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Touch Navigation

Posted: 19 Jun 2020, 12:38
by oscar
does TVPaint have touch support? is it possible to zoom & move on a tablet (Microsoft surface)?

Hey TVPaint, I love you!
It's been my favorite animation software for years now. But like most of you I'm also affected by corona regulations, I can't use my wonderful workstation at school. So I got myself a microsoft surface, because I don't want to be confined in my tiny bedroom and at least work outsides, in cafés n stuff. But the keyboard sometimes gets in the way and I would prefer to use just the screen & touch. I don't own the newest TVPaint yet, but is it useful as a tool for animating on a tablet?
Thanks for your help!

Re: Touch Navigation

Posted: 19 Jun 2020, 13:54
by Dean
Hello Oscar,
No Surface-specific touch feature is built inside TVPaint. I know for sure that some tablet brands (including Wacom) allow you to bind certain actions/shortcuts to precise gestures done with your fingers on the tablet, but since Surface users are only a small part of the TVP community, we didn't look into building features specific Surface devices.

Re: Touch Navigation

Posted: 12 Jul 2020, 14:26
by oscar
Hey Dean,
thank you for your answer! I re-read it just now and I was wondering if you meant keystrokes on wacom. Like assigning ctrl+alt+leftclick to a button?
Because what I was talking about was more like touch control on a phone for example. Like: Use two fingers to move the canvas and pinch to zoom. Are there plans to make TVPaint work like that?

Re: Touch Navigation

Posted: 13 Jul 2020, 08:21
by Dean
I was talking about touch controls, no plans are underway to make TVPaint's computer version to work like that currently :)

Re: Touch Navigation

Posted: 17 Jul 2020, 11:31
by oscar
Ah that's sad to hear! It would considerably help the workflow... And I really don't like having to switch to an other software...