ "image" _ "line" _ "segment" _ "circle" _ "ellipse" _ "grid" _ "marks" _ "fieldchart" _ "animatorfield" _ "safearea" _ "vanishpoint1" _ "vanishpoint2" _ "vanishpoint3" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle" enum The new state [RETURN] "" string The previous state may be different for each guideline, so no value [ERROR] -1 int No project -2 int No param / invalid position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelinecollapse iPosition [0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle"] Manage collapse of a guideline [PARAMETERS] iPosition int The position 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle" enum The new state [RETURN] 0|1 bool The current/previous collapse [ERROR] -1 int No project -2 int No param / invalid position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelinecollapse "all"|iGuidelineType 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle" Manage collapse of guidelines [PARAMETERS] "all" string All guidelines iGuidelineType enum The guideline type _ "image" _ "line" _ "segment" _ "circle" _ "ellipse" _ "grid" _ "marks" _ "fieldchart" _ "animatorfield" _ "safearea" _ "vanishpoint1" _ "vanishpoint2" _ "vanishpoint3" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle" enum The new state [RETURN] "" string The previous state may be different for each guideline, so no value [ERROR] -1 int No project -2 int No param / invalid position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelinemarge iPosition [iMarge] Manage marge of a guideline [PARAMETERS] iPosition int The position iMarge int The new marge [RETURN] oMarge int The current/previous marge [ERROR] -1 int No project -2 int No param / invalid position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelinemarge "all"|iGuidelineType iMarge Manage marge of guidelines [PARAMETERS] "all" string All guidelines iGuidelineType enum The guideline type _ "image" _ "line" _ "segment" _ "circle" _ "ellipse" _ "grid" _ "marks" _ "fieldchart" _ "animatorfield" _ "safearea" _ "vanishpoint1" _ "vanishpoint2" _ "vanishpoint3" iMarge int The new marge [RETURN] "" string The previous state may be different for each guideline, so no value [ERROR] -1 int No project -2 int No param / invalid position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelinecolor iPosition [iR iG iB iA] Manage color of a guideline [PARAMETERS] iPosition int The position iR iG iB iA int int int int The new color [RETURN] oR oG oB oA int int int int The current/previous color [ERROR] -1 int No project -2 int No param / invalid position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelinecolor "all"|iGuidelineType iR iG iB iA Manage color of guidelines [PARAMETERS] "all" string All guidelines iGuidelineType enum The guideline type _ "image" _ "line" _ "segment" _ "circle" _ "ellipse" _ "grid" _ "marks" _ "fieldchart" _ "animatorfield" _ "safearea" _ "vanishpoint1" _ "vanishpoint2" _ "vanishpoint3" iR iG iB iA int int int int The new color [RETURN] "" string The previous value may be different for each guideline, so no value [ERROR] -1 int No project -2 int No param / invalid position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelineassist [iPosition] Manage the assist's guideline [PARAMETERS] iPosition int The position [RETURN] oPosition int The current/previous assist guideline position [RETURN] -1 int No [Was no] assist guideline [ERROR] -2 int No project -3 int No param / invalid position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelineassist -1|"none" Desactivate the assist's guideline [PARAMETERS] -1|"none" enum The action [RETURN] oPosition int The previous assist guideline position [RETURN] -1 int Was no assist guideline [ERROR] -2 int No project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_guidelineassist "previous"|"next" [iGuidelineType] Move the assist's guideline [PARAMETERS] "previous"|"next" enum Search previously (or next) in the list iGuidelineType enum The guideline type _ "image" _ "line" _ "segment" _ "circle" _ "ellipse" _ "grid" _ "marks" _ "fieldchart" _ "animatorfield" _ "safearea" _ "vanishpoint1" _ "vanishpoint2" _ "vanishpoint3" [RETURN] oPosition int The position of the new assist [RETURN] -1 int No assist guideline or at the beginning of the list [ERROR] -2 int No project -3 int No param / invalid position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_piccolor Pick a color in the interface [RETURN] -1|0|1 oR oG oB oA -1|0|1 enum The state _ -1: cancel _ 0: left button mouse _ 1: right button mouse oR oG oB oA int int int int The picked color ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_host2front Restore the TVPaint window after being minimized ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_host2back Minimize the TVPaint window ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_gauge "on"|"off" Manage gauge displaying [PARAMETERS] "on"|"off" enum The gauge display state [RETURN] "on"|"off" enum The previous gauge display state ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_lockdisplay [iText] Lock the display and display a message in a warning When TVPaint draws a lot of things on the screen, locking the display can significantly increase the working speed (refreshment of the screen takes time) When the drawing is finished you must unlock the display, using the tv_unlockdisplay command You can temporarily force a redisplay while the display is locked by pressing on the Space bar (to view the work being done) [PARAMETERS] iText string The text (use '\n' to add new line) or a default one if empty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_lockdisplay "quiet" Lock the display and display a message in a warning When TVPaint draws a lot of things on the screen, locking the display can significantly increase the working speed (refreshment of the screen takes time) When the drawing is finished you must unlock the display, using the tv_unlockdisplay command You can temporarily force a redisplay while the display is locked by pressing on the Space bar (to view the work being done) [PARAMETERS] "quiet" string No request ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_unlockdisplay Unlock the display after a tv_lockdisplay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_lockmouse iMouse Change the mouse cursor [PARAMETERS] iMouse enum The shape (some shapes may be unavailable on some OS) _ 0: system arrow _ 1: cross _ 2: wait _ 3: arrow + 'to' _ 4: arrow + ? _ 5: none _ 6: point _ 7: circle _ 8: resize horizontal _ 9: resize vertical _ 10: resize diagonal / _ 11: resize diagonal \ _ 12: no way _ 13: zoom in _ 14: zoom out _ 15: gradient _ 16: arrow with + _ 17: scrub ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_unlockmouse Reset the mouse cursor to the one before tv_lockmouse ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_lockuser Disable interaction of the user with the interface ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_unlockuser Enable interaction of the user with the interface ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_resetdisplay Redraw every panels, views, ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_menushow Display all panels which was hidden by tv_menuhide ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_menushow ["current"] "showui"|"hideui" Display the remote ui inside the project view It's the same as clicking on the [v] top-right button in the project view [PARAMETERS] "current" string Use the state on the last view hover by the mouse, otherwise apply to all current project views "showui"|"hideui" enum The action ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_menushow ["current"] "resizeui" iX iY iWidth iHeight Resize the project view [PARAMETERS] "current" string Use the state on the last view hover by the mouse, otherwise apply to all current project views "resizeui" string The action iX iY int int The coordinates iWidth int The width iHeight int The height ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_menushow ["current"] "centerdisplay" Display the content of the view at 100% (reset zoom/rotation/translation/...) It's the same as clicking on the [1:1] button in the project view [PARAMETERS] "current" string Use the state on the last view hover by the mouse, otherwise apply to all current project views "centerdisplay" string The action ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_menushow ["current"] "fitdisplay" Display the content of the view to fit project view size (auto-compute zoom/translation/...) It's the same as clicking on the [\] button in the project view [PARAMETERS] "current" string Use the state on the last view hover by the mouse, otherwise apply to all current project views "fitdisplay" string The action ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_menushow ["current"] "front"|"back" Display the project views in front of (or back of) all other views [PARAMETERS] "current" string Use the state on the last view hover by the mouse, otherwise apply to all current project views "front"|"back" enum The position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_menushow ["current"] "aspectratio" 0|1 Take into account the pixel aspect ratio in the display inside project views [PARAMETERS] "current" string Use the state on the last view hover by the mouse, otherwise apply to all current project views "aspectratio" 0|1 bool The pixelaspect ratio state ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_menushow "clip"|"project"|"xsheet" Show the tab in the timeline [PARAMETERS] "clip"|"project"|"xsheet" enum The content ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_menushow "notes" Show the timeline notes [PARAMETERS] "notes" string The content ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_menuhide Switch to inlay view and hide all non-docking panels Show them again with tv_menushow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_listrequest "iEntries1|iEntries2|...|iEntriesn" Open a popup to select an entry [PARAMETERS] array The entries of the popup (*MUST* be between double-quotes) Add subpopup by adding '/' in entry like: "Windows/7|Windows/8|Windows/10|MacOSX/10.10|MacOSX/10.11|Linux/Debian|Linux/Redhat" iEntries1 string iEntries2 string ... iEntriesn string [RETURN] oIndex oEntry oIndex int The position oEntry string The entry [RETURN] -1 "cancel" -1 int No entry "cancel" string Cancel (clicking outside popup/escape/...) [ERROR] -1 int Empty list ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_reqfile "[<|>] iTitle|iPath|iName|iExtension" Open a file requester [PARAMETERS] The options (*MUST* be between double-quotes) <|> enum The mode (default: <) _ <: 'save' mode _ >: 'load' mode (read only) iTitle string The title of the request iPath filesystempath The default folder to go Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') iName string The default name iExtension string Display the files with this extension [RETURN] oPathFile filesystempath The selected file [RETURN] "cancel" string Cancel [EXAMPLE] // remmember file path tv_ReadUserString fileRequest 0 PARSE result path tv_ReqFile "Request A File|"path"||" PARSE result path last = LastPos(path,"\") dir = LeftString(path,last-1) tv_writeUserString fileRequest 0 dir FUNCTION LastPos(string,car) pos = LEN(string) WHILE ((CMP(CHAR(string,pos),car) == 0) && (pos > 0)) pos = pos-1 END RETURN pos END FUNCTION LeftString(string,number) LOCAL size size = LEN(string) IF (number > 0) IF (number > size) number = size END RETURN CUT(string,1,number) END RETURN 0 END ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_reqnum iValue iMin iMax iTitle Open an integer requester [PARAMETERS] iValue int The initial value iMin int The minimum value iMax int The maximum value iTitle string The title [RETURN] oValue int The value [RETURN] "cancel" string Cancel [ERROR] "ERROR -1" string No parameter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_reqangle iValue iMin iMax iTitle Open an angle (in degree) requester [PARAMETERS] iValue double The initial value iMin double The minimum value iMax double The maximum value iTitle string The title [RETURN] oValue double The value [RETURN] "cancel" string Cancel [ERROR] "ERROR -1" string No parameter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_reqfloat iValue iMin iMax iTitle Open a decimal requester [PARAMETERS] iValue double The initial value iMin double The minimum value iMax double The maximum value iTitle string The title [RETURN] oValue double The value [RETURN] "cancel" string Cancel [ERROR] "ERROR -1" string No parameter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_reqstring ["multiline"] ["iTitle|iValue"] Open a string requester [PARAMETERS] "multiline" string Enable multiline requester (added in 9.5) (The options *MUST* be between double-quotes) iTitle string The title iValue string The default value If multiline, to add new line, use '\n' [RETURN] oValue string The value (if multiline, also contains '\n') [RETURN] "cancel" string Cancel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_request "iText|[iYes|[iNo]]" Open a custom requester [PARAMETERS] (The options *MUST* be between double-quotes) iText string The default value iYes string Text of the 'Yes' button (default: "yes") iNo string Text of the 'No' button (default: "no") [RETURN] 0|1 enum The button clicked _ 0: button 'no' _ 1: button 'yes' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_warn iText Display a warning message The most useful command during scripts debugging :) [PARAMETERS] iText string The text (use '\n' to add new line) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_libraryimageadd "type" "folder" "name" iName "parent" iId Add a folder to the library [PARAMETERS] "type" "folder" string The type "name" iName string The folder name "parent" iId string The parent folder id to add the new one [RETURN] oId string The id of the created folder [ERROR] -2 int No library -3 int No param/invalid param/can't add object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_libraryimageadd "type" "image" "name" iName "parent" iId "source" "file" "path" iPathFile Add an image to the library from a file [PARAMETERS] "type" "image" string The type "name" iName string The image name "parent" iId string The parent folder id to add the new image "source" "file" string The type "path" iPathFile filesystempath The path to the image file to load Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') [RETURN] oId string The id of the created object [ERROR] -2 int No project/no library -3 int No param/invalid param/can't add object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_libraryimageadd "type" "image" "name" iName "parent" iId "source" "currentlayerimage"|"display"|"custombrush" Add an image to the library [PARAMETERS] "type" "image" string The type "name" iName string The image name "parent" iId string The parent folder id to add the new image "source" "currentlayerimage"|"display"|"custombrush" enum The source [RETURN] oId string The id of the created object [ERROR] -2 int No project/no library -3 int No param/invalid param/can't add object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_libraryimagelist "id" iId ["type" "folder"|"image"|"both"] List children of a folder [PARAMETERS] "id" iId string The id of the folder "type" "folder"|"image"|"both" enum The type of the objects to list [RETURN] oId1 oId2 ... oIdn array The ids of the objects inside the folder oId1 string oId2 string ... oIdn string [ERROR] -2 int No project/no library -3 int No param/invalid param ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_libraryimageinfo "id" iId|iPath ["type" "id"|"type"|"name"] Get information about an object [PARAMETERS] "id" The target iId string The object id iPath string The path of the object from the root (/path/to/the/object) "type" "id"|"type"|"name" enum The type of the information to retrieve _ "id": get the id of the object (useful when using iPath) _ "type": get the type _ "name": get the name [RETURN] oId string The id of the object (if type = 'id') [RETURN] "folder"|"image" enum The type of the object (if type = 'type') [RETURN] oName string The name of the object (if type = 'name') [ERROR] -2 int No project/no library -3 int No param/invalid param ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_libraryimagemodify "id" iId ["type" iName] Manage object name [PARAMETERS] "id" iId string The id "type" iName string The name [RETURN] oName string The current/previous name [ERROR] -2 int No project/no library -3 int No param/invalid param ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_libraryimageremove "id" iId Remove an object [PARAMETERS] "id" iId string The id [RETURN] 0 int Object removed [ERROR] -2 int No project/no library -3 int No param/invalid param ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_libraryimagecopy "id" iId Copy an object [PARAMETERS] "id" iId string The id [RETURN] 0 int Object copied [ERROR] -2 int No project/no library -3 int No param/invalid param ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_libraryimagepaste "parent" iId ["mode" "copy"|"cut"] Paste an object (copied from tv_libraryimagecopy) [PARAMETERS] "parent" iId string The parent folder id "mode" "copy"|"cut" enum The mode _ "copy": keep the source _ "cut": remove the source after the paste [RETURN] 0 int Object pasted [ERROR] -2 int No project/no library -3 int No param/invalid param ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_lighttablemode ["value" iIndex iOpacity] ... ["interval" "instance"|"image"|"bookmark"|"imagemark"] ["imagemarkcolor" iIndex] ["blendmode" "front"|"back"] ["modeprev" "image"|"color"|"range"|"tint"] ["modeprevcolor" iR iG iB] ["modeprevrange" iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB] ["modeprevtint" iR iG iB] ["modenext" "image"|"color"|"range"|"tint"] ["modenextcolor" iR iG iB] ["modenextrange" iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB iR iG iB] ["modenexttint" iR iG iB] ["density" 0-100] ["active" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"toggle"] ["oopantialiasing" 0|1] ["ooplinkall" 0|1] ["ooppegsbarbar" "none"|"3c"|"2s1c1"|"2s1c2"|"2s1c3"] ["ooppegsbarposition" "top"|"bottom"] ["oopvaluecurrent" iIndex] ( ["oopvalueactivate" iIndex 0|1] ["oopvalueposition" iIndex iX iY] ["oopvalueangle" iIndex iAngle] ["oopvaluescale" iIndex iScale] ) ... Manage lighttable [PARAMETERS] "value" iIndex iOpacity int int Set the opacity value at the given index From -10 to -1 and 1 to 10 "interval" "instance"|"image"|"bookmark"|"imagemark" enum Set the interval type "imagemarkcolor" iIndex int Select the image mark color index "blendmode" "front"|"back" enum Set the blend mode "modeprev" "image"|"color"|"range"|"tint" enum Set the previous mode "modeprevcolor" iR iG iB int int int Set the color if 'color' mode "modeprevrange" Set the color if 'range' mode iR iG iB int int int iR iG iB int int int iR iG iB int int int iR iG iB int int int iR iG iB int int int iR iG iB int int int iR iG iB int int int iR iG iB int int int iR iG iB int int int iR iG iB int int int "modeprevtint" iR iG iB int int int Set the color if 'tint' mode "modenext" "image"|"color"|"range"|"tint" enum Set the next mode "modenextcolor" iR iG iB int int int Set the color if 'color' mode "modenextrange" Set the color if 'range' mode iR iG iB int int int iR iG iB int int int iR iG iB int int int iR iG iB int int int iR iG iB int int int iR iG iB int int int iR iG iB int int int iR iG iB int int int iR iG iB int int int iR iG iB int int int "modenexttint" iR iG iB int int int Set the color if 'tint' mode "density" 0-100 int Set the global density "active" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"toggle" enum Activation of the lighttable "oopantialiasing" 0|1 bool Set the oop antialiasing "ooplinkall" 0|1 bool Set the oop link all images "ooppegsbarbar" "none"|"3c"|"2s1c1"|"2s1c2"|"2s1c3" enum Select the type of the oop bar _ "none": no bar _ "3c": 3 circles _ "2s1c1": 2 squares and 1 circle no1 _ "2s1c2": 2 squares and 1 circle no2 _ "2s1c3": 2 squares and 1 circle no3 "ooppegsbarposition" "top"|"bottom" enum Select the position of the oop bar "oopvaluecurrent" iIndex int Set the current oop (displayed in the hud) at the given index "oopvalueactivate" iIndex 0|1 int bool Activation of the oop at the given index "oopvalueposition" iIndex iX iY int double double Set the position of the oop at the given index "oopvalueangle" iIndex iAngle int double (degres) Set the angle of the oop at the given index "oopvaluescale" iIndex iScale int double Set the zoom of the oop at the given index (100 = 100%) [RETURN] "interval" "instance"|"image"|"bookmark"|"imagemark" "modeprev" "image"|"color"|"range"|"tint" "modenext" "image"|"color"|"range"|"tint" "density" 0-100 "blendmode" "front"|"back" "value" -1 oOpacity "value" 1 oOpacity "value" -2 oOpacity "value" 2 oOpacity "value" -3 oOpacity "value" 3 oOpacity "value" -4 oOpacity "value" 4 oOpacity "value" -5 oOpacity "value" 5 oOpacity "value" -6 oOpacity "value" 6 oOpacity "value" -7 oOpacity "value" 7 oOpacity "value" -8 oOpacity "value" 8 oOpacity "value" -9 oOpacity "value" 9 oOpacity "value" -10 oOpacity "value" 10 oOpacity "imagemarkcolor" oIndex "modeprevcolor" oR oG oB "modeprevrange" oR oG oB oR oG oB oR oG oB oR oG oB oR oG oB oR oG oB oR oG oB oR oG oB oR oG oB oR oG oB "modeprevtint" oR oG oB "modenextcolor" oR oG oB "modenextrange" oR oG oB oR oG oB oR oG oB oR oG oB oR oG oB oR oG oB oR oG oB oR oG oB oR oG oB oR oG oB "modenexttint" oR oG oB "active" 0|1 "oopantialiasing" 0|1 "ooplinkall" 0|1 "ooppegsbarbar" "none"|"3c"|"2s1c1"|"2s1c2"|"2s1c3" "ooppegsbarposition" "top"|"bottom" "oopvalueactivate" -1 0|1 "oopvalueposition" -1 oX oY "oopvalueangle" -1 oAngle "oopvaluescale" -1 oScale "oopvalueactivate" 1 0|1 "oopvalueposition" 1 oX oY "oopvalueangle" 1 oAngle "oopvaluescale" 1 oScale "oopvalueactivate" -2 0|1 "oopvalueposition" -2 oX oY "oopvalueangle" -2 oAngle "oopvaluescale" -2 oScale "oopvalueactivate" 2 0|1 "oopvalueposition" 2 oX oY "oopvalueangle" 2 oAngle "oopvaluescale" 2 oScale "oopvalueactivate" -3 0|1 "oopvalueposition" -3 oX oY "oopvalueangle" -3 oAngle "oopvaluescale" -3 oScale "oopvalueactivate" 3 0|1 "oopvalueposition" 3 oX oY "oopvalueangle" 3 oAngle "oopvaluescale" 3 oScale "oopvalueactivate" -4 0|1 "oopvalueposition" -4 oX oY "oopvalueangle" -4 oAngle "oopvaluescale" -4 oScale "oopvalueactivate" 4 0|1 "oopvalueposition" 4 oX oY "oopvalueangle" 4 oAngle "oopvaluescale" 4 oScale "oopvalueactivate" -5 0|1 "oopvalueposition" -5 oX oY "oopvalueangle" -5 oAngle "oopvaluescale" -5 oScale "oopvalueactivate" 5 0|1 "oopvalueposition" 5 oX oY "oopvalueangle" 5 oAngle "oopvaluescale" 5 oScale "oopvalueactivate" -6 0|1 "oopvalueposition" -6 oX oY "oopvalueangle" -6 oAngle "oopvaluescale" -6 oScale "oopvalueactivate" 6 0|1 "oopvalueposition" 6 oX oY "oopvalueangle" 6 oAngle "oopvaluescale" 6 oScale "oopvalueactivate" -7 0|1 "oopvalueposition" -7 oX oY "oopvalueangle" -7 oAngle "oopvaluescale" -7 oScale "oopvalueactivate" 7 0|1 "oopvalueposition" 7 oX oY "oopvalueangle" 7 oAngle "oopvaluescale" 7 oScale "oopvalueactivate" -8 0|1 "oopvalueposition" -8 oX oY "oopvalueangle" -8 oAngle "oopvaluescale" -8 oScale "oopvalueactivate" 8 0|1 "oopvalueposition" 8 oX oY "oopvalueangle" 8 oAngle "oopvaluescale" 8 oScale "oopvalueactivate" -9 0|1 "oopvalueposition" -9 oX oY "oopvalueangle" -9 oAngle "oopvaluescale" -9 oScale "oopvalueactivate" 9 0|1 "oopvalueposition" 9 oX oY "oopvalueangle" 9 oAngle "oopvaluescale" 9 oScale "oopvalueactivate" -10 0|1 "oopvalueposition" -10 oX oY "oopvalueangle" -10 oAngle "oopvaluescale" -10 oScale "oopvalueactivate" 10 0|1 "oopvalueposition" 10 oX oY "oopvalueangle" 10 oAngle "oopvaluescale" 10 oScale "oopvaluecurrent" oIndex "interval" "instance"|"image"|"bookmark"|"imagemark" enum The previous/current interval type "modeprev" "image"|"color"|"range"|"tint" enum The previous/current previous mode "modenext" "image"|"color"|"range"|"tint" enum The previous/current next mode "density" 0-100 int The previous/current global density "blendmode" "front"|"back" enum The previous/current blend mode "value" -1 oOpacity int int The previous/current opacity value at the given index "value" 1 oOpacity int int The previous/current opacity value at the given index "value" -2 oOpacity int int The previous/current opacity value at the given index "value" 2 oOpacity int int The previous/current opacity value at the given index "value" -3 oOpacity int int The previous/current opacity value at the given index "value" 3 oOpacity int int The previous/current opacity value at the given index "value" -4 oOpacity int int The previous/current opacity value at the given index "value" 4 oOpacity int int The previous/current opacity value at the given index "value" -5 oOpacity int int The previous/current opacity value at the given index "value" 5 oOpacity int int The previous/current opacity value at the given index "value" -6 oOpacity int int The previous/current opacity value at the given index "value" 6 oOpacity int int The previous/current opacity value at the given index "value" -7 oOpacity int int The previous/current opacity value at the given index "value" 7 oOpacity int int The previous/current opacity value at the given index "value" -8 oOpacity int int The previous/current opacity value at the given index "value" 8 oOpacity int int The previous/current opacity value at the given index "value" -9 oOpacity int int The previous/current opacity value at the given index "value" 9 oOpacity int int The previous/current opacity value at the given index "value" -10 oOpacity int int The previous/current opacity value at the given index "value" 10 oOpacity int int The previous/current opacity value at the given index "imagemarkcolor" oIndex int The previous/current image mark color index "modeprevcolor" oR oG oB int int int The previous/current color if 'color' mode "modeprevrange" The previous/current color if 'range' mode oR oG oB int int int oR oG oB int int int oR oG oB int int int oR oG oB int int int oR oG oB int int int oR oG oB int int int oR oG oB int int int oR oG oB int int int oR oG oB int int int oR oG oB int int int "modeprevtint" oR oG oB int int int The previous/current color if 'tint' mode "modenextcolor" oR oG oB int int int The previous/current color if 'color' mode "modenextrange" The previous/current color if 'range' mode oR oG oB int int int oR oG oB int int int oR oG oB int int int oR oG oB int int int oR oG oB int int int oR oG oB int int int oR oG oB int int int oR oG oB int int int oR oG oB int int int oR oG oB int int int "modenexttint" oR oG oB int int int The previous/current color if 'tint' mode "active" 0|1 bool The previous/current activation state of the lighttable "oopantialiasing" 0|1 bool The previous/current oop antialiasing "ooplinkall" 0|1 bool The previous/current oop link all images "ooppegsbarbar" "none"|"3c"|"2s1c1"|"2s1c2"|"2s1c3" enum The previous/current type of the oop bar _ "none": no bar _ "3c": 3 circles _ "2s1c1": 2 squares and 1 circle no1 _ "2s1c2": 2 squares and 1 circle no2 _ "2s1c3": 2 squares and 1 circle no3 "ooppegsbarposition" "top"|"bottom" enum The previous/current position of the oop bar "oopvalueactivate" -1 0|1 int bool The previous/current activation state of the oop at the given index "oopvalueposition" -1 oX oY int double double The previous/current position of the oop at the given index "oopvalueangle" -1 oAngle int double (degres) The previous/current angle of the oop at the given index "oopvaluescale" -1 oScale int double The previous/current zoom of the oop at the given index "oopvalueactivate" 1 0|1 int bool The previous/current activation state of the oop at the given index "oopvalueposition" 1 oX oY int double double The previous/current position of the oop at the given index "oopvalueangle" 1 oAngle int double (degres) The previous/current angle of the oop at the given index "oopvaluescale" 1 oScale int double The previous/current zoom of the oop at the given index "oopvalueactivate" -2 0|1 int bool The previous/current activation state of the oop at the given index "oopvalueposition" -2 oX oY int double double The previous/current position of the oop at the given index "oopvalueangle" -2 oAngle int double (degres) The previous/current angle of the oop at the given index "oopvaluescale" -2 oScale int double The previous/current zoom of the oop at the given index "oopvalueactivate" 2 0|1 int bool The previous/current activation state of the oop at the given index "oopvalueposition" 2 oX oY int double double The previous/current position of the oop at the given index "oopvalueangle" 2 oAngle int double (degres) The previous/current angle of the oop at the given index "oopvaluescale" 2 oScale int double The previous/current zoom of the oop at the given index "oopvalueactivate" -3 0|1 int bool The previous/current activation state of the oop at the given index "oopvalueposition" -3 oX oY int double double The previous/current position of the oop at the given index "oopvalueangle" -3 oAngle int double (degres) The previous/current angle of the oop at the given index "oopvaluescale" -3 oScale int double The previous/current zoom of the oop at the given index "oopvalueactivate" 3 0|1 int bool The previous/current activation state of the oop at the given index "oopvalueposition" 3 oX oY int double double The previous/current position of the oop at the given index "oopvalueangle" 3 oAngle int double (degres) The previous/current angle of the oop at the given index "oopvaluescale" 3 oScale int double The previous/current zoom of the oop at the given index "oopvalueactivate" -4 0|1 int bool The previous/current activation state of the oop at the given index "oopvalueposition" -4 oX oY int double double The previous/current position of the oop at the given index "oopvalueangle" -4 oAngle int double (degres) The previous/current angle of the oop at the given index "oopvaluescale" -4 oScale int double The previous/current zoom of the oop at the given index "oopvalueactivate" 4 0|1 int bool The previous/current activation state of the oop at the given index "oopvalueposition" 4 oX oY int double double The previous/current position of the oop at the given index "oopvalueangle" 4 oAngle int double (degres) The previous/current angle of the oop at the given index "oopvaluescale" 4 oScale int double The previous/current zoom of the oop at the given index "oopvalueactivate" -5 0|1 int bool The previous/current activation state of the oop at the given index "oopvalueposition" -5 oX oY int double double The previous/current position of the oop at the given index "oopvalueangle" -5 oAngle int double (degres) The previous/current angle of the oop at the given index "oopvaluescale" -5 oScale int double The previous/current zoom of the oop at the given index "oopvalueactivate" 5 0|1 int bool The previous/current activation state of the oop at the given index "oopvalueposition" 5 oX oY int double double The previous/current position of the oop at the given index "oopvalueangle" 5 oAngle int double (degres) The previous/current angle of the oop at the given index "oopvaluescale" 5 oScale int double The previous/current zoom of the oop at the given index "oopvalueactivate" -6 0|1 int bool The previous/current activation state of the oop at the given index "oopvalueposition" -6 oX oY int double double The previous/current position of the oop at the given index "oopvalueangle" -6 oAngle int double (degres) The previous/current angle of the oop at the given index "oopvaluescale" -6 oScale int double The previous/current zoom of the oop at the given index "oopvalueactivate" 6 0|1 int bool The previous/current activation state of the oop at the given index "oopvalueposition" 6 oX oY int double double The previous/current position of the oop at the given index "oopvalueangle" 6 oAngle int double (degres) The previous/current angle of the oop at the given index "oopvaluescale" 6 oScale int double The previous/current zoom of the oop at the given index "oopvalueactivate" -7 0|1 int bool The previous/current activation state of the oop at the given index "oopvalueposition" -7 oX oY int double double The previous/current position of the oop at the given index "oopvalueangle" -7 oAngle int double (degres) The previous/current angle of the oop at the given index "oopvaluescale" -7 oScale int double The previous/current zoom of the oop at the given index "oopvalueactivate" 7 0|1 int bool The previous/current activation state of the oop at the given index "oopvalueposition" 7 oX oY int double double The previous/current position of the oop at the given index "oopvalueangle" 7 oAngle int double (degres) The previous/current angle of the oop at the given index "oopvaluescale" 7 oScale int double The previous/current zoom of the oop at the given index "oopvalueactivate" -8 0|1 int bool The previous/current activation state of the oop at the given index "oopvalueposition" -8 oX oY int double double The previous/current position of the oop at the given index "oopvalueangle" -8 oAngle int double (degres) The previous/current angle of the oop at the given index "oopvaluescale" -8 oScale int double The previous/current zoom of the oop at the given index "oopvalueactivate" 8 0|1 int bool The previous/current activation state of the oop at the given index "oopvalueposition" 8 oX oY int double double The previous/current position of the oop at the given index "oopvalueangle" 8 oAngle int double (degres) The previous/current angle of the oop at the given index "oopvaluescale" 8 oScale int double The previous/current zoom of the oop at the given index "oopvalueactivate" -9 0|1 int bool The previous/current activation state of the oop at the given index "oopvalueposition" -9 oX oY int double double The previous/current position of the oop at the given index "oopvalueangle" -9 oAngle int double (degres) The previous/current angle of the oop at the given index "oopvaluescale" -9 oScale int double The previous/current zoom of the oop at the given index "oopvalueactivate" 9 0|1 int bool The previous/current activation state of the oop at the given index "oopvalueposition" 9 oX oY int double double The previous/current position of the oop at the given index "oopvalueangle" 9 oAngle int double (degres) The previous/current angle of the oop at the given index "oopvaluescale" 9 oScale int double The previous/current zoom of the oop at the given index "oopvalueactivate" -10 0|1 int bool The previous/current activation state of the oop at the given index "oopvalueposition" -10 oX oY int double double The previous/current position of the oop at the given index "oopvalueangle" -10 oAngle int double (degres) The previous/current angle of the oop at the given index "oopvaluescale" -10 oScale int double The previous/current zoom of the oop at the given index "oopvalueactivate" 10 0|1 int bool The previous/current activation state of the oop at the given index "oopvalueposition" 10 oX oY int double double The previous/current position of the oop at the given index "oopvalueangle" 10 oAngle int double (degres) The previous/current angle of the oop at the given index "oopvaluescale" 10 oScale int double The previous/current zoom of the oop at the given index "oopvaluecurrent" oIndex int The previous/current oop (displayed in the hud) at the given index [EXAMPLE] // clean way to get all parameters tv_lighttablemode parse result interval_name interval_value remaining // name="interval" value="instance|image|bookmark|imagemark" parse remaining modeprev_name modeprev_value remaining // name="modeprev" value="image|color|range|tint" parse remaining modenext_name modenext_value remaining // name="modenext" value="image|color|range|tint" parse remaining density_name density_value remaining // name="density" value=0...100 parse remaining blendmode_name blendmode_value remaining // name="blendmode" value="front|back" // Get all the sliders values (always 0 if the slider is not enabled) FOR i = 1 TO 10 parse remaining name index value remaining // name="value" index=-1...-10 value=0...100 value_before[i,0] = index value_before[i,1] = value parse remaining name index value remaining // name="value" index=1...10 value=0...100 value_after[i,0] = index value_after[i,1] = value END // Get the imagemark color IF ( CMP( interval_value, "imagemark" ) == 1 ) parse remaining imagemarkcolor_name imagemarkcolor_value remaining // name="imagemarkcolor" value=0...12 END // Get (all) color(s) of the selected previous displayed image mode IF ( CMP( modeprev_value, "image" ) == 0 ) parse remaining modeprevcontent_name remaining // name="modeprevcolor|modeprevrange|modeprevtint" IF ( CMP( modeprevcontent_name, "modeprevcolor" ) == 1 || CMP( modeprevcontent_name, "modeprevtint" ) == 1 ) parse remaining r g b remaining modeprevcontent[1,0] = r modeprevcontent[1,1] = g modeprevcontent[1,2] = b ELSE FOR i = 1 TO 10 parse remaining r g b remaining modeprevcontent[i,0] = r modeprevcontent[i,1] = g modeprevcontent[i,2] = b END END END // Get (all) color(s) of the selected next displayed image mode IF ( CMP( modenext_value, "image" ) == 0 ) parse remaining modenextcontent_name remaining // name="modenextcolor|modenextrange|modenexttint" IF ( CMP( modenextcontent_name, "modenextcolor" ) == 1 || CMP( modenextcontent_name, "modenexttint" ) == 1 ) parse remaining r g b remaining modenextcontent[1,0] = r modenextcontent[1,1] = g modenextcontent[1,2] = b ELSE FOR i = 1 TO 10 parse remaining r g b remaining modenextcontent[i,0] = r modenextcontent[i,1] = g modenextcontent[i,2] = b END END END // The global lighttable activation parse remaining active_name active_value remaining // name="active" value=0|1 // OoP specific stuff parse remaining oopantialiasing_name oopantialiasing_value remaining // name="oopantialiasing" value=0|1 parse remaining ooplinkall_name ooplinkall_value remaining // name="ooplinkall" value=0|1 parse remaining ooppegsbarbar_name ooppegsbarbar_value remaining // name="ooppegsbarbar" value="none|3c|2s1c1|2s1c2|2s1c3" parse remaining ooppegsbarposition_name ooppegsbarposition_index remaining // name="ooppegsbarposition" value="top|bottom" // Get all the OoP values (position/angle/scale) FOR i = 1 TO 10 parse remaining name index value remaining // name="oopvalueactivate" index=-1...-10 value=0|1 parse remaining name index x y remaining // name="oopvalueposition" index=-1...-10 parse remaining name index angle remaining // name="oopvalueangle" index=-1...-10 parse remaining name index scale remaining // name="oopvaluescale" index=-1...-10 oopvalue_before[i,0] = value oopvalue_before[i,1] = x oopvalue_before[i,2] = y oopvalue_before[i,3] = scale oopvalue_before[i,4] = angle parse remaining name index value remaining // name="oopvalueactivate" index=1...10 value=0|1 parse remaining name index x y remaining // name="oopvalueposition" index=1...10 parse remaining name index angle remaining // name="oopvalueangle" index=1...10 parse remaining name index scale remaining // name="oopvaluescale" index=1...10 oopvalue_after[i,0] = value oopvalue_after[i,1] = x oopvalue_after[i,2] = y oopvalue_after[i,3] = scale oopvalue_after[i,4] = angle END // Get the current activated OoP (the one which appears in the project HUD) parse remaining oopvaluecurrent_name oopvaluecurrent_index // name="oopvaluecurrent" value=-10...10 (0 when no current) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_nop [...] Do ... nothing ... :) [PARAMETERS] ... complex Everything you want [RETURN] ... complex Everything you wanted ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_quit Quit TVPaint ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_waitbutton Wait for a mouse button action [RETURN] 1|2|3|4 oX oY 1|2|3|4 enum The button state _ 1: left button was pressed _ 2: left button was released _ 3: right button was pressed _ 4: right button was release oX oY double double The coordinates ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_getmodifiers Get the modifier keys [RETURN] 0|1 0|1 0|1 0|1 bool Shift 0|1 bool Control 0|1 bool Alt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_getmouse Get the coordinates of the mouse [RETURN] oX oY double double The coordinates ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_getuser Get the current config name [RETURN] oName string The config name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_serialnumber Get user/org/lockcode information [RETURN] "TVPAINT ("oUser" "oOrg" "oLockcode")" string The info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_getlanguage Get the language [RETURN] "english"|"french"|"japanese"|"chinese" enum The language ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +9.5 tv_version ["computeros"|"computername"|"username"|"computerlanguage"|"history"] Get various system information [PARAMETERS] "computeros"|"computername"|"username"|"computerlanguage"|"history" enum The information to retrieve (added in 10.0) [RETURN] "SoftwareName" "Version" "en"|"fr"|"ja"|"zh" If no parameter "SoftwareName" string The software "Version" string The version "en"|"fr"|"ja"|"zh" enum The lanaguage _ "en": english _ "fr": french _ "ja": japanese _ "zh": chinese [RETURN] oFileSaved1 oFileSaved2 ... oFileSavedn array If parameter is 'history': the list of all previously saved projects (separated by '\n') oFileSaved1 filesystempath The previously saved projects oFileSaved2 filesystempath The previously saved projects ... oFileSavedn filesystempath The previously saved projects [RETURN] "WIN32"|"WIN64"|"MACOSX32"|"MACOSX64"|"LINUX32"|"LINUX64"|"ANDROID" enum If parameter is 'computeros': the os [RETURN] oComputerName string If parameter is 'computername': the name of the computer [RETURN] oUserName string If parameter is 'username': the user name (may be empty) [RETURN] oComputerLanguage string If parameter is 'computerlanguage': the computer language ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_infobar iText Set the text of the info bar [PARAMETERS] iText string The text ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_beep Make a ... beeeeeeeeeeeeeep ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_cmd ["image"|"selection"|"heads"|"exposures"|"layerheads"|"layer"] iCommand Process another command or apply another command on specific images on the current layer [PARAMETERS] "image"|"selection"|"heads"|"exposures"|"layerheads"|"layer" enum The destination of the command _ "image": only on the current image _ "selection": on the selection _ "heads": on every heads (inside a selection if any) _ "exposures": on every exposures (inside a selection if any). Note: disable temporary the autobreak option _ "layerheads": on every heads _ "layer": on every images iCommand string The command [RETURN] "" string If destination given, just empty [RETURN] oResult string If no destination given, the result of the iCommand ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_filter iFileName iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 [iParameters] Execute a filter plugin [PARAMETERS] iFileName filesystempath The plugin FX file to execute Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') iX1 iY1 double double The top-left corner of the area to apply the FX iX2 iY2 double double The bottom-right corner of the area to apply the FX iParameters string The parameters given to the FX [RETURN] oResult int The result status returned by the FX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +10.0 tv_runscript iFile Execute a george script [PARAMETERS] iFile filesystempath The george script Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_plugin iFile "mount"|"open"|"cmd"|"exec"|"about" [iParameters] Execute a plugin [PARAMETERS] iFile filesystempath The plugin Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') "mount"|"open"|"cmd"|"exec"|"about" enum The command to call in the plugin iParameters string The parameters of the command for 'cmd' and 'exec' [RETURN] oResult int The result status returned by the plugin for each command ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_readuserstring iSection iName iDefault Get a string from the config file (.ini) [PARAMETERS] iSection string The section iName string The name iDefault string The default value to return if no section/name found [RETURN] oText string The text ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_writeuserstring iSection iName iText Set a string to the config file (.ini) [PARAMETERS] iSection string The section iName string The name iText string The text ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_readclipstring iSection iName iDefault Get a string from the clip config (.ini) [PARAMETERS] iSection string The section iName string The name iDefault string The default value to return if no section/name found [RETURN] oText string The text ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_writeclipstring iSection iName iText Set a string to the clip config (.ini) [PARAMETERS] iSection string The section iName string The name iText string The text ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_readprojectstring iSection iName iDefault Get a string from the project config (.ini) [PARAMETERS] iSection string The section iName string The name iDefault string The default value to return if no section/name found [RETURN] oText string The text ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_writeprojectstring iSection iName iText Set a string to the project config (.ini) [PARAMETERS] iSection string The section iName string The name iText string The text ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_stylusonly [0|1|"toggle"] Manage stylus only option (finger will be no more managed when touching screen) [PARAMETERS] 0|1|"toggle" enum The state [RETURN] 0|1 bool The current/previous state ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_tcmode ["frame"|"timecode"] Manage timecode format [PARAMETERS] "frame"|"timecode" enum The timecode format [RETURN] "frame"|"timecode" enum The previous/current timecode format ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layershowthumbnails iLayerId 0|1 Set the show thumbnail option in the layer [PARAMETERS] iLayerId int The layer id (0 for the current) 0|1 bool The show thumbnail state [RETURN] 0|1 bool The previous state of the show thumbnail [ERROR] "error" string No valid layer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_rngint iX iY Return a random generated number (int) between two value [PARAMETERS] iX int The lower bound iY int The upper bound [RETURN] oResult int The random generated number ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_rngdouble iX iY Return a random generated number (double) between two value [PARAMETERS] iX double The lower bound iY double The upper bound [RETURN] oResult double The random generated number ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_paperenum iIndex Return the name of the n-th paper [PARAMETERS] iIndex int The index of the paper [RETURN] "" string No (more) paper at this index [RETURN] oName string The name of the paper ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_paper ["active" 0|1] ["offsetx" iOffsetX] ["offsety" iOffsetY] ["flipx" 0|1] ["flipy" 0|1] ["hardness" iHardness] ["invert" 0|1] ["size" iSize] ["angle" iAngle] ["name" iName] Manage papers [PARAMETERS] "active" 0|1 bool Manage paper activation "offsetx" iOffsetX double The offset in X "offsety" iOffsetY double The offset in Y "flipx" 0|1 bool The horizontally flip "flipy" 0|1 bool The vertically flip "hardness" iHardness double The hardness "invert" 0|1 bool The invertion of grey (black to white and white to black) "size" iSize double The size (scale in percent) "angle" iAngle double (degres) The angle "name" iName string The name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_paperinfo Return the information of the current paper [RETURN] "Hardness" oHardness "Invert" 0|1 "Size" oSize "Angle" oAngle "OffsetX" oOffsetX "OffsetY" oOffsetY "FlipX" 0|1 "FlipY" 0|1 "Active" 0|1 "Name" oName "Hardness" oHardness double The current hardness "Invert" 0|1 bool The current invertion of grey (black to white and white to black) "Size" oSize double The current size (scale in percent) "Angle" oAngle double (degres) The current angle "OffsetX" oOffsetX double The current offset in X "OffsetY" oOffsetY double The current offset in Y "FlipX" 0|1 bool The current horizontally flip "FlipY" 0|1 bool The current vertically flip "Active" 0|1 bool The current activation "Name" oName string The current name (If empty, no current paper) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_paperfrombrush iName Create a new paper from the custom brush [PARAMETERS] iName string The name of the new paper file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +10.5.2 tv_pegholesset ["w" iWidth] ["h" iHeight] ["c1" iCenterX1 iCenterY1] ["c2" iCenterX2 iCenterY2] ["sw" iWidth] ["sh" iHeight] ["so1" iOffsetX1 iOffsetY1] ["so2" iOffsetX2 iOffsetY2] Manage pegholes [PARAMETERS] "w" iWidth int The width of boxes "h" iHeight int The height of boxes "c1" iCenterX1 iCenterY1 double double The center of box 1 "c2" iCenterX2 iCenterY2 double double The center of box 2 "sw" iWidth int The additional width of for search boxes (added in 11.0.8) "sh" iHeight int The additional height of for search boxes (added in 11.0.8) "so1" iOffsetX1 iOffsetY1 double double The offset of search box 1 (added in 11.0.8) "so2" iOffsetX2 iOffsetY2 double double The offset of search box 2 (added in 11.0.8) [RETURN] "w" oWidth "h" oHeight "c1" oCenterX1 oCenterY1 "c2" oCenterX2 oCenterY2 "sw" oWidth "sh" oHeight "so1" oOffsetX1 oOffsetY1 "so2" oOffsetX2 oOffsetY2 "w" oWidth int The current/previous width of boxes "h" oHeight int The current/previous height of boxes "c1" oCenterX1 oCenterY1 double double The current/previous center of box 1 "c2" oCenterX2 oCenterY2 double double The current/previous center of box 2 "sw" oWidth int The current/previous additional width of for search boxes (added in 11.0.8) "sh" oHeight int The current/previous additional height of for search boxes (added in 11.0.8) "so1" oOffsetX1 oOffsetY1 double double The current/previous offset of search box 1 (added in 11.0.8) "so2" oOffsetX2 oOffsetY2 double double The current/previous offset of search box 2 (added in 11.0.8) [ERROR] "ERROR" string No peghole ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +10.5.2 tv_pegholesapply Apply pegholes [RETURN] "" string Pegholes applied [ERROR] "ERROR" string No peghole ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_spareswap Swap the content of the current image with the spare image ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_sparekill Delete the spare image ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_sparecopy Copy the current image to the spare image ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_sparetofront Copy the spare image in front of the current image ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_sparetoback Copy the spare image behind the current image ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_spareadddensity Add the opacity of the spare image to the current image ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_sparesubdensity Substract the opacity of the spare image to the current image ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_clipnew iName Create a new clip [PARAMETERS] iName string The name of the new clip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_clipduplicate iClipId Duplicate the given clip [PARAMETERS] iClipId int The id of the clip to duplicate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_clipselect iClipId Activate/Make current the given clip [PARAMETERS] iClipId int The id of the clip to activate (make current) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_clipclose iClipId Remove the given clip [PARAMETERS] iClipId int The id of the clip to remove ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_clipmove iClipId iDstSceneId iDstPosition Move a clip to a another position of (another) scene [PARAMETERS] iClipId int The id of the clip to move iDstSceneId int The id of the destination scene (may be the same as original clip one) iDstPosition int The destination position of the clip inside the destination scene ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_clipname [iClipId [iName]] Manage clip name [PARAMETERS] iClipId int The id of the clip (0 for the current one) iName string The new name of the clip [RETURN] oName string The previous/current name of the current/given clip [ERROR] "" string No clip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_clipcolor [iClipId [iColorIndex]] Manage clip color [PARAMETERS] iClipId int The id of the clip (0 for the current one) iColorIndex int The new color index of the clip [RETURN] oName string The previous/current color index of the current/given clip [ERROR] "" string No clip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_cliphidden [iClipId [0|1]] Manage clip hidability [PARAMETERS] iClipId int The id of the clip (0 for the current one) 0|1 bool The new hidability of the clip [RETURN] 0|1 bool The previous/current hidability of the current/given clip [ERROR] "" string No clip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_clipselection iClipId [0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle"] Manage clip selection [PARAMETERS] iClipId int The id of the clip (0 for the current one) 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle" enum The new selection state [RETURN] 0|1 bool The previous/current selection state of the given clip [ERROR] -1 int No parameters / No clip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_clipaction iClipId [iAction] Manage the action text of the clip [PARAMETERS] iClipId int The id of the clip (0 for the current one) iAction string The action text (add \n to add a new line) [RETURN] oAction string The previous/current action text of the given clip [ERROR] "" string No clip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_clipdialog iClipId [iDialog] Manage the dialog text of the clip [PARAMETERS] iClipId int The id of the clip (0 for the current one) iDialog string The dialog text (add \n to add a new line) [RETURN] oDialog string The previous/current dialog text of the given clip [ERROR] "" string No clip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_clipnote iClipId [iNote] Manage the note text of the clip [PARAMETERS] iClipId int The id of the clip (0 for the current one) iNote string The note text (add \n to add a new line) [RETURN] oNote string The previous/current note text of the given clip [ERROR] "" string No clip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_background "color" [iR iG iB] Set the background mode to "color" of the project [PARAMETERS] "color" string The type iR iG iB int int int The color [RETURN] "color" oR oG oB "color" string The type oR oG oB int int int The current/new color of the background ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_background "check" [iR iG iB iR iG iB] Set the background mode to "check" of the project [PARAMETERS] "check" string The type iR iG iB int int int The color 1 iR iG iB int int int The color 2 [RETURN] "check" oR oG oB oR oG oB "check" string The type oR oG oB int int int The current/new color 1 oR oG oB int int int The current/new color 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_background "color" Set the background mode to "none" of the project [PARAMETERS] "color" string The type [RETURN] "none" string The type ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_clipcurrentid Get the id of the current clip [RETURN] oId int Id of the current clip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_clipenumid iSceneId iClipPosition Get the id of the project at the given position inside the given scene [PARAMETERS] iSceneId int The position of the project iClipPosition int The position of the clip in the given scene (or globally) [RETURN] oId int Id of the clip [ERROR] "none" string No valid iClipPosition [EXAMPLE] // get project duration cliprun=1 clipposition=0 frames = 0 WHILE cliprun tv_clipenumid -1 clipposition clipId = result IF CMP(clipId,"none")==1 cliprun = 0 ELSE tv_clipSelect clipId tv_firstImage firstimage = result tv_LastImage lastImage=result frames=frames+(lastImage-firstimage)+1 clipposition=clipposition+1 END END tv_warn frames ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_clipinfo [iClipId] Get the information of the current/given clip [PARAMETERS] iClipId int The clip id [RETURN] "Name" oId "IsCurrent" 0|1 "IsHidden" 0|1 "IsSelected" 0|1 "StoryboardStartFrame" oStoryboardStartFrame "FirstFrame" oFirstFrame "LastFrame" oLastFrame "FrameCount" oFrameCount "MarkIn" oMarkIn "MarkOut" oMarkOut "ColorIdx" oColorIdx "Name" oId string The name "IsCurrent" 0|1 bool The current "IsHidden" 0|1 bool The visibility "IsSelected" 0|1 bool The selection "StoryboardStartFrame" oStoryboardStartFrame int The start frame of the storyboard "FirstFrame" oFirstFrame int The first frame "LastFrame" oLastFrame int The last frame "FrameCount" oFrameCount int The number of frame "MarkIn" oMarkIn int The mark in "MarkOut" oMarkOut int The mark out "ColorIdx" oColorIdx int The color index [ERROR] "" string No valid iClipId ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_bookmarksenum iPosition Get the image index (in the clip) corresponding to the bookmark at the given position [PARAMETERS] iPosition int The position of the bookmark (in the bookmark array) [RETURN] oImage int Index of the image [ERROR] "none" string No valid iPosition ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_bookmarkset iImage Set a bookmark at the given image index [PARAMETERS] iImage int The index of the image ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_bookmarkclear iImage Remove a bookmark at the given image index [PARAMETERS] iImage int The index of the image ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_bookmarktoggle iImage Toggle a bookmark at the given image index [PARAMETERS] iImage int The index of the image ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_bookmarknext Change the current image to the next bookmarked image ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_bookmarkprev Change the current image to the previous bookmarked image ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_firstimage Get the first image of the clip [RETURN] oFirstimage int The first image ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_lastimage Get the last image of the clip [RETURN] oLastimage int The last image ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layerimage iImage Set the current image in the current clip [PARAMETERS] iImage int The new current image ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_getfield Get the field mode [RETURN] "none"|"lower"|"upper" enum The current field mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_startframe [iStartFrame] Manage the start frame of the current clip (generally 1 or 0) [PARAMETERS] iStartFrame int The start frame [RETURN] oStartFrame int The previous/current start frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_getwidth Get the project width [RETURN] oWidth int The width ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_getheight Get the project height [RETURN] oHeight int The height ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_ratio Get the current pixel aspect ratio [RETURN] Ratio int The current ratio ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layergetimage Get the current image of the current clip [RETURN] oImage int The current image ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_notetext 0|1|2|3 iX iY iText Daw a text inside timeline note [PARAMETERS] 0|1|2|3 enum The color index _ 0: black _ 1: blue _ 2: red _ 3: black iX iY double double The position iText string The text (everything after position) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_noterect 0|1|2|3 iX1 iY1 iX2 iY2 Daw/Erase a rectangle inside timeline note [PARAMETERS] 0|1|2|3 enum The color index _ 0: erase _ 1: blue _ 2: red _ 3: black iX1 iY1 double double The top left position iX2 iY2 double double The bottom right position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_noteblitimage iX iY iPath Daw an image inside timeline note [PARAMETERS] iX iY double double The position iPath filesystempath The image file to import Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') [RETURN] "" string Image blit [ERROR] "ERROR -1" string No file "ERROR -2" string Can't read file format ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_notelock [0|1|"on"|"off"|"lock"|"unlock"|"toggle"] Manage lock state of timeline note [PARAMETERS] 0|1|"on"|"off"|"lock"|"unlock"|"toggle" enum The new lock state [RETURN] "on"|"off" enum The previous/current lock state ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_soundclipinfo iClipId iTrackIndex [WARNING] The FadeOutStart/Stop are not in a natural order Get information about a sound track [PARAMETERS] iClipId int The clip id (use 0 for the current one) iTrackIndex int The index of the track [RETURN] oOffset oVolume 0|1 oFadeInStart oFadeInStop oFadeOutStart oFadeOutStop oPath oIn oOut oColorIndex oOffset double The current offset oVolume double The current volume 0|1 bool The current mute oFadeInStart double The current fade in start oFadeInStop double The current fade in stop oFadeOutStart double The current fade out start oFadeOutStop double The current fade out stop oPath filesystempath The current file oIn double The current in oOut double The current out oColorIndex int The current color index [ERROR] -1 int Invalid clip id -2 int Invalid track index -3 int Can't get the track ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_soundclipreload iClipId [iTrackIndex] Reload a sound track from its file [PARAMETERS] iClipId int The clip id (use 0 for all tracks) iTrackIndex int The track index (if not set, reload the first track) [RETURN] 0 int Track reloaded [ERROR] -1 int Invalid clip id -2 int Invalid track index -3 int Can't get the track ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_soundclipnew iPath Add a new sound track [PARAMETERS] iPath filesystempath The path of the sound file Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') [RETURN] 0 int Track added [ERROR] -1 int Not enough parameters -2 int No current clip/clip without mixer -3 int Can't read the file -4 int Can't add track ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_soundclipadjust iTrackIndex [0|1 [iVolume [iOffset [iFadeInStart iFadeInStop iFadeOutStart iFadeOutStop [iColorIndex]]]]] Modify a sound track [PARAMETERS] iTrackIndex int The track index 0|1 bool The mute iVolume double The volume iOffset double The offset iFadeInStart double The fade in start iFadeInStop double The fade in stop iFadeOutStart double The fade out start iFadeOutStop double The fade out stop iColorIndex int The color index [RETURN] 0 int Track modified [ERROR] -2 int No current clip/clip without mixer -2 int Invalid track index -3 int Can't get the track ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_soundclipremove [iTrackIndex] Remove a sound track [PARAMETERS] iTrackIndex int The track index (if 0 or not set, remove the first one) [RETURN] 0 int Track removed [ERROR] -1 int No current clip/clip without mixer -2 int Invalid track index -3 int Can't remove track ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_clear [0|1] Clear (or fill with BPen) the current image (selection) of the current layer [PARAMETERS] 0|1 enum The action _ 0: clear _ 1: fill with BPen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layerhold Copy the current image of the current layer into an internal buffer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layerfetch Paste (centered) the image copied with tv_layerhold into the current image of the current layer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_imagepop Paste the last image stored on the LIFO stack with tv_imagepush into the current image of the current layer (manage selection during pasting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_imagepush Push a copy of the current image of the current layer on a LIFO stack (Last In First Out) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_fieldcopy 0|1 Duplicate each (odd or even) lines of the current image [PARAMETERS] 0|1 enum The direction _ 0: copy even to odd lines _ 1: copy odd to even lines [COMMENT] Generates a "complete" image starting from an image composed of two interlaced fields (extracted from a video animation). This command is only applied to the current image in the current layer. The order argument may be equal to 0 or 1. With its default value (0), this command will copy even lines in the image onto odd lines (line 0 onto line 1, line 2 onto line 3, etc.). If it is equal to 1, it copies odd lines in the image onto even lines (line 1 onto line 0, line 3 onto line 2, etc.). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_fielddouble 0|1 Interlace 2 images (the current one and another one in the spare) [PARAMETERS] 0|1 enum The interlace order _ 0: even lines of the current image and odd lines of the spare one _ 1: odd lines of the current image and even lines of the spare one [ERROR] "ERROR -1" string No spare image [COMMENT] Generates an image composed of two interlaced fields starting from two "complete" images. This command is only applicable to the current image in the current layer. It is used mainly for video animations. Before you can use it, you must copy an image into the spare image, display the other image as the current image in the current layer, and then run the command. It will interlace these two images, by using one line out of every two in the spare image and one line out of two in the current image in the current layer. All you need to do then is to save the image. The order argument may be equal to 0 or 1. If it is equal to 0, the command uses the first line in the current image in the current layer, and the second line in the spare image, etc. If it is equal to 1, it does the opposite, taking the first line in the spare image, the second line in the current image in the current layer, etc.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_text iX iY 0|1 iText Draw a text on the current image [PARAMETERS] iX iY int int The position of the text 0|1 enum The color _ 0: APen _ 1: BPen iText string The text ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_getpixellayer ["brush"|"spare"|"undo"] iX iY Get color of the source [PARAMETERS] "brush"|"spare"|"undo" enum The source (if no source, the current image of the current layer is used) iX iY double double The coordinate [RETURN] oR oG oB oA int int int int Color in the source at the given position [ERROR] "none" string Source not valid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_getpixel iX iY Get the color of pixel in the current layer image [PARAMETERS] iX iY double double The coordinate [RETURN] oR oG oB oA int int int int The pixel color [ERROR] 0 0 0 0 int int int int Transparent pixel if x or y are outside image (but not necessary an error as an image can contain transparent pixel) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_writepixel iX iY iR iG iB iA Write a single pixel in the current image [PARAMETERS] iX iY int int The coordinate iR iG iB iA int int int int The color ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_imagegetbound ["format" "xyxy"|"xywh"] Get the bounding box of the image content [PARAMETERS] "format" "xyxy"|"xywh" enum The bounding box format _ "xyxy": X1 Y1 X2 Y2 _ "xywh": X Y Width Height (default) [RETURN] "empty" string An empty image [RETURN] oX1 oY1 oX2 oY2 oX1 oY1 int int The top-left corner of the bounding box oX2 oY2 int int The bottom-right corner of the bounding box [RETURN] oX oY oW oH oX oY int int The top-left corner of the bounding box oW oH int int The size of the bounding box [ERROR] -1 int No valid format ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_flipimagey Flip the current image vertically ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_flipimagex Flip the current image horizontally ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_instancename iLayerId "mode" "all" ["prefix" iPrefix] Rename all instances [PARAMETERS] iLayerId int The layer (0 for the current one) "mode" "all" string The mode "prefix" iPrefix string The prefix [RETURN] "" string Instance renamed [ERROR] -1 int Not enough parameters -2 int No valid parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_instancename iLayerId "mode" "smart" ["prefix" iPrefix] ["suffix" iSuffix] ["process" "empty"|"number"|"text"] ... Rename all instances by keeping indentical names for identical images [PARAMETERS] iLayerId int The layer (0 for the current one) "mode" "smart" string The mode "prefix" iPrefix string The prefix "suffix" iSuffix string The suffix "process" "empty"|"number"|"text" enum The name to process (if the parameter is not provided, it's like all are set): _ "empty": rename instances without name _ "number": rename instances with name corresponding to a number _ "text": rename instances not inside both previous case [RETURN] "" string Instances renamed [ERROR] -1 int Not enough parameters -2 int No valid parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +10.0.7 tv_instancesetname iLayerId iFrame iName Set the name of an instance [PARAMETERS] iLayerId int The layer (0 for the current one) iFrame int The frame iName string The new name [RETURN] oName string The new name [ERROR] "ERROR -1" string No valid layer / no valid image / locked layer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +10.0.7 tv_instancegetname iLayerId iFrame Get the name of an instance [PARAMETERS] iLayerId int The layer (0 for the current one) iFrame int The frame [RETURN] oName string The name [ERROR] "ERROR -1" string No valid layer / no valid image ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_exposureinfo iFrame Get exposure information about the frame [PARAMETERS] iFrame int The frame [RETURN] "none" string The frame is outside the current layer [RETURN] "exposure" oRepeatCount 0 "exposure" string The frame is an exposure oRepeatCount int The repeat images count 0 int Always 0 [RETURN] "head" string The frame is a head ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_exposurefauxfixe iFrame iRepeatCount Set repeat images of an exposure [PARAMETERS] iFrame int The frame iRepeatCount int The number of repeat images [RETURN] oRepeatCount 0 oRepeatCount int The previous number of repeat images 0 int Always 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +9.0 tv_exposurenext Go to the next instance head [RETURN] oCurrentFrame int The 'new' current frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +9.0 tv_exposureprev Go to the previous instance head (*before* the current instance) [RETURN] oCurrentFrame int The 'new' current frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_exposurebreak iFrame Break an exposure at the given frame [PARAMETERS] iFrame int The frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_exposureadd iFrame iCount Add new exposure(s) [PARAMETERS] iFrame int The frame iCount int The number of new exposure(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_exposureset iFrame iCount Set a new number of exposure(s) [PARAMETERS] iFrame int The frame iCount int The number of new exposure(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layerinfo [iLayerId] Get information of the current/given layer [PARAMETERS] iLayerId int The layer id [RETURN] "on"|"off" oPosition 0-255 oName "image"|"sequence"|"xsheet"|"scribbles" oFirstFrame oLastFrame 0 0 0|1 0|1 "on"|"off"|"invert" "on"|"off" enum The visibility oPosition int The position in the layers stack 0-255 int The density oName string The layer's name "image"|"sequence"|"xsheet"|"scribbles" enum The type oFirstFrame int The first frame oLastFrame int The last frame 0 int unused 0 int unused 0|1 bool Is it selected 0|1 bool Is it editable "on"|"off"|"invert" enum The stencil state ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layercurrentid Get the id of the current layer [RETURN] oLayerId int The id of the new layer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layergetid iLayerPosition Get the id of the layer at the given position [PARAMETERS] iLayerPosition int The position of the layer in the layers stack [RETURN] oLayerId int The layer id [RETURN] "none" string No layer at the given position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layergetpos [iLayerId] Get the position of the current/given layer [PARAMETERS] iLayerId int The layer id [RETURN] oLayerPosition int The position in the layers stack [ERROR] "none" string No layer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layercreate iName Create a new image layer with the given name [PARAMETERS] iName string The name of the new layer [RETURN] oLayerId int The id of the new layer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layerduplicate iNewName Duplicate the current layer and make it current [PARAMETERS] iNewName string The name of the duplicated layer [RETURN] oLayerId int The new id ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layermove iPosition Move the current layer to a new position in the layers stack [PARAMETERS] iPosition int The new layer position Note that the new position must be determined relative to the current layer list If the list contains two layers (layer 0 and layer 1 in order) and if you want to place layer 0 after layer 1, the necessary command is tv_layermove 2 [RETURN] "" string Layer moved [ERROR] "ERROR -1" string Can't move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layerkill [iLayerId] Delete the current/given layer [PARAMETERS] iLayerId int The layer id [ERROR] "ERROR -1" string No valid layer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layerrename iLayerId iName Rename a layer [PARAMETERS] iLayerId int The layer id (0 for the current one) iName string The name [ERROR] oERROR -1 string No valid layer [EXAMPLE] // To use name with space(s): tv_layerrename 0 '"my new name with spaces"' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layeranim Convert a layer to an anim layer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layerset iLayerId Make the given layer the current one [PARAMETERS] iLayerId int The layer id [RETURN] "" string Layer set [ERROR] "ERROR -1" string No valid layer [COMMENT] It may be a good practice to use tv_updateUndo after tv_layerSet. Because using tv_layerset between tv_undoopenstack and tv_undoclosestack can cause a crash bug without using tv_updateundo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layermerge iLayerId [iBlendingMode] ["stamp"] ["erase"] ["keepcolorgroup" 0|1] ["keepimagemark" 0|1] ["keepinstancename" 0|1] Merge the given layer with the current one [PARAMETERS] iLayerId int The layer id iBlendingMode enum The blending mode _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" _ "shade" _ "light" _ "colorize" _ "hue" _ "saturation" _ "value" _ "add" _ "sub" _ "multiply" _ "screen" _ "replace" _ "copy" _ "difference" _ "divide" _ "overlay" _ "overlay2" _ "light2" _ "shade2" _ "hardlight" _ "softlight" _ "grainextract" _ "grainmerge" _ "sub2" _ "darken" _ "lighten" "stamp" string Activate the stamp mode "erase" string Erase the source layer "keepcolorgroup" 0|1 bool Keep the color group (added in 11.0.8) "keepimagemark" 0|1 bool Keep the image mark (added in 11.0.8) "keepinstancename" 0|1 bool Keep the instance name (added in 11.0.8) [ERROR] "ERROR -1" string No valid layer [HISTORIC] modification in 11.0.8: Default behavior slightly changed when parameters are omitted _ before: no new parameter -> don't keep anything (as it was not managed) _ after: no new parameter -> keep anything ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layermergeall ["keepcolorgroup" 0|1] ["keepimagemark" 0|1] ["keepinstancename" 0|1] Merge all layers [PARAMETERS] "keepcolorgroup" 0|1 bool Keep the color group (added in 11.0.8) "keepimagemark" 0|1 bool Keep the image mark (added in 11.0.8) "keepinstancename" 0|1 bool Keep the instance name (added in 11.0.8) [ERROR] "ERROR -1" string No valid layer [HISTORIC] modification in 11.0.8: Default behavior slightly changed when parameters are omitted _ before: no parameter -> don't keep anything (as it was not managed) _ after: no parameter -> keep anything ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layercopy Copy the current image or the selected ones ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layercut Cut the current image or the selected ones ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layerpaste Paste the previously copy/cut images on the current layer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layerinsertimage [0|1] Add a new image after the current one and make it current [PARAMETERS] 0|1 enum The action _ 0: the new image is duplicated from the previous 'current one' _ 1: the new image is empty [RETURN] oFrame int The previous 'current frame' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layerinsertimage ["count" iCount] ["direction" "before"|"after"] Add new image(s) before/after the current one and make it current [PARAMETERS] "count" iCount int The number of new images (added in 11.0.0) "direction" "before"|"after" enum The direction to add the new images from the current image (added in 11.0.0) [RETURN] oFrame int The previous 'current frame' [ERROR] ERROR xx int No valid count value / can't insert/add new image(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +9.5.20 tv_layercompareimage iLayerId1 iImage1 iLayerId2 iImage2 Compare 2 images of 2 layers [PARAMETERS] iLayerId1 int The first layer (use 0 for the current one) iImage1 int The image in the first layer iLayerId2 int The second layer (use 0 for the current one) iImage2 int The image in the second layer [RETURN] 0|1 bool 0 = No images match / 1 = Images match ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layerrecomputeexposure [iLayerId [iStart iStop iThreshold]] Recompute exposure of the current/given layer [PARAMETERS] iLayerId int The layer to recompute iStart int The frame to start recomputing iStop int The frame to stop recomputing iThreshold double Difference value, under which the frames become exposures of the previous instance (default: 0.0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layerinvert Invert the selected images ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layershift iLayerId iStartFrame Move the layer to a new frame [PARAMETERS] iLayerId int The layer id iStartFrame int The new start frame [ERROR] "ERROR -1" string No valid layer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layerstretch iLayerId "start"|"end" iSize "timestretch"|"cut"|"last"|"loop"|"pingpong"|"clear"|"fast"|"exposure" Stretch the given layer [PARAMETERS] iLayerId int The layer id (0 for the current) "start"|"end" enum Stretch the first or the last frame of the layer iSize int Number of frame to add (positive value) or to remove (negative value) "timestretch"|"cut"|"last"|"loop"|"pingpong"|"clear"|"fast"|"exposure" enum The stretch mode _ "timestretch": time stretching _ "cut": cut frames (when you reduce the size only) _ "last": hold on last frame _ "loop": looping _ "pingpong": pingpong _ "clear": create empty frames _ "fast": timestretch without interpolation _ "exposure": create empty exposure [ERROR] "ERROR -1" string No valid layer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layermarkget iLayerId iFrame Get the mark of the layer's frame [PARAMETERS] iLayerId int The layer (0 for the current one) iFrame int The frame [RETURN] oMark int The mark [ERROR] "ERROR -1" string No valid layer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layermarkset iLayerId iFrame iMark Set the mark of the layer's frame [PARAMETERS] iLayerId int The layer (0 for the current one) iFrame int The frame iMark int The new mark (0 to remove the mark) [RETURN] oMark int The previous mark [ERROR] "ERROR -1" string No valid layer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layerloaddependencies [iLayerId] Load all dependencies of the current/given layer in memory [PARAMETERS] iLayerId int The layer id ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layerdensity 0-100 Set the current layer density (opacity) [PARAMETERS] 0-100 int The new density [RETURN] oDensity int The previous density ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layerdisplay [iLayerId [0|1|"on"|"off"|"toggle"]] Manage the visibility state of the current/given layer [PARAMETERS] iLayerId int The layer id (use 0 for the current one) 0|1|"on"|"off"|"toggle" enum The new state [RETURN] "on"|"off" enum The previous/current state of the visibility [ERROR] 0 int No valid layer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layerdisplay iLayerId "lighttable" [0|1|"on"|"off"] Manage the lighttable state of the given layer [PARAMETERS] iLayerId int The layer id (use 0 for the current one) "lighttable" string The reference 0|1|"on"|"off" enum The new state [RETURN] "lighttable on"|"lighttable off" enum The previous/current state of the lighttable [ERROR] 0 int No valid layer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layerlock [iLayerId [0|1|"on"|"off"|"lock"|"unlock"|"toggle"]] Manage the lock state of the current/given layer [PARAMETERS] iLayerId int The layer id (use 0 for the current one) 0|1|"on"|"off"|"lock"|"unlock"|"toggle" enum The new state [RETURN] "on"|"off" enum The previous state of the lock [ERROR] "error" string No valid layer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layercollapse iLayerId [0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle"] Manage layer collapse state [PARAMETERS] iLayerId int The layer id (0 for the current) 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle" enum The state [RETURN] 0|1 bool The previous/current state [ERROR] -1 int No parameter -2 int Layer not found -3 int Too much parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layerblendingmode [iLayerId [iDrawingMode]] Manage the layer blending mode of the current/given layer [PARAMETERS] iLayerId int The layer (0 for the current one) iDrawingMode enum The blending mode _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" _ "shade" _ "light" _ "colorize" _ "hue" _ "saturation" _ "value" _ "add" _ "sub" _ "multiply" _ "screen" _ "replace" _ "copy" _ "difference" _ "divide" _ "overlay" _ "overlay2" _ "light2" _ "shade2" _ "hardlight" _ "softlight" _ "grainextract" _ "grainmerge" _ "sub2" _ "darken" _ "lighten" [RETURN] oDrawingMode enum The previous/current blending mode _ "color" _ "behind" _ "erase" _ "shade" _ "light" _ "colorize" _ "hue" _ "saturation" _ "value" _ "add" _ "sub" _ "multiply" _ "screen" _ "replace" _ "copy" _ "difference" _ "divide" _ "overlay" _ "overlay2" _ "light2" _ "shade2" _ "hardlight" _ "softlight" _ "grainextract" _ "grainmerge" _ "sub2" _ "darken" _ "lighten" [ERROR] "ERROR -1" string No valid layer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layerstencil [iLayerId ["on"|"off"] ["normal"|"invert"]] Manage stencil of the current/given layer [PARAMETERS] iLayerId int The layer id "on"|"off" enum The state "normal"|"invert" enum The mode [RETURN] oLayerId "on"|"off" "normal"|"invert" oLayerId int The layer id "on"|"off" enum The previous/current state "normal"|"invert" enum The previous/current mode [ERROR] "ERROR -1" string No valid layer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layerprebehavior iLayerId ["none"|"repeat"|"pingpong"|"hold"] Manage prebehavior of the current/given layer [PARAMETERS] iLayerId int The layer id (0 for the current) "none"|"repeat"|"pingpong"|"hold" enum The behavior [RETURN] "none"|"repeat"|"pingpong"|"hold" enum The previous/current prebehavior [ERROR] "ERROR -1" string No parameter / no valid layer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layerpostbehavior iLayerId ["none"|"repeat"|"pingpong"|"hold"] Manage postbehavior of the current/given layer [PARAMETERS] iLayerId int The layer id (0 for the current) "none"|"repeat"|"pingpong"|"hold" enum The behavior [RETURN] "none"|"repeat"|"pingpong"|"hold" enum The previous/current prebehavior [ERROR] "ERROR -1" string No parameter / no valid layer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layerautobreakinstance iLayerId [0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle"] Manage the layer autobreak instance [PARAMETERS] iLayerId int The layer id (0 for the current) 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle" enum The state [RETURN] 0|1 bool The previous/current state [ERROR] -1 int No parameter -2 int No layer -3 int Too much parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layerautocreateinstance iLayerId [0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle"] Manage the layer autocreate instance [PARAMETERS] iLayerId int The layer id (0 for the current) 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle" enum The state [RETURN] 0|1 bool The previous/current state [ERROR] -1 int No parameter -2 int No layer -3 int Too much parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layerlockposition [iLayerId [0|1|"on"|"off"]] Manage lock position state of the layer [PARAMETERS] iLayerId int The layer id 0|1|"on"|"off" enum The lock position state [RETURN] "on"|"off" enum The previous/current lock position state [ERROR] oERROR -1 string No valid layer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_preserve ["alpha" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"none"|-1|"toggle"] Manage preserve transparency of the current layer [PARAMETERS] "alpha" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"none"|-1|"toggle" enum The preserve transparency state [RETURN] "alpha" "on"|"off" enum The previous/current preserve transparency state [HISTORIC] remove in 10.0: parameters: red, green, blue ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layercolor "getcolor" iClipId iColorIndex Get color information of colors list of the given clip [PARAMETERS] "getcolor" string The function (added in 10.0.8) iClipId int The clip id (0 for the current) (added in 10.0.8) iColorIndex int The color index (added in 10.0.8) [RETURN] oClipId oColorIndex oR oG oB oName oClipId int The clip id oColorIndex int The color index oR oG oB int int int The color oName string The name [ERROR] "error" string Missing parameter / no valid clip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layercolor "setcolor" iClipId iColorIndex iR iG iB [iName] Set color information of colors list of the given clip [PARAMETERS] "setcolor" string The function (added in 10.0.8) iClipId int The clip id (0 for the current) (added in 10.0.8) iColorIndex int The color index (added in 10.0.8) iR iG iB int int int The color (added in 10.0.8) iName string The name (added in 10.0.10) [RETURN] oClipId oColorIndex oR oG oB oName oClipId int The clip id oColorIndex int The color index oR oG oB int int int The color oName string The name [ERROR] "error" string Missing parameter / no valid clip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layercolor "get" [iLayerId] Get the layer color index [PARAMETERS] "get" string The function iLayerId int The layer id [RETURN] oColorIndex int The current color index [ERROR] -1 int No valid layer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layercolor "set" iLayerId iColorIndex Set the layer color index [PARAMETERS] "set" string The function iLayerId int The layer id iColorIndex int The color index [RETURN] oColorIndex int The previous color index [ERROR] -1 int No valid layer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layercolor "lock" iColorIndex Lock all layers with the color index [PARAMETERS] "lock" string The function iColorIndex int The color index [RETURN] oCount int The number of locked layers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layercolor "unlock" iColorIndex Unlock all layers with the color index [PARAMETERS] "unlock" string The function iColorIndex int The color index [RETURN] oCount int The number of unlocked layers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layercolor "show" "display"|"timeline" iColorIndex Show all layers with the color index [PARAMETERS] "show" string The function "display"|"timeline" enum _ "display": activate the layers to show them in the display _ "timeline": uncollpase layers from maximum collapse (2px height) in the timeline iColorIndex int The color index [RETURN] oCount int The number of showed layers (if 'display') [RETURN] 0 int Uncollapsed (if 'timeline') [ERROR] "error" string Wrong parameter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layercolor "hide" "display"|"timeline" iColorIndex Hide all layers with the color index [PARAMETERS] "hide" string The function "display"|"timeline" enum The mode _ "display": desactivate the layers to hide them in the display _ "timeline": collpase layers from maximum collapse (2px height) in the timeline iColorIndex int The color index [RETURN] oCount int The number of hidded layers (if 'display') [RETURN] 0 int Collapsed (if 'timeline') [ERROR] "error" string Wrong parameter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layercolor "visible" iColorIndex Get the visibility of the color index (2px height) in the timeline [PARAMETERS] "visible" string The function (added in 10.0.18) iColorIndex int The color index (added in 10.0.18) [RETURN] 0|1 bool Color is visible (or hidden) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layercolor "select" iColorIndex Select all layers of the given color index [PARAMETERS] "select" string The function iColorIndex int The color index [RETURN] oCount int The number of selected layers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layercolor "unselect" iColorIndex Unselect all layers of the given color index [PARAMETERS] "unselect" string The function iColorIndex int The color index [RETURN] oCount int The number of unselected layers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layerselection iLayerId [0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle"] Manage layer selection [PARAMETERS] iLayerId int The id of the layer 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle" enum The new selection state [RETURN] 0|1 bool The previous/current selection state of the given layer [ERROR] -1 int No parameters / can't find layer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layerselect iStartFrame iCount Select image(s) in the current layer [PARAMETERS] iStartFrame int The first image to select. It becomes the current image in the layer. iCount int The number of images to select [RETURN] oCount int The 'real' number of selected images [COMMENT] If the start position is before the beginning of the layer, the selection will only start at the beginning of the layer, but its length will be measured from the start position. This means that if you ask for a selection of 15 frames starting from position 0 in a layer that actually starts at position 5, only the first 10 frames in the layer will be selected. If the selection goes beyond the end of the layer, it will only include the frames between the start and end of the layer. No frames will be selected if the start position is beyond the end of the layer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_layerselectinfo ["full"] Select image(s) in the current layer [PARAMETERS] "full" string Always get the selection range, even on a non anim/ctg layer [RETURN] oStartFrame oCount oStartFrame int The first selected image oCount int The number of selected images ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_projectinfo [iProjectId] Get info of the current/given project [PARAMETERS] iProjectId string The project id (empty for the current one) [RETURN] oPath oWidth oHeight oPixelAspectRatio oFrameRate "none"|"lower"|"upper" oStartFrame oPath filesystempath The path oWidth int The width oHeight int The height oPixelAspectRatio double The pixel aspect ratio oFrameRate double The framerate "none"|"lower"|"upper" enum The field order oStartFrame int The start frame [ERROR] "" string No project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_projectnew iPath iWidth iHeight [iPixelAspectRatio [iFrameRate ["none"|"lower"|"upper" [iStartFrame]]]] Create a new project [PARAMETERS] iPath filesystempath The project path Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') iWidth int The project width iHeight int The project height iPixelAspectRatio double The project pixel aspect ratio iFrameRate double The project framerate "none"|"lower"|"upper" enum The project fieldorder iStartFrame int The project start frame [RETURN] oProjectId string The new project id [ERROR] "" string Wrong size / can't create project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_resizepage iWidth iHeight 0|1|2 Create a new resized project and close the current one [PARAMETERS] iWidth int The width iHeight int The height 0|1|2 enum The way the content will be processed _ 0: empty _ 1: crop _ 2: stretch [ERROR] "ERROR -1" string Can't create a new project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_resizeproject iWidth iHeight Resize the current project [PARAMETERS] iWidth int The width iHeight int The height [ERROR] "ERROR -1" string Can't create a new project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_projectduplicate Duplicate the current project [RETURN] oProjectId string Id of the duplicated project [ERROR] 0 int Can't duplicate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_projectclose [iProjectId] Close the current/given project [PARAMETERS] iProjectId string The project to close ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_projectselect iProjectId Make the given project current [PARAMETERS] iProjectId string The project id ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_projectcurrentid Get the id of the current project [RETURN] oId string Id of the current project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_projectenumid iPosition Get the id of the project at the given position [PARAMETERS] iPosition int The position of the project [RETURN] oId string Id of the current project [ERROR] "none" string No valid iPosition ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_projectrendercamera [iProjectId] Render the current/given project in camera view to another new project [PARAMETERS] iProjectId string The project id [RETURN] oProjectId string The new project id [ERROR] "error" string No valid project id / can't create a the new rendered project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_markin "project" [iImage] ["set"|"clear"] [WARNING] // tv_markin and tv_markout falsely returns a whitespace in end of state so you should CMP with "set " insead of "set" tv_markIn PARSE result frame type tv_warn "#"type"#" IF CMP(type,"set ")==1 tv_warn "Mark In is Set" ELSE tv_warn "MARK In is Clear" END Manage markin in the project [PARAMETERS] "project" string The reference iImage int The image index to markin (if not given, manage the current one) "set"|"clear" enum Add or remove a/the markin [RETURN] "project" oImage "set"|"clear" "project" string The reference oImage int The markin image "set"|"clear" enum The previous/current status of the markin in the project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_markin ["clip"] [iImage] ["set"|"clear"] [WARNING] // tv_markin and tv_markout falsely returns a whitespace in end of state so you should CMP with "set " insead of "set" tv_markIn PARSE result frame type tv_warn "#"type"#" IF CMP(type,"set ")==1 tv_warn "Mark In is Set" ELSE tv_warn "MARK In is Clear" END Manage markin in the clip [PARAMETERS] "clip" string The reference iImage int The image index to markin (if not given, manage the current one) "set"|"clear" enum Add or remove a/the markin [RETURN] oImage "set"|"clear" oImage int The markin image "set"|"clear" enum The previous/current status of the markin in the clip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_markout "project" [iImage] ["set"|"clear"] [WARNING] // tv_markin and tv_markout falsely returns a whitespace in end of state so you should CMP with "set " insead of "set" tv_markIn PARSE result frame type tv_warn "#"type"#" IF CMP(type,"set ")==1 tv_warn "Mark In is Set" ELSE tv_warn "MARK In is Clear" END Manage markout in the project [PARAMETERS] "project" string The reference iImage int The image index to markout (if not given, manage the current one) "set"|"clear" enum Add or remove a/the markout [RETURN] "project" oImage "set"|"clear" "project" string The reference oImage int The markout image "set"|"clear" enum The previous/current status of the markout in the project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_markout ["clip"] [iImage] ["set"|"clear"] [WARNING] // tv_markin and tv_markout falsely returns a whitespace in end of state so you should CMP with "set " insead of "set" tv_markIn PARSE result frame type tv_warn "#"type"#" IF CMP(type,"set ")==1 tv_warn "Mark In is Set" ELSE tv_warn "MARK In is Clear" END Manage markout in the clip [PARAMETERS] "clip" string The reference iImage int The image index to markout (if not given, manage the current one) "set"|"clear" enum Add or remove a/the markout [RETURN] oImage "set"|"clear" oImage int The markout image "set"|"clear" enum The previous/current status of the markout in the clip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_projectcurrentframe [iFrame] Manage the current frame of the current project [PARAMETERS] iFrame int The new current frame [RETURN] oFrame int The previous/current 'current frame' [ERROR] "hidden" string The current clip is hidden ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_projectsaveaudiodependencies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_projectsavevideodependencies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_framerate iFrameRate ["timestretch"] Manage framerate of the project [PARAMETERS] iFrameRate double The framerate "timestretch" string Change the project framerate and convert the project with interpolation (if not set, it just changes the project framerate value without convertion) [RETURN] oFrameRate double The previous framerate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_framerate iFrameRate "preview" Manage framerate of the preview (playback) [PARAMETERS] iFrameRate double The framerate "preview" string Change the preview speed (in the project view) (added in 10.0.10) [RETURN] oFrameRate "preview" oFrameRate double The previous framerate "preview" string The target ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_framerate 1 "info" Get framerate information of the project [PARAMETERS] 1 int Not used "info" string Get framerates information (added in 10.0.10) [RETURN] oFramerateProject oFrameratePlayback oFramerateProject double The current project framerate oFrameratePlayback double The current playback framerate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_getprojectname Get the current project path [RETURN] oName filesystempath The path ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_projectheaderinfo iProjectId [iInfo] Manage project header info [PARAMETERS] iProjectId string The project id iInfo string The info [RETURN] oInfo string The previous/current info [ERROR] "error" string No valid project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_projectheaderauthor iProjectId [iAuthor] Manage project header author [PARAMETERS] iProjectId string The project id iAuthor string The author [RETURN] oAuthor string The previous/current author [ERROR] "error" string No valid project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_projectheadernotes iProjectId [iNotes] Manage project header author [PARAMETERS] iProjectId string The project id iNotes string The notes (Use '\n' to add new line) [RETURN] oNotes string The previous/current notes [ERROR] "error" string No valid project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_soundprojectinfo iProjectId iTrackIndex [WARNING] The FadeOutStart/Stop are not in a natural order Get information about a sound track [PARAMETERS] iProjectId string The project id (use 0 for the current one) iTrackIndex int The index of the track [RETURN] oOffset oVolume 0|1 oFadeInStart oFadeInStop oFadeOutStop oFadeOutStart oPath oIn oOut oColorIndex oOffset double The current offset oVolume double The current volume 0|1 bool The current mute oFadeInStart double The current fade in start oFadeInStop double The current fade in stop oFadeOutStop double The current fade out stop oFadeOutStart double The current fade out start oPath filesystempath The current file oIn double The current in oOut double The current out oColorIndex int The current color index [ERROR] -1 int Not enough parameters/invalid project id -2 int Invalid track index -3 int Can't get the track [EXAMPLE] // Adjust the second sound to match the first one information soundIndex = 0 tv_SoundProjectInfo 0 soundIndex soundInfo = result PARSE soundInfo offset volume mute fadeInStart fadeInStop fadeOutStop fadeOutStart soundfilename in out colorIndex offset = offset + 1 tv_SoundProjectAdjust soundIndex mute volume offset fadeInStart fadeInStop fadeOutStart fadeOutStop colorIndex ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_soundprojectnew iPath Add a new sound track [PARAMETERS] iPath filesystempath The path of the sound file Info: For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write (to not manage the string as a variable) tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ... For path with spaces, you need to write: (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation) tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ... The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with: simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (') [RETURN] 0 int Track added [ERROR] -1 int Not enough parameters -3 int Can't read the file -4 int Can't add track ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_soundprojectremove [iTrackIndex] Remove a sound track [PARAMETERS] iTrackIndex int The track index (if 0 or not set, remove the first one) [RETURN] 0 int Track removed [ERROR] -2 int Invalid track index [EXAMPLE] // Remove all sounds run=1 WHILE run tv_SoundProjectRemove 0 IF result<0 run=0 END END ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_soundprojectreload iProjectId [iTrackIndex] Reload a sound track from its file [PARAMETERS] iProjectId string The project id (use 0 for the current one) iTrackIndex int The track index (if not set, reload all tracks) [RETURN] 0 int Track reloaded [ERROR] -1 int Invalid project id -2 int Invalid track index -3 int Can't get the track ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_soundprojectadjust iTrackIndex [0|1 [iVolume [iOffset [iFadeInStart iFadeInStop iFadeOutStart iFadeOutStop [iColorIndex]]]]] Modify a sound track [PARAMETERS] iTrackIndex int The track index 0|1 bool The mute iVolume double The volume iOffset double The offset iFadeInStart double The fade in start iFadeInStop double The fade in stop iFadeOutStart double The fade out start iFadeOutStop double The fade out stop iColorIndex int The color index [RETURN] 0 int Track modified [ERROR] -2 int Invalid track index -3 int Can't get the track ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_scenenew Create a new scene (with a new clip) after the scene of the current clip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_sceneduplicate iSceneId Duplicate the given scene [PARAMETERS] iSceneId int The id of the scene to duplicate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_sceneclose iSceneId Remove the given scene [PARAMETERS] iSceneId int The id of the scene to remove ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_scenemove iSceneId iDstPosition Move a clip to a another position of (another) scene [PARAMETERS] iSceneId int The id of the scene to move (0 for the one with the current clip) iDstPosition int The destination position of the scene inside the project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_scenecurrentid Get the id of the current scene [RETURN] oId int Id of the current scene ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_sceneenumid iScenePosition Get the id of the scene at the given position [PARAMETERS] iScenePosition int The position of the scene [RETURN] oId int Id of the scene [ERROR] "none" string No valid iScenePosition ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_updateundo Copies the contents of the current image in the current layer into the buffer undo memory. None of the draw commands described in this section updates this buffer memory. If you click on the Undo button after executing a George program, everything that the program has drawn in your image will be deleted. With this function you can update the undo buffer memory whenever you wish (for example at the beginning of the program). [COMMENT] It may be a good practice to use tv_updateUndo after tv_layerSet. Because using tv_layerset between tv_undoopenstack and tv_undoclosestack can cause a crash bug without using tv_updateundo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_undo Do an undo [RETURN] 0|1 bool An undo was done or not ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_undoopenstack Open an 'undo' stack. Surround a piece of code with tv_undoopenstack ... tv_undoclosestack, then multiple undo will be added to this stack, and closing this stack will undo everything inside. (To be sure the script returns to the expected result use tv_updateundo before tv_undoopenstack) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_undoclosestack iText Close an 'undo' stack (See tv_undoopenstack) [PARAMETERS] iText string The text of the closed undo stack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_redo [iText] Do a redo [PARAMETERS] iText string The text of the previous undo stack (beause this command close it before making the redo) [RETURN] 0|1 bool A redo was done or not ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_grab "new"|"append"|"current"|"replace" [iCount] Grab image from the video in [PARAMETERS] "new"|"append"|"current"|"replace" enum The way to add new image(s) _ "new": on a new layer _ "append": after the current image _ "current": alias of 'append' _ "replace": the current image (iCount is not used) iCount int Number of new image ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tv_videodevice [0|1 [iVideoDevice [iVideoInput [iVideoMode [iOverlay [0-100]]]]]] Set video device parameters [PARAMETERS] 0|1 enum The video input action _ 0: stop _ 1: start iVideoDevice int The video device iVideoInput int The video input iVideoMode int The video mode iOverlay int The overlay (not used ?) 0-100 int The opacity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------